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Causes of Impaired Fertility

OBSTACLES TO CONCEPTION What your body may be telling you. ARE YOU RECENTLY POSSIBLE NO OFF HORMONAL NO SECONDARY AMENORRHEA BIRTH CONTROL? Excessive exercise, low or high BMI, thyroid issues and PCOS can cause a cessation of menstruation (5). Tell your doctor. DO YOU YES MENSTRUATE? It can take 2-3 cycles off the Pill to return to normal. Wait it out! YES POSSIBLE DO YOU HAVE DO YOU GET ENDOMETRIOSIS 5% of infertility cases are due to this condition (2). Tell your doctor. HEAVY YES SEVERE YES MENSTRUATION? CRAMPS? NO NO YES PERIOD POSSIBLE TRACKING DO YOU HAVE → IRREGULAR HYPOTHYROIDISM which can cause anovulation CYCLES? and cycle irregularities (7). Tell your doctor. NO POSSIBLE POSSIBLE PCOS MISTIMED SEX Use the Fertility Awareness Method to identify the times you're most likely to conceive. 70% of incidents of anovulation are due to this hereditary condition (1). Tell your doctor. POSSIBLE INSUFFICIENT LH & FSH DO YOU HAVE A YES Your pituitary gland may not be producing luteinising hormone or follicle stimulating hormone (1). Tell your doctor. YES LOW BMI? ARE YOU BASAL BODY OVULATING? NO POSSIBLE A mid-cycle rise in BBT indicates ovulation. TEMPERATURE DO YOU HAVE A ANDROGEN EXCESS which causes low progesterone and estrogen (6). Tell your doctor. YES (BBT) HIGH BMI? DO YOU HAVE A POSSIBLE YES SHORT LUTEAL PHASE? YES LUTEAL PHASE DEFECT A post-ovulatory phase of fewer than 10 days. due to low progesterone. Sometimes due to PCOS (4). Tell your doctor. DO YOU HAVE ARE YOU ARE YOU RECENTLY LITTLE TO NO YES TAKING NO OFF HORMONAL NO CERVICAL FLUID? CLOMID? BIRTH CONTROL? YES YES ONE OF MANY OTHER CAUSES CERVICAL NO 3% of infertility cases are due to cervical fluid problems. Causes include diet, stress and hormonal issues (2). Tell your doctor. It can take 2-3 cycles off If you're ovulating, Clomid may not help. It may reduce cervical fluid (3). Tell your doctor. the Pill to return to FLUID normal. Wait it out! DO YOU HAVE POSSIBLE THICK CERVICAL ARE YOU YES NO HOSTILE CERVICAL FLUID FLUID WHEN DEHYDRATED? Thick & sticky cervical fluid when fertile can hinder sperm. Causes include diet, stress and hormonal issues (3). Tell your doctor. FERTILE? YES DRINK WATER Dehydration can result in less fertile-quality cervical fluid (3). KINDARA Sources available on

Causes of Impaired Fertility

shared by kristinlindquist on Jul 15
The Kindara app and the Fertility Awareness Method can provide a wealth of information about conditions that impair fertility in women trying to conceive. Check out the flow chart below to understand ...






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