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Can weight loss save you money?

CAN WEIGHT LOSS SAVE YOU MONEY? If looking better and feeling better doesn't motivate you to drop a few pounds, perhaps cold hard cash is the incentive you need to revamp your diet and hit the treadmil. 12 MILLION But can whittling your waistline really add some heft to your wallet? SAVING at the doctor's The number of adults in the United States currently affected by obesity. A person who is obese has annual medical costs $1,429 higher than someone of a ÖFFICE 087090 normal weight. EAT LESS, • SPEND Does dropping a few LESS ?? pants sizes trim food 111 costs? Quite possibly. If your dinners cost $5 a meal and you split them in half – eating half one night and half another night - you save $912.50 a year. Extra body weight is associated with numerous health conditions,ranging from diabetes to heart CUTTING insurance PREMIUMS A person's physical health has a big impact on life insurance rates. disease. Policyholders who are overweight often pay higher premiums because they are at increased risk for many health problems. Notea: BOOST YOUR SALARY Just one soda a - day can cause 15 pounds of weight gain per year. 15 Being overweight can also have one hidden cost that many overlook: a negative impact on wages and salary. POUNDS All things being equal, employers may not hire an overweight or obese person over others because of the risk of increased health care costs.

Can weight loss save you money?

shared by Bankrate on Jul 26
Can whittling your waistline really add some heft to your wallet?


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