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Best Varicose Veins Center in Hyderabad - Varicose Veins Hospital in Hyderabad - Varicose Veins operation in Hyderabad

What are Varicose Veins? Varicose veins are veins beneath the skin that have grown enlarged, twisting and bulging. They are usually seen in the limbs and feet.They are common conditions affected by inadequate or damaged vein walls and most of the time does not cause any problems. Do Varicose Veins cause any symptoms/problems? • Varicose veins may not cause any pain. Signs you may have varicose veins include: 1. Veins that are deep purple or blue in colour. 2. Veins that look twisted and bulging; are often like cords on the legs. • When severe symptoms occur, they may involve: 1. A dull ache, a sensation of weight in the legs particularly on standing or sitting for lengthy hours. 2. Burning, throbbing, cramping and bulging in the lower legs 3. Worsened injury after sitting or standing for a long time 4. tching around one or more of your veins Normal vein Varicose vein Valve Dlated Abeormal blood Normal vein blood flaw lew Dafarmed valve Treatment of Varicose Veins Active treatment for Varicose Veins may not always be medically important particularly in the initial stages. However, a lot of cases, mainly women opt for surgery due to cosmetic purposes. 1. LIFEŞTYLE MODIFICATIONS 2. VENOUS STOCKINGS / COMPRESSION STOCKINGS 3. MEDICATION 4. TRENDELENBERG SURGERY / OPEN SURGERY 5. LIGATION AND STRIPPING 6. ENDOVENOUS LASER ABLATION ( EVLA ) HEALING HANDS -CLINIC e 8888288884 O * [email protected]

Best Varicose Veins Center in Hyderabad - Varicose Veins Hospital in Hyderabad - Varicose Veins operation in Hyderabad

shared by hhcpune on Sep 30
Varicose veins are veins beneath the skin that have grown enlarged, twisting and bulging. It may happen whenever blood pressure rises inside the veins.


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