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9 Easy dental care tips

EASY DENTAL CARE TIPS Make your dentist proud by building these effective oral care habits. new WellPoint survey that examines how we view dental coverage benefits, "Americans over age 45 understand that good oral care can positively affect their overall heath." With retirement around the corner, the cost of dental care coverage is being weighed strongly. Eating foods such as yogurt, cheese and soybeans will keep your teeth strong. Hard, crunchy foods, such as carrots and apples, can clean your teeth naturally. Vitamin D, most of which we get from the sun's rays, helps us absorb the calcium in our body. Make sure you are brushing and flossing twice-a-day – every day! flossing after dinner could even help you lose weight by discouraging bedtime snacking. Diets that are deficient in vitamin C can cause See your dentist every six months. Your teeth may not look dirty from the outside, but bacteria and plaque lurks in places you cannot see in evere dental problems,such as orange to boost your body's ability to fight those destructive the mirror. symptoms. Foods high in sugar, like candy (particularly the sticky types), convert to acids inside your mouth and can cause the Rinse out your mouth with mouthwash, or at least water, after every meal. This practice will help kill germs. harmful decay you're trying to avoid. Foods that promote saliva production, such as tart or sour foods including lemons, limes, cherries and cranberries, can help your body fight bacteria in your mouth.

9 Easy dental care tips

shared by alexnob on Feb 05
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Make your dentist proud by building these effective oral care habits. New WellPoin survey that examines how we view dental coverage benefits. Read more here:,9-Easy-...






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