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7 Ways to Make your Meditation Feel Less like Work

7 ways to make your meditation feel less like work Find the meditation style that feels easy for you choose a technique that you find easy and enjoyable enough to practise every day . Start with short meditations You can start by meditating for 10 minutes . Remember that 10 minutes of meditation is better than no meditation . Make yourself comfortable You need to feel comfortable all the way through your meditation , so have your back supported and sit in the position that feels most comfortable to you . Always start with small goals you will be setting yourself up for failure if you have unrealistic expectations from your meditation practice . Don't strain to stop your thoughts In reality , your mind will wander during your meditation , and it's natural for this to happen . Make meditation a reward meditation shouldn't feel like a chore , but rather like a gift that you give yourself . Get help and support if you feel like you're not getting the most out of your meditation practice , don't be afraid to ask an expert for help . O Mira Meditation

7 Ways to Make your Meditation Feel Less like Work

shared by mirameditation on Mar 15
You probably know by now that the practice of meditation is good for you. It can bring myriad benefits to your mind and body, reduce your stress levels, and alleviate a variety of other problems that ...




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