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7 Best DIM Supplements Sold on Amazon Reviewed in 2020

ACNESUPPLEMENTSCRITIC.COM /best-dim-supplements-reviews 7 BEST DIM SUPPLEMENTS SOLD ON AMAZON 1. ESTROHALT BEST Estrohalt is the best dim supplement because of the quality of ingredients, price, and effectiveness. DIETARY SUPPLEMENT ESTROHALT It is the only tablet & estrogen blocker on this list that does not contain BioPerine. As it is a tablet it can be broken in half to judge the strength for first time users. SUPPORTS ESTROGEN METABOLISMI 50 FILS From our research BioPerine may not help the absorption of DIM. 2. ZHOU DIM ACTIVE Contains broccoli seed which converts into DIM in the body. ZH ZOU It has been shown in studies that vitamin C may have a possible interaction with estrogen however Zhou Active only contains 60mg which is not enough to have an actual effect. DIM ACTIVE As it is an acid it a detriment to absorption of the other ingredients. 3. GENIUS ESTROGEN BALANCE We think Grapeseed extract is a beneficial ingredient for reducing estrogen. ENIUS Genius DIM only contains 30 capsules per bottle which is the least lasting product on the list. ESTROGEN BALẠNCE GENIUS If you take more than 1 capsule per day you will be going through the container pretty quickly. 4. EFFECTIVE NUTRA ENNUTRA The previous name of this dim supplement was Dynamic Dim and contains 30omg of Diindolylmethane. We don't suggest this supplement for new time users because of the high amount of DIM which could cause side effects. BIOPERINE 300 MG 5. SMOKY MOUNTAIN NATURALS ONCE DAY CAPSULE Smoky Mountain has 200mg of DIM which may be strong for some people who are just starting out taking it. SmokyMountainAlubuton DIM +PBroPERINE As it is in capsule form you can't just take half of a serving. Side effects such as hair loss and nausea have been mentioned by customers on Amazon. 6. DIM PLUS DIM-plus There are 2 capsules per serving for both men & women. Estrogen Metabolism The bottle says you can double the dose for more pronounced results. We read reviews of people taking 6-8 capsules a day. Taking this many capsules per day will make the bottle run out more quickly and also makes us question the potency of the product. Enhanced Absorption 120 wanAAN A 7. NUTRICOST DIM Not much information about the product in their Amazon listing. nutricost We read in some reviews that some customers needed to take 4 capsules a day to feel any effects while others became ill and experienced hair loss. DIM Dindolvimethang 300wa 120 120 As it contains 300mg of DIM side effects can be more common as it is a high dose.

7 Best DIM Supplements Sold on Amazon Reviewed in 2020

shared by melohh on Mar 06
With all of the supplements on Amazon marketed for lowering estrogen, how can you know which are the best and which are the worst? Check out our list of the top 7 DIM products for blocking estrogen a...




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