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11 Ways Men & Women Deal with Depression Differently

11 WaysMen&WomenDeal with Depression Differently Things men are more likely to do than women to deal with their depression: Things Women are more likely to do than men to deal with their depression: 1 Turn to drugs 2 Tum to alcohol 3 Eat less & lose weight 4 Sleep less 5 Become iritable 6 Become prone to sudden anger 7 Lose emotional control 8 Take unnecessary risk 9 Behave aggressively 10 Acknowledge a loss of interest in work & hobbies 11 Successfully commit suicide 1 Feel guilty 2 Feel sad 3 Feel helpless 4 Sleep more 5 Eat more & gain weight 6 Attempt suicide (but usually fail) Comparing Depression inMen&Women Womeno experience depression 2x as often as men of women 12% experience clinical depression sometime during their lifetime; 7% of men experience clinical depression sometime during their lifetime (12 million women/6 million men) men women 7% 12% 10%1 1 in 10 new fathers suffer from post-partum depression 15% of new mothers suffer from post-partum depression Suicidal rate among men is 4x that of women - and 15% of all people with depression commit suicide People with depression are 4x as likely to have a heart attack than those without 435,000 women have heart attacks annually 820,000men have heart attacks annually Divorced and single men are, relatively, more likely to be depressed than divorced and single women. Conversely, married women are, relatively, more likely to be depressed than married men. 40%* of women will not seek professional help to deal with their depression vs. 50% of men Sources • Bhatia, SK and Bhatia, SC. "Depression in Women: Diagnostic and Treatment Considerations." American Family Physician. 1999 • Bjerkeset O. Gender differences in the association of mixed anxiety and depression with suicide. The British Journal of Psychiatry (2008) 192: 474-475. •"CDC - Injury-WISQARS (Web-based Injury Statistics Query and Reporting System)."Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Web. 01 Sept. 2011. • Lloyd-Jones D, Adams RJ, Brown TM, et al. "Heart Disease and Stroke Statistics-2010 Update. A Report from the American Heart Association Statistics Committee and Stroke Statistics Subcommittee." Circulation. 2010:121:01-0170. • "Men & Depression." Royal College of Psychiatrists. 1 May 2010. Web. 01 Sept. 2011. • WHO I Gender and Women's Mental Heath." Web. 01 Sept. 2011. c> 11 WaysMen&WomenDeal with Depression Differently Things men are more likely to do than women to deal with their depression: Things Women are more likely to do than men to deal with their depression: 1 Turn to drugs 2 Tum to alcohol 3 Eat less & lose weight 4 Sleep less 5 Become iritable 6 Become prone to sudden anger 7 Lose emotional control 8 Take unnecessary risk 9 Behave aggressively 10 Acknowledge a loss of interest in work & hobbies 11 Successfully commit suicide 1 Feel guilty 2 Feel sad 3 Feel helpless 4 Sleep more 5 Eat more & gain weight 6 Attempt suicide (but usually fail) Comparing Depression inMen&Women Womeno experience depression 2x as often as men of women 12% experience clinical depression sometime during their lifetime; 7% of men experience clinical depression sometime during their lifetime (12 million women/6 million men) men women 7% 12% 10%1 1 in 10 new fathers suffer from post-partum depression 15% of new mothers suffer from post-partum depression 忡忡 忡 華 Suicidal rate among men is 4x that of women - and 15% of all people with depression commit suicide People with depression are 4x as likely to have a heart attack than those without 435,000 women have heart attacks annually 820,000men have heart attacks annually Divorced and single men are, relatively, more likely to be depressed than divorced and single women. Conversely, married women are, relatively, more likely to be depressed than married men. 40%* of women will not seek professional help to deal with their depression vs. 50% of men Sources • Bhatia, SK and Bhatia, SC. "Depression in Women: Diagnostic and Treatment Considerations." American Family Physician. 1999 • Bjerkeset O. Gender differences in the association of mixed anxiety and depression with suicide. The British Journal of Psychiatry (2008) 192: 474-475. •"CDC - Injury-WISQARS (Web-based Injury Statistics Query and Reporting System)."Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Web. 01 Sept. 2011. • Lloyd-Jones D, Adams RJ, Brown TM, et al. "Heart Disease and Stroke Statistics-2010 Update. A Report from the American Heart Association Statistics Committee and Stroke Statistics Subcommittee." Circulation. 2010:121:01-0170. • "Men & Depression." Royal College of Psychiatrists. 1 May 2010. Web. 01 Sept. 2011. • WHO I Gender and Women's Mental Heath." Web. 01 Sept. 2011. c> 11 WaysMen&WomenDeal with Depression Differently Things men are more likely to do than women to deal with their depression: Things Women are more likely to do than men to deal with their depression: 1 Turn to drugs 2 Tum to alcohol 3 Eat less & lose weight 4 Sleep less 5 Become iritable 6 Become prone to sudden anger 7 Lose emotional control 8 Take unnecessary risk 9 Behave aggressively 10 Acknowledge a loss of interest in work & hobbies 11 Successfully commit suicide 1 Feel guilty 2 Feel sad 3 Feel helpless 4 Sleep more 5 Eat more & gain weight 6 Attempt suicide (but usually fail) Comparing Depression inMen&Women Womeno experience depression 2x as often as men of women 12% experience clinical depression sometime during their lifetime; 7% of men experience clinical depression sometime during their lifetime (12 million women/6 million men) men women 7% 12% 10%1 1 in 10 new fathers suffer from post-partum depression 15% of new mothers suffer from post-partum depression 忡忡 忡 華 Suicidal rate among men is 4x that of women - and 15% of all people with depression commit suicide People with depression are 4x as likely to have a heart attack than those without 435,000 women have heart attacks annually 820,000men have heart attacks annually Divorced and single men are, relatively, more likely to be depressed than divorced and single women. Conversely, married women are, relatively, more likely to be depressed than married men. 40%* of women will not seek professional help to deal with their depression vs. 50% of men Sources • Bhatia, SK and Bhatia, SC. "Depression in Women: Diagnostic and Treatment Considerations." American Family Physician. 1999 • Bjerkeset O. Gender differences in the association of mixed anxiety and depression with suicide. The British Journal of Psychiatry (2008) 192: 474-475. •"CDC - Injury-WISQARS (Web-based Injury Statistics Query and Reporting System)."Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Web. 01 Sept. 2011. • Lloyd-Jones D, Adams RJ, Brown TM, et al. "Heart Disease and Stroke Statistics-2010 Update. A Report from the American Heart Association Statistics Committee and Stroke Statistics Subcommittee." Circulation. 2010:121:01-0170. • "Men & Depression." Royal College of Psychiatrists. 1 May 2010. Web. 01 Sept. 2011. • WHO I Gender and Women's Mental Heath." Web. 01 Sept. 2011. c> 11 WaysMen&WomenDeal with Depression Differently Things men are more likely to do than women to deal with their depression: Things Women are more likely to do than men to deal with their depression: 1 Turn to drugs 2 Tum to alcohol 3 Eat less & lose weight 4 Sleep less 5 Become iritable 6 Become prone to sudden anger 7 Lose emotional control 8 Take unnecessary risk 9 Behave aggressively 10 Acknowledge a loss of interest in work & hobbies 11 Successfully commit suicide 1 Feel guilty 2 Feel sad 3 Feel helpless 4 Sleep more 5 Eat more & gain weight 6 Attempt suicide (but usually fail) Comparing Depression inMen&Women Womeno experience depression 2x as often as men of women 12% experience clinical depression sometime during their lifetime; 7% of men experience clinical depression sometime during their lifetime (12 million women/6 million men) men women 7% 12% 10%1 1 in 10 new fathers suffer from post-partum depression 15% of new mothers suffer from post-partum depression 忡忡 忡 華 Suicidal rate among men is 4x that of women - and 15% of all people with depression commit suicide People with depression are 4x as likely to have a heart attack than those without 435,000 women have heart attacks annually 820,000men have heart attacks annually Divorced and single men are, relatively, more likely to be depressed than divorced and single women. Conversely, married women are, relatively, more likely to be depressed than married men. 40%* of women will not seek professional help to deal with their depression vs. 50% of men Sources • Bhatia, SK and Bhatia, SC. "Depression in Women: Diagnostic and Treatment Considerations." American Family Physician. 1999 • Bjerkeset O. Gender differences in the association of mixed anxiety and depression with suicide. The British Journal of Psychiatry (2008) 192: 474-475. •"CDC - Injury-WISQARS (Web-based Injury Statistics Query and Reporting System)."Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Web. 01 Sept. 2011. • Lloyd-Jones D, Adams RJ, Brown TM, et al. "Heart Disease and Stroke Statistics-2010 Update. A Report from the American Heart Association Statistics Committee and Stroke Statistics Subcommittee." Circulation. 2010:121:01-0170. • "Men & Depression." Royal College of Psychiatrists. 1 May 2010. Web. 01 Sept. 2011. • WHO I Gender and Women's Mental Heath." Web. 01 Sept. 2011. c> 11 WaysMen&WomenDeal with Depression Differently Things men are more likely to do than women to deal with their depression: Things Women are more likely to do than men to deal with their depression: 1 Turn to drugs 2 Tum to alcohol 3 Eat less & lose weight 4 Sleep less 5 Become iritable 6 Become prone to sudden anger 7 Lose emotional control 8 Take unnecessary risk 9 Behave aggressively 10 Acknowledge a loss of interest in work & hobbies 11 Successfully commit suicide 1 Feel guilty 2 Feel sad 3 Feel helpless 4 Sleep more 5 Eat more & gain weight 6 Attempt suicide (but usually fail) Comparing Depression inMen&Women Womeno experience depression 2x as often as men of women 12% experience clinical depression sometime during their lifetime; 7% of men experience clinical depression sometime during their lifetime (12 million women/6 million men) men women 7% 12% 10%1 1 in 10 new fathers suffer from post-partum depression 15% of new mothers suffer from post-partum depression 忡忡 忡 華 Suicidal rate among men is 4x that of women - and 15% of all people with depression commit suicide People with depression are 4x as likely to have a heart attack than those without 435,000 women have heart attacks annually 820,000men have heart attacks annually Divorced and single men are, relatively, more likely to be depressed than divorced and single women. Conversely, married women are, relatively, more likely to be depressed than married men. 40%* of women will not seek professional help to deal with their depression vs. 50% of men Sources • Bhatia, SK and Bhatia, SC. "Depression in Women: Diagnostic and Treatment Considerations." American Family Physician. 1999 • Bjerkeset O. Gender differences in the association of mixed anxiety and depression with suicide. The British Journal of Psychiatry (2008) 192: 474-475. •"CDC - Injury-WISQARS (Web-based Injury Statistics Query and Reporting System)."Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Web. 01 Sept. 2011. • Lloyd-Jones D, Adams RJ, Brown TM, et al. "Heart Disease and Stroke Statistics-2010 Update. A Report from the American Heart Association Statistics Committee and Stroke Statistics Subcommittee." Circulation. 2010:121:01-0170. • "Men & Depression." Royal College of Psychiatrists. 1 May 2010. Web. 01 Sept. 2011. • WHO I Gender and Women's Mental Heath." Web. 01 Sept. 2011. c> 11 WaysMen&WomenDeal with Depression Differently Things men are more likely to do than women to deal with their depression: Things Women are more likely to do than men to deal with their depression: 1 Turn to drugs 2 Tum to alcohol 3 Eat less & lose weight 4 Sleep less 5 Become iritable 6 Become prone to sudden anger 7 Lose emotional control 8 Take unnecessary risk 9 Behave aggressively 10 Acknowledge a loss of interest in work & hobbies 11 Successfully commit suicide 1 Feel guilty 2 Feel sad 3 Feel helpless 4 Sleep more 5 Eat more & gain weight 6 Attempt suicide (but usually fail) Comparing Depression inMen&Women Womeno experience depression 2x as often as men of women 12% experience clinical depression sometime during their lifetime; 7% of men experience clinical depression sometime during their lifetime (12 million women/6 million men) men women 7% 12% 10%1 1 in 10 new fathers suffer from post-partum depression 15% of new mothers suffer from post-partum depression 忡忡 忡 華 Suicidal rate among men is 4x that of women - and 15% of all people with depression commit suicide People with depression are 4x as likely to have a heart attack than those without 435,000 women have heart attacks annually 820,000men have heart attacks annually Divorced and single men are, relatively, more likely to be depressed than divorced and single women. Conversely, married women are, relatively, more likely to be depressed than married men. 40%* of women will not seek professional help to deal with their depression vs. 50% of men Sources • Bhatia, SK and Bhatia, SC. "Depression in Women: Diagnostic and Treatment Considerations." American Family Physician. 1999 • Bjerkeset O. Gender differences in the association of mixed anxiety and depression with suicide. The British Journal of Psychiatry (2008) 192: 474-475. •"CDC - Injury-WISQARS (Web-based Injury Statistics Query and Reporting System)."Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Web. 01 Sept. 2011. • Lloyd-Jones D, Adams RJ, Brown TM, et al. "Heart Disease and Stroke Statistics-2010 Update. A Report from the American Heart Association Statistics Committee and Stroke Statistics Subcommittee." Circulation. 2010:121:01-0170. • "Men & Depression." Royal College of Psychiatrists. 1 May 2010. Web. 01 Sept. 2011. • WHO I Gender and Women's Mental Heath." Web. 01 Sept. 2011. c> 11 WaysMen&WomenDeal with Depression Differently Things men are more likely to do than women to deal with their depression: Things Women are more likely to do than men to deal with their depression: 1 Turn to drugs 2 Tum to alcohol 3 Eat less & lose weight 4 Sleep less 5 Become iritable 6 Become prone to sudden anger 7 Lose emotional control 8 Take unnecessary risk 9 Behave aggressively 10 Acknowledge a loss of interest in work & hobbies 11 Successfully commit suicide 1 Feel guilty 2 Feel sad 3 Feel helpless 4 Sleep more 5 Eat more & gain weight 6 Attempt suicide (but usually fail) Comparing Depression inMen&Women Womeno experience depression 2x as often as men of women 12% experience clinical depression sometime during their lifetime; 7% of men experience clinical depression sometime during their lifetime (12 million women/6 million men) men women 7% 12% 10%1 1 in 10 new fathers suffer from post-partum depression 15% of new mothers suffer from post-partum depression 忡忡 忡 華 Suicidal rate among men is 4x that of women - and 15% of all people with depression commit suicide People with depression are 4x as likely to have a heart attack than those without 435,000 women have heart attacks annually 820,000men have heart attacks annually Divorced and single men are, relatively, more likely to be depressed than divorced and single women. Conversely, married women are, relatively, more likely to be depressed than married men. 40%* of women will not seek professional help to deal with their depression vs. 50% of men Sources • Bhatia, SK and Bhatia, SC. "Depression in Women: Diagnostic and Treatment Considerations." American Family Physician. 1999 • Bjerkeset O. Gender differences in the association of mixed anxiety and depression with suicide. The British Journal of Psychiatry (2008) 192: 474-475. •"CDC - Injury-WISQARS (Web-based Injury Statistics Query and Reporting System)."Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Web. 01 Sept. 2011. • Lloyd-Jones D, Adams RJ, Brown TM, et al. "Heart Disease and Stroke Statistics-2010 Update. A Report from the American Heart Association Statistics Committee and Stroke Statistics Subcommittee." Circulation. 2010:121:01-0170. • "Men & Depression." Royal College of Psychiatrists. 1 May 2010. Web. 01 Sept. 2011. • WHO I Gender and Women's Mental Heath." Web. 01 Sept. 2011. c>

11 Ways Men & Women Deal with Depression Differently

shared by Help4Depression on Sep 21
An overview of how men and women deal with depression differently.


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