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What Drives MMO Players?

What drives MMO players CRAZY ? Includes but not limited to: Chat & In-game Social Technical & Governance Chat Spam Know-it-Alls False Accusations Scammers Haxors Typing in Caps 24/7 Kill Stealing Stalking Ads for Gold/ Powerleveling Chronic AFKers Guild thieves Idle in-game Admins Ban without Proof Poor Party ethics Pervasive Noob-bashing Mistakenly Banned Heurs-long Server Fixes Post beta Data wipes (ardtably UUst You Noab-dom Economy and Market ing Getting pwnd No in game money Disconnected mid-game Sold 133t item by mistake Begging for Gold Ignorant Aggro-ing Begging for Info Spamming for Help Asking "What is EXP?" Lack of fun events In-game Inflation No 2X, 4X drops Sexy art but Fugly graphiés In some cases, ya can't blame no-one 'cept yours truly Noob is spelled with two "o"s Below is how much each group is hated by gamers: It seems the thing that players are having the most trouble with is getting along in-game, socializing and making a fun and pleasant environment to play. Close behind is chat room abuse, followed by external forces like in-game economics, lackluster marketing attempts, and poor management of player needs and game infrastructure by publishers. Social Factors 32% Chat & Technical Issues & Economy & Marketing 12% Governance In Game Issues 12% 26% Just You 10% Noob-dom %23 (XI XP (XÍ XP XXF ( X( XP X( XP X( XP XX X

What Drives MMO Players?

shared by kcatoto on Jan 27
MMO gamers have to contend with a lot of things but ever wonder what gets on people's nerves the most? The below infographic was made from a limited poll of anonymous players who mainly spend their ti...




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