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Best Woods For Smoking Foods

BEST WOODS FOR SMOKING Below is a list of the most popular woods used for smoking . Try them all , mix them , and decide which you like best . HARD WOODS HICKORY Versatile with a bold , smoky flavor that pairs well with almost any kind of meat , poultry , seafood , or vegetables MESQUITE Intense earthy flavors that are often used with brisket , ribs , or pork . Don't use too much or it will overpower the natural meat flavor MAPLE Provides a subtle and sweet smokiness to chicken , turkey , pork , and salmon OAK Traditional wood used in Texas BBQ . Strong flavor goes well with beef , brisket , sausage , and lamb PECAN Sweet and nutty flavor that goes perfectly with chicken or turkey , but compliments other meats as well FRUIT WOODS APPLE Mild , sweet , and fruity . Goes well with any meat ( especially bacon ) , poultry , seafood , and vegetables CHERRY Sweet and fruity , mixes well with other woods like hickory and oak . Excellent for smoking pork butt , poultry , and ham ORANGE Very subtle and mild . Gives a pleasant citrus flavor to poultry and seafood PEACH Provides a mild and fruity smoke that goes particularly well with pork and poultry PEAR Similar to peach . Infuses a sweet and fruity flavor and pairs well with pork and poultry

Best Woods For Smoking Foods

shared by mikemike42 on Sep 01
Smoking meat, seafood, and vegetables has become more and more popular and foodies love trying different combinations of wood. This infographic shows a breakdown of which woods are traditionally used ...


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