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Facebook vs. Everyone

facebook vseveryone famousrivalries(.net) (2004 - present) Mark Zuckerberg is a huge nerd, the co-founder and CEO of Facebook, and the youngest billionaire in the world.. He launched Facebook from his Harvard dorm room on February 4th, 2004, and since then he's been sued by five of his former Harvard friends, who claim that Facebook was their idea and Mark stole it. His company has also been sued by millions of users in class action law suits NO COMMENT. accusing Mark of everything from privacy leaks to supporting terrorists. It seems that becoming an overnight internet billionaire is a lot like winning first prize at the Chili Cook Off: you end up aggravating a whole bunch of assholes. Obligatory Bar Graph: Social Networking Websites, based on Popularity Mark Zuckerberg Facebook Age: 26 Occupation: CEO 500M users QZone (it's in China) 200M users Status: Ballin' Habbo 162M users FB Friends: 50OM MySpace Bebo 130M users Real Friends: 0 117M users Worth: $7 BILLION Twitter 100Musers Facebook vs. ConnectU A few months after Mark launched Facebook, three of his Harvard classmates filed a lawsuit against him. Cameron Winklevoss, Tyler Winklevoss, and Divya Narendra claimed that Mark agreed to build a website for them called ConnectU, which was incredibly similar to Facebook. Instead, he stole their designs, F@#K YOU, MARK! source code, and ideas and used it for his own site. Mark Zuckerberg responded in typical "21-year old college dropout" fashion: he chose to extinguish the legal fire by drowning it with rocket fuel. Mark counter-sued his former classmates, claiming that they had stolen his ideas. The two parties agreed to settle out of court, where Mark eventually paid them $85 Million. How Big is Facebook? If Facebook was a Country, It Would be the 3rd Largest on Earth, Behind China and India. Facebook vs. Aaron Greenspan Aaron Greenspan launched a social networking site for Harvard students in 2003. Mark and Aaron had a computer programming class together, and the two nerdy friends used to discuss their respective projects in YEAH, F@#K YOU, MARK! great detail. When Mark launched Facebook 7 months later, Aaron immediately recognized a whole bunch of his site's features. He sued Mark, and they settled out of court for an undisclosed sum of hush money (and probably some WOW cards, too). Facebook vs. Paul Ceglia Paul Ceglia is a New York business owner who hired Mark to build a website for him in 2003. Paul claims that Mark signed a contract that entitled Paul to 50% ownership of any website that Mark created, plus interest. Mark denies signing the contract, and so far Paul hasn't been able to verify the agreement in court. Mark also refused to settle with Paul out of court, which probably means that this claim is complete bullshit. I AGREE WITH THOSE GUYS: FO#K YOU, MARK! Facebook vs. Everyone Else Since its creation in 2004, Facebook has faced a seemingly endless stream of lawsuits from users who feel that Facebook is violating their online privacy rights. So far, none of these class action suits have seen the light of day. Everyone wants a piece of Mark Zuckerberg's fortune, but there's one huge benefit to being the youngest billionaire in the world: you can afford really good lawyers. ALSO, THANKS FOR INVENTING FACEBOOK! F@#K YOU, MARK! Timeline Facebook Expands to Let ConnectU Sues Non-Students Join Sues Facebook 2006 Aaron Greenspan Facebook Adds "Like" | Facebook Reaches 500M Users, Paul Ceglia Sues 2010 Facebook Launches, Feature, Reaches 350M Active Users 2004 2008 2009

Facebook vs. Everyone

shared by youcom on Dec 28
Facebook a company started my Mark Zuckerberg became a overnight success, making him the youngest billionaire in the world, but gaining power and money so quickly comes at a price. This infographic ta...


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