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What Is An Essay?

E SSAY W RITING essays, proofreading, dissertations Service UK What is an essay? Definitions Meaning "A prose composition with a focussed topie of diseussion" Derived from the French infinitive "essayer", meaning "to try or to attempt". Interestingly, essays are not limited to what we understand as academic essays. "A long systematic discourse" "A literary deviee for saying almost anything about anything." Äldous Huxley The Frenchman Michel de Montaigne was the first to "attempt" to put his thoughts into writing History Europe Japan As well as the French Montaigne, early English essayists included Robert Burton and Sir Thomas Browne. Essays began to proliferate in the 18th and I19th centuries, as they were written for public consumption. Notable writers included Edmund Burke and Samuel Taylor Coleridge. In the 20th century, essays were used to explore new movements in art and eulture, by writers such as T.S. Eliot and Virøinia Woolf Essays proliferated in Japan long before their arrival in Europe. Early Japanese essays were called zuihitsu and are thought to have been in existence since the beginning of the written word in Japan. Like his French counterpart Montaigne, the Japanese Buddhist monk Yoshida Kenko referred to his essays as "nonsensical thoughts" written in "idle hours" Some Examples of Different Essay Styles Compare and Contrast Dialectie This essay style involves the writer making an argument, a counter- argument, followed by a final persuading argument Essays highlighting the similarities or differences between two objects. The writer of this essay needs to think very clearly about points of comparison and how it fits in with the thesis, before reaching a conclusion Deseriptive Historical Essays that rely more on sensory details, appealing to the readers imagination and using the description for rhetorical purposes. Other devices used include metaphor and simile. Also called lyric essays, these will often combine elements of other forms of writing, Describing an argument about one or more historical events, supporting the argument with evidence, sources and references. Piktochart make information beautiful

What Is An Essay?

shared by SallyBraith on Mar 10
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The history of the essay and the etymology of the word, with some examples of different essay styles.




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