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Technology's Impact On Child Development

Technology's Impact on Child Development 85% Recent surveys show that 85% of parents allow their young children access to technology: tablets, smartphones, televisions, and computers. "Face-to-face communication with another human being is much richer, much more protective and meaningful in the sense of human connection than even..talking on a telephone." Children have more difficulty understanding sounds from devices such as smartphones and tablets as opposed to hearing the voice of an actual person trying to communicate. Dr. Michael Rich 86% 72% 15% Parents satisfied with Parents concerned Parents who do not technology's effect on their children. with technology use. allow screen time at home. They aciste ther children's strong comprehension of Iteracy with tablet ue Sereen tme ineludes Inappropriate content, affects sleep, and takes away Irom There is zere ces to devices and more outdoor time and lace to lace interaction is encouraged. cutdoer time The duration of screen time is crucial in homes that allow children access to smartphones, tablets, televisions, and computers. Child development experts emphasize the importance of consciousness -that screen time should not replace what is most essential for child development: human interaction. For more information, visit

Technology's Impact On Child Development

shared by eduminattiofficial on May 20
Technology, when used correctly, can actually have a very positive effect on a child’s development. Educators of cbse schools in Delhi have found that ability to identify key information buried with...


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