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Quick Start to Humanitarian Mapping (Aloha Council of Boy Scouts of America)

QUICK START TO HUMANITARIAN MAPPING Learn to Map, Be Prepared 1 CREATE OSM ACCOUNT Go to the OpenStreetMap website and register to create an account. (Link: CREATE TM ACCOUNT Go to the HOT Tasking Manager website and sign- up with your OSM account. (Link: 3 EXPLORE PROJECTS On the HOT Tasking Manager website, go to Explore Tasks and select a project that is set to Beginner for Difficulty Level. SELECT A TASK On the project page, select Contribute. Then, read the instructions, select a white square, and click Map Selected Task. 5 MAP SELECTED TASK If completely new to OpenStreetMap, complete idEditor Walkthrough. Then, follow the instructions and map selected task. %23 6 SAVE WITH HASHTAG Save your edits with the #alohacouncilbsa hashtag. If your crew, ship, or troop has a hashtag, include that as well. FOLLOW-ON ACTIVITIES 7 COMPLETE A CHALLENGE Request Virtual Mapathon Challenge: [email protected]. Then, complete the challenge on your own or with your team. 8 JOIN SCOUTS WHO MAP Join the Scouts Who Map Online Collaboration Workspace. For access, email: [email protected]. NZ Created by: Michael Walsh SCOUTS WHO MÁP To vAD, EPAREE NOVA Counselor Aloha Council

Quick Start to Humanitarian Mapping (Aloha Council of Boy Scouts of America)

shared by rubalkhali on May 23
Goal: Increase the number of humanitarian mappers within the Boy Scouts of America that are capable of actively contributing to the Missing Maps Project co-founded by the American Red Cross, British R...


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