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Digital Wellbeing

DIGITAL WELLBEING 5 Tips for Students SET A TIMER We underestimate the time we use our devices ! Make sure you set a timer or use your device's screen monitoring tools to help set up boundaries for use . DIGITAL CURFEW Just like you , your devices need a bedtime too . An hour before you go to bed , put your device away to give your brain and eyes a break from the blue light of the screen . Plus , it's a perfect time to read a book ! FOCUS MODE Our minds cannot multitask . Need to get your homework done but are distracted by videos ? Put your device into focus mode and you can get your task done faster and have better concentration . ↓ PRIORITIZE PEOPLE Connect with friends and family by being present in conversations and activities . Silence your phone and put it away so that you can put the most important people first in your life . DEVICE FREE MEALS Make meals a no phone zone ! Great for connection and developing healthy eating habits . Being distracted can cause you to overeat since it takes at least 20 minutes for your brain to know that you ate .

Digital Wellbeing

shared by iamzain16 on Jul 13
We underestimate the time we use our devices! Make sure you set a timer or use your device's screen monitoring tools to help set up boundaries for use. Just like you, your devices need a bedtime to...





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