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Birthstones by Month - Birthstones Chart

BIRTHSTONES BY MONTH WHAT ARE MY BIRTHSTONES? JANUARY GARNET Garnet is a gemstone that is actually available in many other variations while most commonly known for its blood-red color. Garnets are used to symbolize friendship and are said to provide various mental health benefits. FEBRUARY ΑΜΕΤΗYST Amethyst is a semiprecious gemstone that was once considered a Cardinal gem, one of the most precious stones known to man. It is actually a type of quartz and has become more common in recent years. It represents loyalty and peace. MARCH AQUAMARINE As blue as the sky and sea, aquamarine is a gemstone that, in its purest form, is actually supposedly colorless. It belongs to a family of minerals known as beryl, and aquamarine is one of the mineral's many-colored variants. Aquamarine symbolizes confidence and courage. APRIL DIAMOND Diamond is a gemstone that probably needs no introduction. It's the most popular gemstone, and for a good reason - its pureness is always a sight to behold. While most diamonds are clear, however, diamonds' rarest come in unique colors, ranging from black to blue. Diamonds represent love. MAY EMERALD Emeralds are a particular type of gemstone that represents wisdom, rebirth, and growth. They are part of the same family as aquamarine and are a colored variant of beryl. It is also the gemstone associated with Venus, the Roman goddess of love. JUNE PEARL Pearls aren't minerals but are birthstones nonetheless for their beautiful and natural coloration. They are the result of sand, chemicals, and pressure that come together inside a mollusk. Pearls symbolize purity with their milky white color. JULY RUBY The ruby is a type of mineral known as corundum. It is most commonly seen as a deep red, but pink variants of rubies also exist. Rubies symbolize many things, including courage, health, and love. They were commonly worn by noblemen and adorned in both armor and weapons. AUGUST PERIDOT Peridot is a unique type of gem that cannot be found in the crust of the Earth. It is one of the two gemstones that can be primarily found in the Earth's mantle, not the crust. Peridot signifies good fortune to those who wear it. SEPTEMBER SAPPHIRE Sapphire is very similar to ruby in the sense that it is also a type of corundum. Any kind of corundum that isn't red or pink is classified as sapphire. It represents positive emotions such as loyalty and trust. ОСТОВER ОPAL Opal is a type of gemstone that contains water and silica, a component of sand. It comes in many colors, with the rarest variant being black opal. Opal signifies faithfulness and confidence. NOVEMBER ТОPAZ Topaz is a yellow gemstone that can also be found in hues of golden brown. Some cultures believed it served as a good luck charm, while others used it to cure illnesses such as the common cold. DECEMBER TURQUOISE Turquoise is different from most of the other birthstones as it has no transparency at all. As an opaque stone, it was used to decorate tombs and serve as good luck talismans.

Birthstones by Month - Birthstones Chart

shared by faruzo on Oct 26
Birthstones are a great gift to anybody, especially when in the form of jewelry such as necklaces, bracelets, or even charms. These stones are associated with a month in the calendar, and they car...


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