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8 Things You Must Research Before a Job Interview

8 THINGS YOU MUST RESEARCH BEFORE A JOB INTERVIEW Preparing for a job interview can be a tricky task, someone who has been through a share of interviews will agree with this whereas, for a new job seeker, it can be a learning experience. As a student whenever you had an exam, you certainly prepared for it, which made you confident about the exam. KNOW ABOUT THE COMPANY You may think who would apply to a company without even looking it up; however, it is surprising to see how often recruiters come across such job seekers. Having this basic knowledge will help you understand the companys missions, values, and goals in a better way. CULTURE OF THE COMPANY It is rather hard to understand a companys culture without personal experience but being aware of its culture can help you understand the work environment. REQUIREMENTS OF THE COMPANY There are various ways a candidate can be qualified for a job but you must look for the qualities of the ideal candidate for the company. You can get to know about it by carefully reading the job description and understanding the skill set required by the company. RECRUITMENT PROCESS OF THE COMPANY While preparing for a job interview, knowing about the procedure helps in research and time allocation of the preparation. HAPPENINGS AROUND THE COMPANY It can be a vital topic during your interview as its all about the companys recent progress and huge decisions such as mergers, new product launch; being aware of it can help you describe your keen interest in the company. HISTORY OF THE COMPANY Certainly, being aware of the present position of the company is important however, understanding the history of the company is equally helpful. KEY PLAYERS The hierarchy of the company always describes the important members of the management who perform a vital role in the company. Source:

8 Things You Must Research Before a Job Interview

shared by humanresourceindia on Dec 21
Find some great points to help you in preparing for an interview. You must also ensure to remain calm and confident therefore here are a few tips on how to answer job interview questions.


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