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The World's Gold

World's The GOLD If you took each country's gold reserves, U.S. divided them into standard 1-ounce gold bars, I 8,133.5 metric tons and stacked them on top of each other, this is how high they would reach into the sky. 634 miles Stratosphere 30 miles Netherlands Russia Switzerland Hubble 353 miles 841.1 Jumbo Jet 7 miles 48 miles 612.5 metric tops metric tons China 10401 66 miles es metric 82 Germany Japan Emiles 1.054.1 metric tons France 765.2 metric tons 2.435.4 190 miles 3,401 metric tons IMF Italy E 2,814 219 E metric E tons 191 miles 2451.8 miles Who Holds the Most Gold? I 1. United States: 8,133.5 metric tons 2. Germany: 3,401 metric tons 3. IMF (International Monetary Fund): 2,814 metric tons 4. Italy: 2,451.8 metric tons 5. France: 2,435.4 metric tons 6. China: 1,054.1 metric tons 7. Switzerland: 1,040.1 metric tons 8. Russia: 841.1 metric tons O 9. Japan: 765.2 metric tons 10. Netherlands: 612.5 metric tons Worth its Weight in Gold Gold is an extremely dense metal. A cube weighing one metric ton of gold is roughly the size of a shoe box, just 15" x 15" inches. For comparison, this is how many dollar bills, barrels of oil and Americans of average weight it takes to make up a metric ton: 15"w Gold Americans 13.25 people weigh approximately U.S. Dollars Oil 1 Million $1 Bills. weigh approximately 7 Drums of Crude Oil (US 55 Gallon) weigh approximately 1 Metric Ton 1 Metric Ton 1 Metric Ton 1 Metric Ton A cube weighing one metric ton { of gold is currently valued at: Hà $51,537,647 Based on London Fix PM price of gold as of 12/14/2011 Gold Consumer Demand in Metric Tons "Q3 2011 India 203.3 China Germany 59.3 200.7 Turkey U.S. 52.4 52.6 Switzerland Vietnam Thailand Russia Saudi Arabia 37.2 36.3 22.6 18.3 18.2 Annual Gold Production By Country in metric tons *as of 2009, British Geological Survey 165,600 metric tons of gold are mined annually* The countries that hold the most gold are not necessarily the ones that produce the most. China 320.0 U.S. 223.3 Australia 222.0 Russia 205.2 South Africa 197.6 Peru 182.4 Indonesia 127.7 Canada 97.4 Ghana 97.2 Uzbekistan 73.0 Sources: sep10_public%20version.pdf Goldline Brought to you by: INTERN ATIONAL, INC.

The World's Gold

shared by kalimaniac on Feb 13
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Have you ever wondered which countries hold the most gold? This infographic lists the nations with the 10 highest gold reserves and visualizes the amount of gold they hold by showing how high each cou...


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