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Which Schools (and Skills) Earn You The Most in Tech?

O paysa Which Schools (and Skills) Will Earn You the Most in Tech? Tech jobs pay well - we all know that. But how does education factor into potential salary? We took a look at schools producing the top tech talent to find out which grads make the most, which schools offer the best ROI, and what tech workers can do today to maximize their salary, whether they're fresh out of school or workforce veterans. Which schools have the best ROI? Top schools ranked by ROI (what you've made 5 years in vs. what you paid to go) (all 10% or higher ROI) 2641% 2490% 1935% Brigham Young University of Bellevue ROI ROI ROI University Puerto Rico University Cost to Attend $21k Cost to Attend $19k Cost to Attend $24k 5 Years' Cumulative Earnings $565k 5 Years' Cumulative Earnings $488k 5 Years' Cumulative Earnings $488k 1307% 1246% 1099% Thomas Edison University of California State ROI ROI ROI State College Phoenix at Northridge Cost to Attend $36k Cost to Attend $38k Cost to Attend $47k 5 Years' Cumulative Earnings $510k 5 Years' Cumulative Earnings $565k 5 Years Cumulative Earnings $488k Wondering how you'll pay off those student loans? These ten schools will have you earning more than $150k per year in under 5 years: $197k 200k 184k $182k $167k 162k $165k $162k $161k $161k $161k $160k $159k 150k U of Washington Rutgers Stanford Princeton Carnegie Mellon McGill Santa Clara of Harvard MIT Chicago Geographic Hotspots Top ROI Fastest to $150k Provo, Utah Northern CA Berkeley, Santa Clara, McGill, Stanford BYU Mayagüez, Puerto Rico UPR Central NJ Princeton, Rutgers Bellevue, Nebraska Bellevue Durham, N. Carolina Duke Trenton, NJ Thomas Edison State Ithaca, NY Cornell Online & Multiple Campuses U of Phoenix, Ashford, Park University New Haven, CT Yale Where are the top companies hiring from? But, what if you want to work for a top tech firm? UBER O airbnb Pinterest Google Dropbox Starting Salary $181,794 E Starting Salary Starting Salary $246,052 A Starting Salary Starting Salary $231,052 $223,945 $259,411 Top 5 Schools Stanford, Berkeley, Top 5 Schools Stanford, Berkeley, Top 5 Schools Top 5 Schools Top 5 Schools Berkeley, Carnegie Stanford, Carnegie Stanford, MIT, Mellon, Brown, Hunter, Harvard, Mellon, Berkeley, Carnegie Mellon, Carnegie Mellon, Stanford, U of Illinois Purdue Tsinghua, Brown Brown, MIT Berkeley, Harvard Top 10 skills that pay the most (on average): Since not everyone goes to Stanford, though, here's a look at the skills that pay the most, on average - no matter your alma mater. IIIII---O $220k Recommender $231k $228k $218k %$4214k Large Scale Systems Natural Language Processing Information Scalability Systems Retrieval API $203k $198k $197k $205k $204k High Performance Computing Text Mining Big Data Win32 Api Mapreduce Paysa helps tech workers understand their current value in the employment O paysa market and discover the skills needed to maximize salaries over time. Check out to find out what you're worth - or figure out the best paths to get to your desired salary.

Which Schools (and Skills) Earn You The Most in Tech?

shared by Abigail.McClung on Apr 28
An infographic completed for Paysa describing the current trends and required skills for getting a job in the tech industry.




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