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Things you can do with excel

Enhancing Efficiency and Productivity v with Excel Training Why use Microsoft Excel Spreadsheets Discover Trends and Patterns Easy and Effective Comparisons Organize and Structure Data Powerful Analysis of Large Data Quickly and Easily Narrow Down Criteria Working Together Microsoft Excel is Scalable Pivot Tables and Graphs Allows Works on: You to Find Information Easily Allows for brainstorming sessions with large sets of data Easily work on spreadsheets together with other users Enhances the ability to streamline processes Collaboration tools Low-powered PC @Home High-powered Laptop @ the Office With the advent of tablets and smartphones, it is now possible to take the worksheets to a client or a meeting without bringing along a laptop Microsoft Excel Mobile Microsoft Office Mobile QuickOffice Documents to go Google Drive Manipulate data and update worksheets and view it immediately on the phone or tablet Things You can Easily Do with Excel for a Business Calendar Timelines Flowcharts Managing lists Expense reports Profit/Loss statements General accounting ledgers Charts and graphs Balance your Checkbook Create a family budget Track your investments Ways to Learn Benefits of Excel Training for an Organization Microsoft Excel • Learn as you go Enhanced Efficiency · Employees look forward to learning new programs and technologies to enhance their performance • Training books • Training courses - Tasks are completed quickly by using commands and shortcuts • Mentor Reducing the Burden on the IT Organization · Employees will be able to handle minor issues on their own and the IT department can handle more important tasks Training New Employees · Excel training courses makes sure new employees have a useful knowledge on using Excel References:

Things you can do with excel

shared by BobbiNibert on Oct 27
You can manage your business using excel and other related tools. You can manage your appointments, make simple logical codes, and make charts and reports using this useful tool.


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