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The Planning Stage of Web Development

THE PLANNING STA GE O F WEB DEVELOPMENT Purpose, Goals and Direction This initial task is an important part of the process. It requires putting together the Web Application project goakls and purpose. Researching and Defining Audience and Securify Documents This requires researching the audience/users, and prospective dients and creating an Analytic Report which indudes the following approximate assess- ments Creating Functional Specifications A Web App funcfionality specifications is the key in any Web Application project. This will ist all of the functionalities and technical specifications that a web application will require to accomplish. Design Layout, Interface Design, Wire framing One of the main ingredients to a successful project is to put together a web app that utilizes a user's interactions, interface and elements that have a proven record for ease of use, and provide the best user experience. Development and execution In this stage, the developers need to buck up and establish entities, data variables and various coding procedures. Strict care is taken to adhere to the quality guidelines. The team will prepare a doc and give it to the management for review. Beta Testing and Bug Fixing This is the most unavoidable stage as it includes testing and ensuring the proper functioning of the application. It is done for the removal of the bugs and other malicious contents in order to prevent the applications to fail. Brought to you by FIXMYWEB WEBSITE SOLUTIONS & DEVELOPMENT

The Planning Stage of Web Development

shared by Prescious on Jun 18
If you are planning to create your own website, you should know the stages throughout the process.





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