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Link Building: Know When to Hold'em, and Know When to Fold'em

Link Building: Know when to Hold 'em, Know when to Fold 'em The Basics: Do's and Don'ts Do Don't Take advantage of blogger outreach and social media to increase the value of links Concentrate link building efforts with mass automated tactics Distribute link filled content through blogs and article directories Embed the same group of links in multiple pieces of content D+ Have large amounts of grammatical and spelling errors in content Guest blog on relevant sites Create a contest. Web contests can generate * thousands of quality links. Use the same anchor text over and over Develop sites that are relevant to the site you want links to Disregard free resources such as Yahoo!Answers, Google Groups, etc. Embed content rich infographics Link several times to the same page in one article Establish local links from a library, or the local chamber of commerce Link to your homepage in excess of relevancy on content postings Submit 10,000 directory links the day your site goes live Download a content aggregator widget Build thousands of links to index.php and 0 to the rest of the site. Balance out root and deep links. 1-in-3 links KIA should lead to deep pages. Develop a separate email account for managing link campaigns Create a separate email account to make an alias and spam the web. Generate content that is easy to digest to create interest among a diverse group Spend a day building links, then don't follow up for 30 days Create your own topical directory which will link to your site, and deeplink to relevant content Spam sites with content via comment boxes Top Gambling Operator Backlink Profiles Top Gambling Affiliate Backlink Profiles 3,252,662 . 2,136,974 • I 1,943,083 •. 713,920 318,251 • 1,873,901 . ' 209,850 505,963 • 62,733 270,927 . Operators Affiliates 270,927 Ç 62,733 209,850 505,963 318,251 3,252,662( 2,136,974 1,873,901 713,920 1,943,083 Top SEO Ranking Factors Top Open Link Building Sources Proper keyword use in Title Tags Niche Forums Niche Directories Proper anchor Text of Inbound links Media Lists Popularity of linking site Answer Sites Popularity of your site Topical Networks Maturity of linking site Bookmarking Sites 00 Popularity of link with the site's internal link structure Topic Aggregators O Linking site's content relevance to your site Blogging Networks Link popularity of site in niche Social Media Proper use of keywords within body text Wikipedia Deualuation Metrics of Link Building OOOOO Multiple links on a page that use high CPC keyword anchor text Link appears sitewide Link is hidden from Link appears on a page which has a Google penalty Link appears in a noscript tag user using CSS 0OOO Unnaturally "perfect" anchor text is used in the link Large number of external links on the page Link was added to the page a great length of time after it was originally crawled Link is from a footer element on the page = Not Harmful = Mildly Negative = Moderately Negative = Strongly Negative = Horrifyingly Negative Uital SEO Components For Link Building* • Page Level Link Metrics 21.45 % • Domain Level Link Authority Features 21.13 % • Page Level Keyword Usage 14.93 % • Domain Level Keyword Usage 10.73 % • Page Level Social Metrics 7.22 % • Domain Level Brand Metrics 6.78 % • Page Level Keyword Agnostic Features 6.74 % • Page Travel Traffic / Query Data 6.26 % • Domain Level Keyword Agnostic Features 4.92 % *Based on an SEOMOZ 2011 survey of search engine marketers. Link Building Strategies To Fold On Automated Reciprocal Linking: there has been less value put on link exchanges for search engines Buying Links from Link Farms and Automated Systems: too many links built at one time with the exact anchor text can be viewed as spam by search engines Submitting Your Site to Multiple Paid Directories: inferior directories send no traffic and sell off cookie cutter links In Your Signature File List Hundreds of Web Sites: this will be perceived as a spam aggregator for search engines Only Post Original Content When you Can Add Links to Your Site: original content should be posted regularly to keep legitimacy Posting Comments on Other Blogs With a Link to Your Site: most people won't read this and it won't be validated by search engines SOURCE Your Guide to Gambling Affiliate Programs 口 4 以 ★ / = 命 %24 %24 %24 Affiljate Backljnk Operator Backlink Link Building: Know when to Hold 'em, Know when to Fold 'em The Basics: Do's and Don'ts Do Don't Take advantage of blogger outreach and social media to increase the value of links Concentrate link building efforts with mass automated tactics Distribute link filled content through blogs and article directories Embed the same group of links in multiple pieces of content D+ Have large amounts of grammatical and spelling errors in content Guest blog on relevant sites Create a contest. Web contests can generate * thousands of quality links. Use the same anchor text over and over Develop sites that are relevant to the site you want links to Disregard free resources such as Yahoo!Answers, Google Groups, etc. Embed content rich infographics Link several times to the same page in one article Establish local links from a library, or the local chamber of commerce Link to your homepage in excess of relevancy on content postings Submit 10,000 directory links the day your site goes live Download a content aggregator widget Build thousands of links to index.php and 0 to the rest of the site. Balance out root and deep links. 1-in-3 links KIA should lead to deep pages. Develop a separate email account for managing link campaigns Create a separate email account to make an alias and spam the web. Generate content that is easy to digest to create interest among a diverse group Spend a day building links, then don't follow up for 30 days Create your own topical directory which will link to your site, and deeplink to relevant content Spam sites with content via comment boxes Top Gambling Operator Backlink Profiles Top Gambling Affiliate Backlink Profiles 3,252,662 . 2,136,974 • I 1,943,083 •. 713,920 318,251 • 1,873,901 . ' 209,850 505,963 • 62,733 270,927 . Operators Affiliates 270,927 Ç 62,733 209,850 505,963 318,251 3,252,662( 2,136,974 1,873,901 713,920 1,943,083 Top SEO Ranking Factors Top Open Link Building Sources Proper keyword use in Title Tags Niche Forums Niche Directories Proper anchor Text of Inbound links Media Lists Popularity of linking site Answer Sites Popularity of your site Topical Networks Maturity of linking site Bookmarking Sites 00 Popularity of link with the site's internal link structure Topic Aggregators O Linking site's content relevance to your site Blogging Networks Link popularity of site in niche Social Media Proper use of keywords within body text Wikipedia Deualuation Metrics of Link Building OOOOO Multiple links on a page that use high CPC keyword anchor text Link appears sitewide Link is hidden from Link appears on a page which has a Google penalty Link appears in a noscript tag user using CSS 0OOO Unnaturally "perfect" anchor text is used in the link Large number of external links on the page Link was added to the page a great length of time after it was originally crawled Link is from a footer element on the page = Not Harmful = Mildly Negative = Moderately Negative = Strongly Negative = Horrifyingly Negative Uital SEO Components For Link Building* • Page Level Link Metrics 21.45 % • Domain Level Link Authority Features 21.13 % • Page Level Keyword Usage 14.93 % • Domain Level Keyword Usage 10.73 % • Page Level Social Metrics 7.22 % • Domain Level Brand Metrics 6.78 % • Page Level Keyword Agnostic Features 6.74 % • Page Travel Traffic / Query Data 6.26 % • Domain Level Keyword Agnostic Features 4.92 % *Based on an SEOMOZ 2011 survey of search engine marketers. Link Building Strategies To Fold On Automated Reciprocal Linking: there has been less value put on link exchanges for search engines Buying Links from Link Farms and Automated Systems: too many links built at one time with the exact anchor text can be viewed as spam by search engines Submitting Your Site to Multiple Paid Directories: inferior directories send no traffic and sell off cookie cutter links In Your Signature File List Hundreds of Web Sites: this will be perceived as a spam aggregator for search engines Only Post Original Content When you Can Add Links to Your Site: original content should be posted regularly to keep legitimacy Posting Comments on Other Blogs With a Link to Your Site: most people won't read this and it won't be validated by search engines SOURCE Your Guide to Gambling Affiliate Programs 口 4 以 ★ / = 命 %24 %24 %24 Affiljate Backljnk Operator Backlink Link Building: Know when to Hold 'em, Know when to Fold 'em The Basics: Do's and Don'ts Do Don't Take advantage of blogger outreach and social media to increase the value of links Concentrate link building efforts with mass automated tactics Distribute link filled content through blogs and article directories Embed the same group of links in multiple pieces of content D+ Have large amounts of grammatical and spelling errors in content Guest blog on relevant sites Create a contest. Web contests can generate * thousands of quality links. Use the same anchor text over and over Develop sites that are relevant to the site you want links to Disregard free resources such as Yahoo!Answers, Google Groups, etc. Embed content rich infographics Link several times to the same page in one article Establish local links from a library, or the local chamber of commerce Link to your homepage in excess of relevancy on content postings Submit 10,000 directory links the day your site goes live Download a content aggregator widget Build thousands of links to index.php and 0 to the rest of the site. Balance out root and deep links. 1-in-3 links KIA should lead to deep pages. Develop a separate email account for managing link campaigns Create a separate email account to make an alias and spam the web. Generate content that is easy to digest to create interest among a diverse group Spend a day building links, then don't follow up for 30 days Create your own topical directory which will link to your site, and deeplink to relevant content Spam sites with content via comment boxes Top Gambling Operator Backlink Profiles Top Gambling Affiliate Backlink Profiles 3,252,662 . 2,136,974 • I 1,943,083 •. 713,920 318,251 • 1,873,901 . ' 209,850 505,963 • 62,733 270,927 . Operators Affiliates 270,927 Ç 62,733 209,850 505,963 318,251 3,252,662( 2,136,974 1,873,901 713,920 1,943,083 Top SEO Ranking Factors Top Open Link Building Sources Proper keyword use in Title Tags Niche Forums Niche Directories Proper anchor Text of Inbound links Media Lists Popularity of linking site Answer Sites Popularity of your site Topical Networks Maturity of linking site Bookmarking Sites 00 Popularity of link with the site's internal link structure Topic Aggregators O Linking site's content relevance to your site Blogging Networks Link popularity of site in niche Social Media Proper use of keywords within body text Wikipedia Deualuation Metrics of Link Building OOOOO Multiple links on a page that use high CPC keyword anchor text Link appears sitewide Link is hidden from Link appears on a page which has a Google penalty Link appears in a noscript tag user using CSS 0OOO Unnaturally "perfect" anchor text is used in the link Large number of external links on the page Link was added to the page a great length of time after it was originally crawled Link is from a footer element on the page = Not Harmful = Mildly Negative = Moderately Negative = Strongly Negative = Horrifyingly Negative Uital SEO Components For Link Building* • Page Level Link Metrics 21.45 % • Domain Level Link Authority Features 21.13 % • Page Level Keyword Usage 14.93 % • Domain Level Keyword Usage 10.73 % • Page Level Social Metrics 7.22 % • Domain Level Brand Metrics 6.78 % • Page Level Keyword Agnostic Features 6.74 % • Page Travel Traffic / Query Data 6.26 % • Domain Level Keyword Agnostic Features 4.92 % *Based on an SEOMOZ 2011 survey of search engine marketers. Link Building Strategies To Fold On Automated Reciprocal Linking: there has been less value put on link exchanges for search engines Buying Links from Link Farms and Automated Systems: too many links built at one time with the exact anchor text can be viewed as spam by search engines Submitting Your Site to Multiple Paid Directories: inferior directories send no traffic and sell off cookie cutter links In Your Signature File List Hundreds of Web Sites: this will be perceived as a spam aggregator for search engines Only Post Original Content When you Can Add Links to Your Site: original content should be posted regularly to keep legitimacy Posting Comments on Other Blogs With a Link to Your Site: most people won't read this and it won't be validated by search engines SOURCE Your Guide to Gambling Affiliate Programs 口 4 以 ★ / = 命 %24 %24 %24 Affiljate Backljnk Operator Backlink Link Building: Know when to Hold 'em, Know when to Fold 'em The Basics: Do's and Don'ts Do Don't Take advantage of blogger outreach and social media to increase the value of links Concentrate link building efforts with mass automated tactics Distribute link filled content through blogs and article directories Embed the same group of links in multiple pieces of content D+ Have large amounts of grammatical and spelling errors in content Guest blog on relevant sites Create a contest. Web contests can generate * thousands of quality links. Use the same anchor text over and over Develop sites that are relevant to the site you want links to Disregard free resources such as Yahoo!Answers, Google Groups, etc. Embed content rich infographics Link several times to the same page in one article Establish local links from a library, or the local chamber of commerce Link to your homepage in excess of relevancy on content postings Submit 10,000 directory links the day your site goes live Download a content aggregator widget Build thousands of links to index.php and 0 to the rest of the site. Balance out root and deep links. 1-in-3 links KIA should lead to deep pages. Develop a separate email account for managing link campaigns Create a separate email account to make an alias and spam the web. Generate content that is easy to digest to create interest among a diverse group Spend a day building links, then don't follow up for 30 days Create your own topical directory which will link to your site, and deeplink to relevant content Spam sites with content via comment boxes Top Gambling Operator Backlink Profiles Top Gambling Affiliate Backlink Profiles 3,252,662 . 2,136,974 • I 1,943,083 •. 713,920 318,251 • 1,873,901 . ' 209,850 505,963 • 62,733 270,927 . Operators Affiliates 270,927 Ç 62,733 209,850 505,963 318,251 3,252,662( 2,136,974 1,873,901 713,920 1,943,083 Top SEO Ranking Factors Top Open Link Building Sources Proper keyword use in Title Tags Niche Forums Niche Directories Proper anchor Text of Inbound links Media Lists Popularity of linking site Answer Sites Popularity of your site Topical Networks Maturity of linking site Bookmarking Sites 00 Popularity of link with the site's internal link structure Topic Aggregators O Linking site's content relevance to your site Blogging Networks Link popularity of site in niche Social Media Proper use of keywords within body text Wikipedia Deualuation Metrics of Link Building OOOOO Multiple links on a page that use high CPC keyword anchor text Link appears sitewide Link is hidden from Link appears on a page which has a Google penalty Link appears in a noscript tag user using CSS 0OOO Unnaturally "perfect" anchor text is used in the link Large number of external links on the page Link was added to the page a great length of time after it was originally crawled Link is from a footer element on the page = Not Harmful = Mildly Negative = Moderately Negative = Strongly Negative = Horrifyingly Negative Uital SEO Components For Link Building* • Page Level Link Metrics 21.45 % • Domain Level Link Authority Features 21.13 % • Page Level Keyword Usage 14.93 % • Domain Level Keyword Usage 10.73 % • Page Level Social Metrics 7.22 % • Domain Level Brand Metrics 6.78 % • Page Level Keyword Agnostic Features 6.74 % • Page Travel Traffic / Query Data 6.26 % • Domain Level Keyword Agnostic Features 4.92 % *Based on an SEOMOZ 2011 survey of search engine marketers. Link Building Strategies To Fold On Automated Reciprocal Linking: there has been less value put on link exchanges for search engines Buying Links from Link Farms and Automated Systems: too many links built at one time with the exact anchor text can be viewed as spam by search engines Submitting Your Site to Multiple Paid Directories: inferior directories send no traffic and sell off cookie cutter links In Your Signature File List Hundreds of Web Sites: this will be perceived as a spam aggregator for search engines Only Post Original Content When you Can Add Links to Your Site: original content should be posted regularly to keep legitimacy Posting Comments on Other Blogs With a Link to Your Site: most people won't read this and it won't be validated by search engines SOURCE Your Guide to Gambling Affiliate Programs 口 4 以 ★ / = 命 %24 %24 %24 Affiljate Backljnk Operator Backlink Link Building: Know when to Hold 'em, Know when to Fold 'em The Basics: Do's and Don'ts Do Don't Take advantage of blogger outreach and social media to increase the value of links Concentrate link building efforts with mass automated tactics Distribute link filled content through blogs and article directories Embed the same group of links in multiple pieces of content D+ Have large amounts of grammatical and spelling errors in content Guest blog on relevant sites Create a contest. Web contests can generate * thousands of quality links. Use the same anchor text over and over Develop sites that are relevant to the site you want links to Disregard free resources such as Yahoo!Answers, Google Groups, etc. Embed content rich infographics Link several times to the same page in one article Establish local links from a library, or the local chamber of commerce Link to your homepage in excess of relevancy on content postings Submit 10,000 directory links the day your site goes live Download a content aggregator widget Build thousands of links to index.php and 0 to the rest of the site. Balance out root and deep links. 1-in-3 links KIA should lead to deep pages. Develop a separate email account for managing link campaigns Create a separate email account to make an alias and spam the web. Generate content that is easy to digest to create interest among a diverse group Spend a day building links, then don't follow up for 30 days Create your own topical directory which will link to your site, and deeplink to relevant content Spam sites with content via comment boxes Top Gambling Operator Backlink Profiles Top Gambling Affiliate Backlink Profiles 3,252,662 . 2,136,974 • I 1,943,083 •. 713,920 318,251 • 1,873,901 . ' 209,850 505,963 • 62,733 270,927 . Operators Affiliates 270,927 Ç 62,733 209,850 505,963 318,251 3,252,662( 2,136,974 1,873,901 713,920 1,943,083 Top SEO Ranking Factors Top Open Link Building Sources Proper keyword use in Title Tags Niche Forums Niche Directories Proper anchor Text of Inbound links Media Lists Popularity of linking site Answer Sites Popularity of your site Topical Networks Maturity of linking site Bookmarking Sites 00 Popularity of link with the site's internal link structure Topic Aggregators O Linking site's content relevance to your site Blogging Networks Link popularity of site in niche Social Media Proper use of keywords within body text Wikipedia Deualuation Metrics of Link Building OOOOO Multiple links on a page that use high CPC keyword anchor text Link appears sitewide Link is hidden from Link appears on a page which has a Google penalty Link appears in a noscript tag user using CSS 0OOO Unnaturally "perfect" anchor text is used in the link Large number of external links on the page Link was added to the page a great length of time after it was originally crawled Link is from a footer element on the page = Not Harmful = Mildly Negative = Moderately Negative = Strongly Negative = Horrifyingly Negative Uital SEO Components For Link Building* • Page Level Link Metrics 21.45 % • Domain Level Link Authority Features 21.13 % • Page Level Keyword Usage 14.93 % • Domain Level Keyword Usage 10.73 % • Page Level Social Metrics 7.22 % • Domain Level Brand Metrics 6.78 % • Page Level Keyword Agnostic Features 6.74 % • Page Travel Traffic / Query Data 6.26 % • Domain Level Keyword Agnostic Features 4.92 % *Based on an SEOMOZ 2011 survey of search engine marketers. Link Building Strategies To Fold On Automated Reciprocal Linking: there has been less value put on link exchanges for search engines Buying Links from Link Farms and Automated Systems: too many links built at one time with the exact anchor text can be viewed as spam by search engines Submitting Your Site to Multiple Paid Directories: inferior directories send no traffic and sell off cookie cutter links In Your Signature File List Hundreds of Web Sites: this will be perceived as a spam aggregator for search engines Only Post Original Content When you Can Add Links to Your Site: original content should be posted regularly to keep legitimacy Posting Comments on Other Blogs With a Link to Your Site: most people won't read this and it won't be validated by search engines SOURCE Your Guide to Gambling Affiliate Programs 口 4 以 ★ / = 命 %24 %24 %24 Affiljate Backljnk Operator Backlink Link Building: Know when to Hold 'em, Know when to Fold 'em The Basics: Do's and Don'ts Do Don't Take advantage of blogger outreach and social media to increase the value of links Concentrate link building efforts with mass automated tactics Distribute link filled content through blogs and article directories Embed the same group of links in multiple pieces of content D+ Have large amounts of grammatical and spelling errors in content Guest blog on relevant sites Create a contest. Web contests can generate * thousands of quality links. Use the same anchor text over and over Develop sites that are relevant to the site you want links to Disregard free resources such as Yahoo!Answers, Google Groups, etc. Embed content rich infographics Link several times to the same page in one article Establish local links from a library, or the local chamber of commerce Link to your homepage in excess of relevancy on content postings Submit 10,000 directory links the day your site goes live Download a content aggregator widget Build thousands of links to index.php and 0 to the rest of the site. Balance out root and deep links. 1-in-3 links KIA should lead to deep pages. Develop a separate email account for managing link campaigns Create a separate email account to make an alias and spam the web. Generate content that is easy to digest to create interest among a diverse group Spend a day building links, then don't follow up for 30 days Create your own topical directory which will link to your site, and deeplink to relevant content Spam sites with content via comment boxes Top Gambling Operator Backlink Profiles Top Gambling Affiliate Backlink Profiles 3,252,662 . 2,136,974 • I 1,943,083 •. 713,920 318,251 • 1,873,901 . ' 209,850 505,963 • 62,733 270,927 . Operators Affiliates 270,927 Ç 62,733 209,850 505,963 318,251 3,252,662( 2,136,974 1,873,901 713,920 1,943,083 Top SEO Ranking Factors Top Open Link Building Sources Proper keyword use in Title Tags Niche Forums Niche Directories Proper anchor Text of Inbound links Media Lists Popularity of linking site Answer Sites Popularity of your site Topical Networks Maturity of linking site Bookmarking Sites 00 Popularity of link with the site's internal link structure Topic Aggregators O Linking site's content relevance to your site Blogging Networks Link popularity of site in niche Social Media Proper use of keywords within body text Wikipedia Deualuation Metrics of Link Building OOOOO Multiple links on a page that use high CPC keyword anchor text Link appears sitewide Link is hidden from Link appears on a page which has a Google penalty Link appears in a noscript tag user using CSS 0OOO Unnaturally "perfect" anchor text is used in the link Large number of external links on the page Link was added to the page a great length of time after it was originally crawled Link is from a footer element on the page = Not Harmful = Mildly Negative = Moderately Negative = Strongly Negative = Horrifyingly Negative Uital SEO Components For Link Building* • Page Level Link Metrics 21.45 % • Domain Level Link Authority Features 21.13 % • Page Level Keyword Usage 14.93 % • Domain Level Keyword Usage 10.73 % • Page Level Social Metrics 7.22 % • Domain Level Brand Metrics 6.78 % • Page Level Keyword Agnostic Features 6.74 % • Page Travel Traffic / Query Data 6.26 % • Domain Level Keyword Agnostic Features 4.92 % *Based on an SEOMOZ 2011 survey of search engine marketers. Link Building Strategies To Fold On Automated Reciprocal Linking: there has been less value put on link exchanges for search engines Buying Links from Link Farms and Automated Systems: too many links built at one time with the exact anchor text can be viewed as spam by search engines Submitting Your Site to Multiple Paid Directories: inferior directories send no traffic and sell off cookie cutter links In Your Signature File List Hundreds of Web Sites: this will be perceived as a spam aggregator for search engines Only Post Original Content When you Can Add Links to Your Site: original content should be posted regularly to keep legitimacy Posting Comments on Other Blogs With a Link to Your Site: most people won't read this and it won't be validated by search engines SOURCE Your Guide to Gambling Affiliate Programs 口 4 以 ★ / = 命 %24 %24 %24 Affiljate Backljnk Operator Backlink

Link Building: Know When to Hold'em, and Know When to Fold'em

shared by sphinz on Dec 05
1 comment
Link building is a hot topic in the iGaming industry at the moment. You’ve been asking, “How do I acquire links?” “What the hell does ‘blag’ a link mean?” “How do I know which link bui...


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