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History of Computer Storage

History Of Computer Storage Since 1928, computer storage devices have been revolutionized, from magnetic tape to the cloud – a complete digitization of data being stored into the substance. Cloud Backup Solutions Cloud bakeup solutionenables businesses to protect data using backup, recover from a disaster, and archive unused files using only a light weight sofware 10 TODAY SD Card 2000 A typical SD card stores digital media for a portable device. MOD (PDF) 1990 A magneto-optical drive is necessary to retrieve the data stored on these 8. 3.5 to 5.25-inch discs. CD Russel Paid millions for to develop the compact disc (CD). In 1980, Russel completed the project and presented it to Sony. 1980 Floppy A floppy disk, a portable storage device made of magnetic film encased in plastic, made it easier and faster to store data. 1970 Music Tape Philips introduced the compact 1960 audio cassette in 1963 Magnetic Core A magnetic core memory, also known as a ferrite- core memory, uses small magnetic rings made of ceramic to store information from the 1950 polarity to the magnetic field it contains. Selectron Tube 1946 A storage of 1024 bits of information was successfully implemented in 1948. Williams Tube 1932 G. Taushek, an Austrian innovator, invented the magnetic drum in 1932. He based his invention off ad is covery credited to Fritz Pfleumer. Magnetic Tape Fritz Pfleumer, a German engineer, patented magnetic tape in 1928. He based his invention off Vlademar Poulsen's magnetic 1928 wire. Designed & Developed In Public Interest By: SCSISHOPTD SCSI DRIVES AT GREAT PRICES 01604 780633 Source:

History of Computer Storage

shared by scsishopuk on Mar 05
Floppy disks and cassette tapes have been forgetting except for the most nostalgic. Subsequent generations have simply forgotten about the technology that helped evolve the efficient computer storage ...




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