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Conversion Rates: Interventions with Ghosts Visiting Your Website

Conversion Rates interventions with ghosts visiting your website Forrester Research estimated that for every. The "conversion rate" is the most popular Key Performance Indicator (KPI) used to determine your effectiveness in tuming web- $100 spent on driving traffic to websites, site visitors into customers. As competition has increased, it has become harder to improve conversion rates. Yet, companies are underinvesting to improve conversions. companies spend only lconverting that | traffic into business SCENARIO In the last month you had 5,000 visitors to your website. You've learned from the sales department and CRM log files that 8 of those visitors picked up the phone and called you from your website. Another 17 visitors filled out the "contact us" form at your website. Finally, 13 visitors emailed you at your generic info@company email address. In total, you generated 38 leads on 5,000 visitors, giving you a 0.76% capture rate. Of those, you tumed 6 into customers for a dismal 0.12% con- version rate. So, (cough, cough) who are the other 4,962 visitors and why didn't they convert? ghosts Here are just a few of the ways you're próbably capturing website leads foday. Let's talk about these ghosts in the system. They likely fall into one óf the following búckets: Reasons why ghosts visited, but didn't take actión: • Asking the visitor to fill out "contăct us" lorm fields • Asking the visitor to email you at "info@company" • Asking the visitor to join your emailnewsketter • Asking the visitor to call your phoně number • Asking the visitor to sign up fora webinar • Asking the visitor to provide information to get something in retum (Eg. a căse study, whitepaper, pricing information, etc.) • Customers and previous visitors who found what they needed • Customers and previous visitors who didn't find what they need • Prospects who found what they'needed • Prospects who didn't find what they need • Company employees visiting the website Accidental visitors • Robots indexing the site • Visitor was only looking for information • Visitor was looking for informa- tion they didn't find • Visitor is apprehensive about sharing their contact information • Visitor 18 me/étfort to tmava customer • Visitor wanted to talk to someone • Visitor has a frystrating experience with webšite design and/or navigation • Visitor detemined product or service is not what they wanted • Visitor ran out of time So how do you enable the ghosts to engage with your companyinnewways? One of the most power- ful methods is to enable your sales/service team to be digitally present during the prospects visit By giving visitors an entirely newchoice-a live, trusted human being-it presents an on-demandand real- time option. For your sales and support team, it enables a newfomof visitor (ghost) intervention. B BENEFITS FOR YOUR COMPANY Likewise, enablinga directory of Iives agents at your website can have the following benefits for your organization: BENEFITS FOR THE VISITOR Providing a directory of live agents at your website that empowers the visitor to self-initateengagement (via text/audio/video communications) has the followving benefits to the visitor. • Immediate intervention with the visitor • Ability for visitor to ask questions not answered by website content • Ability for visitor to instantly have access to someone knowledgeable • Ability for visitor to quickly find the right person for assistance • Ability for visitor to feel greater control over the buying • Improved customer experience • Greater likelihood of collecting visitor information • Ability for sales/service agent to elaborate on product/service features and benefits Ability for sales/service agent to overcome visitor objections • Faster time to sale (sidestepping waiting for leads from form fields and email) • Higher rate of conversion to capture, lead, sale process infographic oreatod by |workface Source: " Conversion Rate Optimization Report 2011, Econsultancy SPOOKY! Conversion Rates interventions with ghosts visiting your website Forrester Research estimated that for every. The "conversion rate" is the most popular Key Performance Indicator (KPI) used to determine your effectiveness in tuming web- $100 spent on driving traffic to websites, site visitors into customers. As competition has increased, it has become harder to improve conversion rates. Yet, companies are underinvesting to improve conversions. companies spend only lconverting that | traffic into business SCENARIO In the last month you had 5,000 visitors to your website. You've learned from the sales department and CRM log files that 8 of those visitors picked up the phone and called you from your website. Another 17 visitors filled out the "contact us" form at your website. Finally, 13 visitors emailed you at your generic info@company email address. In total, you generated 38 leads on 5,000 visitors, giving you a 0.76% capture rate. Of those, you tumed 6 into customers for a dismal 0.12% con- version rate. So, (cough, cough) who are the other 4,962 visitors and why didn't they convert? ghosts Here are just a few of the ways you're próbably capturing website leads foday. Let's talk about these ghosts in the system. They likely fall into one óf the following búckets: Reasons why ghosts visited, but didn't take actión: • Asking the visitor to fill out "contăct us" lorm fields • Asking the visitor to email you at "info@company" • Asking the visitor to join your emailnewsketter • Asking the visitor to call your phoně number • Asking the visitor to sign up fora webinar • Asking the visitor to provide information to get something in retum (Eg. a căse study, whitepaper, pricing information, etc.) • Customers and previous visitors who found what they needed • Customers and previous visitors who didn't find what they need • Prospects who found what they'needed • Prospects who didn't find what they need • Company employees visiting the website Accidental visitors • Robots indexing the site • Visitor was only looking for information • Visitor was looking for informa- tion they didn't find • Visitor is apprehensive about sharing their contact information • Visitor 18 me/étfort to tmava customer • Visitor wanted to talk to someone • Visitor has a frystrating experience with webšite design and/or navigation • Visitor detemined product or service is not what they wanted • Visitor ran out of time So how do you enable the ghosts to engage with your companyinnewways? One of the most power- ful methods is to enable your sales/service team to be digitally present during the prospects visit By giving visitors an entirely newchoice-a live, trusted human being-it presents an on-demandand real- time option. For your sales and support team, it enables a newfomof visitor (ghost) intervention. B BENEFITS FOR YOUR COMPANY Likewise, enablinga directory of Iives agents at your website can have the following benefits for your organization: BENEFITS FOR THE VISITOR Providing a directory of live agents at your website that empowers the visitor to self-initateengagement (via text/audio/video communications) has the followving benefits to the visitor. • Immediate intervention with the visitor • Ability for visitor to ask questions not answered by website content • Ability for visitor to instantly have access to someone knowledgeable • Ability for visitor to quickly find the right person for assistance • Ability for visitor to feel greater control over the buying • Improved customer experience • Greater likelihood of collecting visitor information • Ability for sales/service agent to elaborate on product/service features and benefits Ability for sales/service agent to overcome visitor objections • Faster time to sale (sidestepping waiting for leads from form fields and email) • Higher rate of conversion to capture, lead, sale process infographic oreatod by |workface Source: " Conversion Rate Optimization Report 2011, Econsultancy SPOOKY! Conversion Rates interventions with ghosts visiting your website Forrester Research estimated that for every. The "conversion rate" is the most popular Key Performance Indicator (KPI) used to determine your effectiveness in tuming web- $100 spent on driving traffic to websites, site visitors into customers. As competition has increased, it has become harder to improve conversion rates. Yet, companies are underinvesting to improve conversions. companies spend only lconverting that | traffic into business SCENARIO In the last month you had 5,000 visitors to your website. You've learned from the sales department and CRM log files that 8 of those visitors picked up the phone and called you from your website. Another 17 visitors filled out the "contact us" form at your website. Finally, 13 visitors emailed you at your generic info@company email address. In total, you generated 38 leads on 5,000 visitors, giving you a 0.76% capture rate. Of those, you tumed 6 into customers for a dismal 0.12% con- version rate. So, (cough, cough) who are the other 4,962 visitors and why didn't they convert? ghosts Here are just a few of the ways you're próbably capturing website leads foday. Let's talk about these ghosts in the system. They likely fall into one óf the following búckets: Reasons why ghosts visited, but didn't take actión: • Asking the visitor to fill out "contăct us" lorm fields • Asking the visitor to email you at "info@company" • Asking the visitor to join your emailnewsketter • Asking the visitor to call your phoně number • Asking the visitor to sign up fora webinar • Asking the visitor to provide information to get something in retum (Eg. a căse study, whitepaper, pricing information, etc.) • Customers and previous visitors who found what they needed • Customers and previous visitors who didn't find what they need • Prospects who found what they'needed • Prospects who didn't find what they need • Company employees visiting the website Accidental visitors • Robots indexing the site • Visitor was only looking for information • Visitor was looking for informa- tion they didn't find • Visitor is apprehensive about sharing their contact information • Visitor 18 me/étfort to tmava customer • Visitor wanted to talk to someone • Visitor has a frystrating experience with webšite design and/or navigation • Visitor detemined product or service is not what they wanted • Visitor ran out of time So how do you enable the ghosts to engage with your companyinnewways? One of the most power- ful methods is to enable your sales/service team to be digitally present during the prospects visit By giving visitors an entirely newchoice-a live, trusted human being-it presents an on-demandand real- time option. For your sales and support team, it enables a newfomof visitor (ghost) intervention. B BENEFITS FOR YOUR COMPANY Likewise, enablinga directory of Iives agents at your website can have the following benefits for your organization: BENEFITS FOR THE VISITOR Providing a directory of live agents at your website that empowers the visitor to self-initateengagement (via text/audio/video communications) has the followving benefits to the visitor. • Immediate intervention with the visitor • Ability for visitor to ask questions not answered by website content • Ability for visitor to instantly have access to someone knowledgeable • Ability for visitor to quickly find the right person for assistance • Ability for visitor to feel greater control over the buying • Improved customer experience • Greater likelihood of collecting visitor information • Ability for sales/service agent to elaborate on product/service features and benefits Ability for sales/service agent to overcome visitor objections • Faster time to sale (sidestepping waiting for leads from form fields and email) • Higher rate of conversion to capture, lead, sale process infographic oreatod by |workface Source: " Conversion Rate Optimization Report 2011, Econsultancy SPOOKY! Conversion Rates interventions with ghosts visiting your website Forrester Research estimated that for every. The "conversion rate" is the most popular Key Performance Indicator (KPI) used to determine your effectiveness in tuming web- $100 spent on driving traffic to websites, site visitors into customers. As competition has increased, it has become harder to improve conversion rates. Yet, companies are underinvesting to improve conversions. companies spend only lconverting that | traffic into business SCENARIO In the last month you had 5,000 visitors to your website. You've learned from the sales department and CRM log files that 8 of those visitors picked up the phone and called you from your website. Another 17 visitors filled out the "contact us" form at your website. Finally, 13 visitors emailed you at your generic info@company email address. In total, you generated 38 leads on 5,000 visitors, giving you a 0.76% capture rate. Of those, you tumed 6 into customers for a dismal 0.12% con- version rate. So, (cough, cough) who are the other 4,962 visitors and why didn't they convert? ghosts Here are just a few of the ways you're próbably capturing website leads foday. Let's talk about these ghosts in the system. They likely fall into one óf the following búckets: Reasons why ghosts visited, but didn't take actión: • Asking the visitor to fill out "contăct us" lorm fields • Asking the visitor to email you at "info@company" • Asking the visitor to join your emailnewsketter • Asking the visitor to call your phoně number • Asking the visitor to sign up fora webinar • Asking the visitor to provide information to get something in retum (Eg. a căse study, whitepaper, pricing information, etc.) • Customers and previous visitors who found what they needed • Customers and previous visitors who didn't find what they need • Prospects who found what they'needed • Prospects who didn't find what they need • Company employees visiting the website Accidental visitors • Robots indexing the site • Visitor was only looking for information • Visitor was looking for informa- tion they didn't find • Visitor is apprehensive about sharing their contact information • Visitor 18 me/étfort to tmava customer • Visitor wanted to talk to someone • Visitor has a frystrating experience with webšite design and/or navigation • Visitor detemined product or service is not what they wanted • Visitor ran out of time So how do you enable the ghosts to engage with your companyinnewways? One of the most power- ful methods is to enable your sales/service team to be digitally present during the prospects visit By giving visitors an entirely newchoice-a live, trusted human being-it presents an on-demandand real- time option. For your sales and support team, it enables a newfomof visitor (ghost) intervention. B BENEFITS FOR YOUR COMPANY Likewise, enablinga directory of Iives agents at your website can have the following benefits for your organization: BENEFITS FOR THE VISITOR Providing a directory of live agents at your website that empowers the visitor to self-initateengagement (via text/audio/video communications) has the followving benefits to the visitor. • Immediate intervention with the visitor • Ability for visitor to ask questions not answered by website content • Ability for visitor to instantly have access to someone knowledgeable • Ability for visitor to quickly find the right person for assistance • Ability for visitor to feel greater control over the buying • Improved customer experience • Greater likelihood of collecting visitor information • Ability for sales/service agent to elaborate on product/service features and benefits Ability for sales/service agent to overcome visitor objections • Faster time to sale (sidestepping waiting for leads from form fields and email) • Higher rate of conversion to capture, lead, sale process infographic oreatod by |workface Source: " Conversion Rate Optimization Report 2011, Econsultancy SPOOKY! Conversion Rates interventions with ghosts visiting your website Forrester Research estimated that for every. The "conversion rate" is the most popular Key Performance Indicator (KPI) used to determine your effectiveness in tuming web- $100 spent on driving traffic to websites, site visitors into customers. As competition has increased, it has become harder to improve conversion rates. Yet, companies are underinvesting to improve conversions. companies spend only lconverting that | traffic into business SCENARIO In the last month you had 5,000 visitors to your website. You've learned from the sales department and CRM log files that 8 of those visitors picked up the phone and called you from your website. Another 17 visitors filled out the "contact us" form at your website. Finally, 13 visitors emailed you at your generic info@company email address. In total, you generated 38 leads on 5,000 visitors, giving you a 0.76% capture rate. Of those, you tumed 6 into customers for a dismal 0.12% con- version rate. So, (cough, cough) who are the other 4,962 visitors and why didn't they convert? ghosts Here are just a few of the ways you're próbably capturing website leads foday. Let's talk about these ghosts in the system. They likely fall into one óf the following búckets: Reasons why ghosts visited, but didn't take actión: • Asking the visitor to fill out "contăct us" lorm fields • Asking the visitor to email you at "info@company" • Asking the visitor to join your emailnewsketter • Asking the visitor to call your phoně number • Asking the visitor to sign up fora webinar • Asking the visitor to provide information to get something in retum (Eg. a căse study, whitepaper, pricing information, etc.) • Customers and previous visitors who found what they needed • Customers and previous visitors who didn't find what they need • Prospects who found what they'needed • Prospects who didn't find what they need • Company employees visiting the website Accidental visitors • Robots indexing the site • Visitor was only looking for information • Visitor was looking for informa- tion they didn't find • Visitor is apprehensive about sharing their contact information • Visitor 18 me/étfort to tmava customer • Visitor wanted to talk to someone • Visitor has a frystrating experience with webšite design and/or navigation • Visitor detemined product or service is not what they wanted • Visitor ran out of time So how do you enable the ghosts to engage with your companyinnewways? One of the most power- ful methods is to enable your sales/service team to be digitally present during the prospects visit By giving visitors an entirely newchoice-a live, trusted human being-it presents an on-demandand real- time option. For your sales and support team, it enables a newfomof visitor (ghost) intervention. B BENEFITS FOR YOUR COMPANY Likewise, enablinga directory of Iives agents at your website can have the following benefits for your organization: BENEFITS FOR THE VISITOR Providing a directory of live agents at your website that empowers the visitor to self-initateengagement (via text/audio/video communications) has the followving benefits to the visitor. • Immediate intervention with the visitor • Ability for visitor to ask questions not answered by website content • Ability for visitor to instantly have access to someone knowledgeable • Ability for visitor to quickly find the right person for assistance • Ability for visitor to feel greater control over the buying • Improved customer experience • Greater likelihood of collecting visitor information • Ability for sales/service agent to elaborate on product/service features and benefits Ability for sales/service agent to overcome visitor objections • Faster time to sale (sidestepping waiting for leads from form fields and email) • Higher rate of conversion to capture, lead, sale process infographic oreatod by |workface Source: " Conversion Rate Optimization Report 2011, Econsultancy SPOOKY! Conversion Rates interventions with ghosts visiting your website Forrester Research estimated that for every. The "conversion rate" is the most popular Key Performance Indicator (KPI) used to determine your effectiveness in tuming web- $100 spent on driving traffic to websites, site visitors into customers. As competition has increased, it has become harder to improve conversion rates. Yet, companies are underinvesting to improve conversions. companies spend only lconverting that | traffic into business SCENARIO In the last month you had 5,000 visitors to your website. You've learned from the sales department and CRM log files that 8 of those visitors picked up the phone and called you from your website. Another 17 visitors filled out the "contact us" form at your website. Finally, 13 visitors emailed you at your generic info@company email address. In total, you generated 38 leads on 5,000 visitors, giving you a 0.76% capture rate. Of those, you tumed 6 into customers for a dismal 0.12% con- version rate. So, (cough, cough) who are the other 4,962 visitors and why didn't they convert? ghosts Here are just a few of the ways you're próbably capturing website leads foday. Let's talk about these ghosts in the system. They likely fall into one óf the following búckets: Reasons why ghosts visited, but didn't take actión: • Asking the visitor to fill out "contăct us" lorm fields • Asking the visitor to email you at "info@company" • Asking the visitor to join your emailnewsketter • Asking the visitor to call your phoně number • Asking the visitor to sign up fora webinar • Asking the visitor to provide information to get something in retum (Eg. a căse study, whitepaper, pricing information, etc.) • Customers and previous visitors who found what they needed • Customers and previous visitors who didn't find what they need • Prospects who found what they'needed • Prospects who didn't find what they need • Company employees visiting the website Accidental visitors • Robots indexing the site • Visitor was only looking for information • Visitor was looking for informa- tion they didn't find • Visitor is apprehensive about sharing their contact information • Visitor 18 me/étfort to tmava customer • Visitor wanted to talk to someone • Visitor has a frystrating experience with webšite design and/or navigation • Visitor detemined product or service is not what they wanted • Visitor ran out of time So how do you enable the ghosts to engage with your companyinnewways? One of the most power- ful methods is to enable your sales/service team to be digitally present during the prospects visit By giving visitors an entirely newchoice-a live, trusted human being-it presents an on-demandand real- time option. For your sales and support team, it enables a newfomof visitor (ghost) intervention. B BENEFITS FOR YOUR COMPANY Likewise, enablinga directory of Iives agents at your website can have the following benefits for your organization: BENEFITS FOR THE VISITOR Providing a directory of live agents at your website that empowers the visitor to self-initateengagement (via text/audio/video communications) has the followving benefits to the visitor. • Immediate intervention with the visitor • Ability for visitor to ask questions not answered by website content • Ability for visitor to instantly have access to someone knowledgeable • Ability for visitor to quickly find the right person for assistance • Ability for visitor to feel greater control over the buying • Improved customer experience • Greater likelihood of collecting visitor information • Ability for sales/service agent to elaborate on product/service features and benefits Ability for sales/service agent to overcome visitor objections • Faster time to sale (sidestepping waiting for leads from form fields and email) • Higher rate of conversion to capture, lead, sale process infographic oreatod by |workface Source: " Conversion Rate Optimization Report 2011, Econsultancy SPOOKY!

Conversion Rates: Interventions with Ghosts Visiting Your Website

shared by workface on Dec 03
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Whether you are using an inbound content strategy, keyword and advertisement buys, or a combination of both, the obvious concern is improving your ability to capture lead information from more visitor...


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