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Zapier vs IFTTT: The Best Way to Automate Your Life?

Zapier vs IFTTT: The Best Way to Automate Your Life? Persona, BedreE Procae Pradetiviy. Pracmoer ben Muholland * S IF Business vs Casual, Zapier vs IFTTT whether it's Coke vs Pepsl. Aeid vs Persil or Hawailan pizza vs everything pood in the world. rivalries are everywhere. They make for fantastic spectator sports and can help improve our lives by showing the ftaws in cach side h our eflorts 10 help you guys autemane as much ef the laborious shovet work in your ives as pessble, we came RcrOs tun main competitors the geat battie that is Zapier vs IFITT. Oluy, so mayle "battla" is over-dramatising things a Fle, it's not as if they'e nurming masive smear campaigns Still the competition is real, as both Znpier wnd FTTT hyve eamed their spets on the map for being darned good pleces of kit This got us thinking which is better? Here at Pracess Street. we're not usuaky ones to str up the homet's nest and pit one thing against anothe. LUnless ifs the company Hearthstone toumament, in which case al bets are oft. h this casan, howereer, wa mae an enceptian and tock a lang hand loak at both Zapier and IFTTT; both re Can and rffect automation sofeware, but which should you be using to give vaurselt that estra bit of free time? The Basics IF The Basics: The Basics: Focus on Simplicity - 1-2 Step Recipes Easy to Learn Greater Automation Complex Zaps Harder to Master Let's start things off with a look at the basies: we already know what Zapier is end whatit can do. Zapier nns on a Guse and effect model although you are by no means imited to a single effect and you are able to fiber your zaps to lmt when they nun IFTTT is sightly dfferent. * This Then That (IFTTT) also runs on cause and offect -tthe name didn't akeady gve the away. The equivalent al your zapri ire called "ecipes", howivir, thay cars gerinally anly link ane appiicationi la anoeher there are ne mahi-step recipest. Whilst itis true that this could limh IFTTT's potential usabilty when companed 1o Zapler, kalso makes the app eacier to use for beginners. Choose Action Channel step 4 of 7 d 500 A M2X Another advantage that IFTTT has is that recipes are incredbly essy to obtain, as ther are rendily shared by their areators wihin the appitself. more often than not f you're looking to exeoute a spedfic process, or you're just bum out of ideas you ll find som in their "Browse" section Zapier is also anly availatle on a weh browser, whilst FTTT can be accessed on the web, theougha desktop apo (Windowi, MAC r Linux) er even cn mebin derices FPhare and Andricd) This hits in ricely with IF's abity to dieectly intersct with a singte app through "DO recipes: you can utilize their app to save notes or receipts on the fly with Evemote, keep tradk of your work hours in Google Dive. or even ing your own phone to get out of an awkward stuation. In short, as far as the basics of the two apps ga, Zapise alows greater ostomization and specivizaton with automving yaur prociser, whilst IFTTTin saniar ta break into and mane multi-prparia. The business tycnon vs the casual home user. if you wll Integrations IF Integrations: Integrations: 500+ Apps 271 Apps Mobile Integration More Triggers and Actions - Business-Oriented Apps - Home Integration So, beth of the appt e're lonking at hi increible similuitirs in their basie functians, albeit wiah Zapiee sacrificing a linle simplicity to have a greater usability. But what about their diferences before a ser has even come into the egation? All wortllow autemation software needs to be able to integrate with the applications its users interact with. Notice the words we ued these; it the software has integriaians that its users ase never going to Tadon ahrantage cf, they'sn latn hatter than a digital petenck To pat it blunily, numbirs aen't eything at we alsa need to consider how these integrafons can and will be used How Many and What Are They? FTT ourrently sits at a cozy 271 integrations, whist Zapier is shoming aff avr 500. Both are Enbed up with your traal suspects, uch a Butler, Deopbax, Fatshnok Crna nhed Slack, tut it in't just a care of Zapier hving more. Which Web Apos Do You Use? a sh Sr Aon %23 %23 anain Ore of the reasen why we arlier caled IFTTT as mere of the "casusT e's apolication ik that i can integrate with progams inyour car and home Forexample. you can remotely control your lizhts with Hue open your arage dooras you amive home with Garagelo or even set yourself a rerender if an engine ight comes an! This physical device interaction etends to your mobke, as there is an endire category of integrations which can cary oun tasks based on youe phone's battery, curent locaton, teminders or ien ts. Zapier, however, ha the mrlort comered in ternsof profestional use, specially sincie meiti-step zaps were introduced, Interactions with apps lke Jaile. Close, Google Anahtics Pioedrive and fof course) Proces Street. along with the new mutiple actions feature. akow you to collect data and use it. rather than set a mindless action with Sttle to no flexb ly As for organiation, Zapier sores its integyadiora in ane Sarge search system, wich can also be Elserad by calegory (wach as Oastomer Support or Lead Canratinn) Meanalile, IFITT onte again gets down ta baues by geting you to either type in the app you want to see, or scroll down a tist of categories such as Business. Connected Car. Connected Home and Moblie Saarch Channels ww and Natwertl W Fora fall list of Zapier's integrations cick here. and for IFTTT's dick he. How the integrations Work Evan with acomplete list of the integrated apps in front of you you noed to alko consider how you're going use them Alteral junt hecause these apps re botih linkerd to many of the sime services dees not mean that they can be used in the same ways. For example let's take a look at Gmall Dropbox and Slack.and what you can do with them on both Zapler and FITT. In Zapier, Gmal can be used to set 7ferent triggers or 3 actions - IFTTT ellows 6 lriagers or just ihet action. This isn' roo much of a diparty, and Cvopbox follows this rend of Zapier being slightly more complex with 2 1riggers and 4 acfions compared to 2 nd 3 Slak however, is where things geta latle more telling Zapier integrates with Slack through a possble 5 trigzers. 5 acions or 3 pearches Imid-process information sathering steps). IFTTT has a gand total of f action for Stlack and that's it Simpliity buly is the name of the game with if This Then That, which also transtates into ihe accounts which you can ink within the app. Triggers * Seardhes Ations eouve ilr la a hnd wavi beo nw - rson Unlike Zapier, FTTT does notaliow you to Enk muliple accounts to your integrations lunless you want to make an entirely new account in order bo do sal. On the other hand, entire companies can synchronize their Twitter accounts theough Zaper-there's no livit. To tumtmarize, when looking at the integraiore in the Zapier vFTTT baltlegroond nether app comes out with a deckive victonc. Athough I woud lean more towards Zapier, owing to being a general data nerd, if you don't quite need to analyze a twitter campaign or make your customer support run that bi smoother, IFETT may be the better way ta go. Integraton wise, it's much easier to leam theins-and-outs of and you can use it BO control items ound your home as an added bonus Workflow Options (Usage) IF Workflows: Workflows: Multi-Step Zaps -IF Recipes DO Recipes - Filters Allow Data Retrieval Next up in the altera of Zapier vs IFITTS Ihe dtferent ways in which these apps allow yeu so camy out your worlflors. This is another lield where, ance apin weget te sense thạt Zapier is akin tộ the buness vir ion of IETTL E ony cue to the complesity of the artions you can carry out Multi-Steps vs DO Recines As we have seen in previous posts, one of Zapier's greatest assets is its muki-step zap featre. By permiting you to allach as mjny ketions to k single tigger as you desire, Zapier stits its usar's professionalnoeds perfectly. This is mainly cueto the incredible power of lookups in mudti-step zaps: a manipulation whirh alows you to retrieve and uilize specfic data within the same automatic process. Whilst IFTTT does Tot allow for these complex workdlows, it instead simplifes and streamlines the single- tigger-single action process. In aimost the complese oppaste of Zapiers tancy and potentially confusing trulf-steps, IFITT (on the sarfacel can ret cut tat the set rigger aloogether and cirectly giwe you the blity to ryn a desired acion through 'DO'reopes Now. that may have been a bit of a mouthful. so allow me to explain IFTTT's standard F' redpes follow the same fomat as the basics of Zapier, one app triggers one action. However, the "D0 redpes allow the action to be wiggered whenever you run the recipe - no nigger is required IF RECIPE DO RECIPE if then DO hue If I post a picture on Instagram, save the photo to Dropbox Turn on or off your lights with a tap For example, one of the "DO" sedpes is to create a note in Evemote. If you run the recipe, a new note will be ceated and sved, whih you can ihen type straight into. kis worth noting that this feature of IFITT is especialy peteet when combined with the various pluforms the app can be nun on booting up an app iust to make a note in Evemebe whist on a computer is pointless, but ssing k whlst on a phone orilad can be inwaluable IF RECIPE DO RECIPE if then DO hue If I post a picture on Instagram, save the to Dropbox Turn on or off your lights with a tap photo For ewample, one al the DOsecipes is to oeate a note in Evernete. If you nun ihe recipe, a new note will be eted and swed, which you an then type straight into. Ris worth noting that this festure of IFTTT is especiaky potert when combined with the various platforms the app can be run or booting up an app just to make a note in Evernota whilst on a computer is pointless but using k whst on a phone or iPad can be inwalable You dan't have to stop there, however, as you can set several Fines of sequiements, fnting into "And or "O fields. "And lieds must ali be met in onder for the ap to lite, whist "Oracan be met itstead ol the other inshiuctions Byusing these variaions, you can taler all of your automatie processes providing exceptions to your ndes and preventing your complex zaps from fring due to lor causing unwanted events. Shared Recipes vs Zap Library IF Library: - Lacks Complex Zaps Confusing to Find and Use Library: - Many User-Shared Recipes Easy to Find and Use Let's say that you wart to upe a certain process but eer den't know hew or don't want to make it yourself; this is where the shared lbraries of exch app come in Both zaps and recipes are prowided for your conwenience ready to use trom presetmodels. but which s the moreusetul libray? Sarting with IFTT, there's almost no way to avold the shared secipes (atich is a good thingl whether you kad up the app vtrsion or juse log into the ste, the very lirs page youire shown is the recipe page, which ia split into 3 tabs Recommended, 00 Recipes and IF Redpes. Honestly. I couldn't faut this approach even I wanted to. Itbesutifuly plays into IFTTF's idealof simplicity. whilst giving you some stellar secpes and some data to boot lthe oreator's usename. how many users have the vecipe, and how many have favorited inl. Each entry comes with a custamized title and description, detaling whal exacily therecipe does A you need to do is scroll through toa recipe you le efckon k connect your accounts and then click ad Beautibul thére Nates: I anemalland eet Evenmate" as a label far s will get sent to Evernote as a neN MAddthislabel anewenat Ewemone Adding. Zapier, on the other tand trips up a itle here. First up. vieing sample zaps isn't quilte as easy as shared recipes Sure. it's not exacty ditticut but for the user who just wishes to grab a premade zap and be off. logging in moing to the lecommendations tab. selecting an app they want to use theough a sider)and then choosing fom basik 2-step zaps isn't kdeal This is most delinitely a canegory where Zapier's complesity counts against i, and having multiple wenues and pages for the same basic pr through the Explore or Use Cases tabs to ind the very same zaps, albeit with sightly dfferent categorization zaps doesn'l paiticulanly help. For peripective you tan also wind your wy h fact, the presence of multple pages with the same name. but diferent displays or functions confused me even whilst writng - the Use Cases page in the Zapbook tonsite tunoial / encyclopedia) serves the same function as the Use Cses tab within yoar dashboard, bui has a completely dillerem laynut. Due to the more complex nahure of zaps, ifsunderstandable as to wtry there aren't any poemade ecamples (at least onsite of powertul muli-step zaps ready to go. but this is definitely an area which could see some huge improvements. Thankfully. we here at Process Street love a bik of a challenge Zapier's lack aof detailed sample zapa was quickly combated with a linile creativity, nesearch and tial and eror, but the ease d access to uselul recipes in IFTTT st can't be ignored, At leat for the casual uter, IFTTT wrs this sesment. User Experience IF Reviews: -Excellent Ratings Reviews: Good Reviews Generally Reviewed by Business Users - Minor Bugs on some Mobile Devices (eg Nexus) So far weve gone over the hard facts what the basic featires of each app are, what they integrate with- everything which can be quantfied and safely determined to be fact between the two apps. Now ifs time to stay a little into the more ambiguous field of user comparing the reviews of each procuct. After al what good is a singie point of vieww when countless customers with countless serups have ditterent experiences? "Official" Reviews Here we'l be taking a look at the revilews of each product which have been made into artiles: hose with slightly more scholarty aredentials. If you will. One user areated a secipe that wili alert tim via SHSif the CDC reports a zombie outbreak while another user created one that sutomatioally uplnsds arty photo he posts to Fecebock to Picasa, tos These two recipes sumup the appral of FTTT:k's funand pretty dam uselul. too'- Liane Cassavoy Across the board. IFTT does impreshvely well. It's true that some minor complaints crop up, such as broken initial downloads and no way to distinguish between an Androidi phone and tablet onceboth are connected to Ihe same account targely, however, IFTTT is a hit in artide reviews: the basic Ulis going down nicely, alung with the gemeral ee of ue onte you have it up nd running A in all, we'd say it's a slam dunk f you run a small to mid-sire business, you seslly ought bo know about Zopier - RI Deffey Huch like ks competkor. Zapler also has stellarreviews the potendal of the platiom along with the sheer number of available integrations is often highlighted as a big enough selling point. Once again, however, we toed lo be a lile careful as the pricing plan which we will cover later tenis brougle into perspective when combined with the general alfirmation that Zapieris a basiness aulomation 1ool What do I mean by that? Wel the vast majority of reviews state at one point or another that Zapier is good for business automotion Not only this. but those that do not often compare itto FTTT. conduding that one cannot be recommended over the other. We'se seding the business casual d vide between these apps in action ahen treated as a business applicatior Zapier wik wipe the fieer hit as a pe aunomation app, IFTTT manages to creep its way to level-heading User Reviews There's nothing like a trawi through the user review soction of any praduct to give a Eote perspective. Usas hwe a delightlully blunt way af teaing prochucts apart, ce hreaking ik in wiys most others can't evien imagine, tart a traw through the reviews For these apps was plesantly surprising HARIBO HARIBO HARIBO ed as a busness appicibon zape w w to creep its way to level-headng User Reviews These's nothing Fke a tral through the user view section of any pradact ta give a lle perspective Usera hyve a delightlully blunt way of lening prochucis apart or breaking ik in wirys most others can't even imagine, but a trawl thiovgh the reviews for these apps was pleasantly srprising HARIBO HARIBO HARIBO IF Pricing: -1 Free Model, 4 Paid - Free Trial of Higher Plans - Useful Features Behind Pay Lock Pricing: - Completely Free - Some Delays in Data Transfer and Recipe Execution Finally, lef's get doam to the nity-gity topic al pite in the tompaitan of Zapier vs IFTT. New, this may seem ke a no-traine, as only one of theseapps actuslly has a paid model but stick with us - there is method to the madness As you may have guessed by this point. IFTTTIS acompletely free model. No aspect can be enhanced by pying even you warned to although therehave boen rumblings in the pan about a paid modd being introduced). This doesn't mean that youire gettng a perfett servite, hemever. You can store and nun your recipes for free with no wony. although to link mulfiple accounts to your integrated apps. youll need an entirelynew account. Smlarly (and probably due to being freel your recipes are limited in that they ase not constantly or immediately executed - there can be a15-minute delay for IF redpes to fise, or for the action of a DO recipe to save and trander to dhe dhasen app. Hearwhle, Zapier Standa Inse ta ita bosiness fncs and comes with several pricing plar, from complenely free sp to $125 per nonth, As you wouldexpect, the S plans off more features as they grow in peice 05 peT month allows you to sawe 5 zaps, leaves 15 minutes between trigger checks and allows 100 tasks per month. whilst SI25 gves you 125 zap sve slots, runs chedk every 5 minutes, akows 50.000 tasks per month etc Pricing Plans $0 $20 %$50 $75 $125- apps. you'l need an entirely new account. Simlarly (and probably duc to being teel your redipes are limited in that they ase nor constantly or immediaely cxecuted - theie can be a15-minuce delay for IF redpes 1o fne, or for the action of a DO reeipe to e ard Inirafer In the chnsen app. Mearwhde. Zapier stands Irue to its bresiness focus ard comes with several pricing pilans, from oompletely free. sp to $125 per month. As you wouldexpect. the 5 plans off more features as they grow in price 0s per month alows vou to sawe S zaps leaves 15 minutes betwoen triarer dhedks and allows 100 tasks per month, whilst S125 gives you 125 zap save stots, runs check every 5 minutes, akows 50,000 tasks per month, etc. Pricing Plans $0- $20 $50- $75 $125- Plan Teso Now, k should be based in mind that two very powerfel festures of Zapier are tocked out from the free plan. these being muli-step zaps and certain "Premium" apps. H you mant to take ful advamage of Zapier's UsabiEty treer IFTTI. vmall need to at least. b using the $20 per mnth Basie plan il you're not certain about paying fur Zapier, a 15-day free trial is available for their advanced festures (suchas multi-steps Uing Zapier to ks full potential is well worth the price tag however. we're once again returning to the question of business vs casLal you just want a lite automation for free, IFTTT has you covered with its lack of foes, whikt the more focused and dedicaad automation user (wha is wiling to pay at least 320 per month] wik lind that Ihey can pet for more nun ef Zapiers lenic plan Zapier vs IFTTT: The Finale IF There's a resson that we've been tramping the business vs Oual metaphorinto the ground: you wart to get rid of as much of the tiresome lezwok in your fe as possible. use IFTETIN your personat ife and Zapler for your business Alter all who doese'i love a bit of smart casualin their Gle? E vo think we missed any vial peinls have any Zanier oe IETT There's a reason that we've been trampling the business vs casual metaphorinto the ground: f you want to get d of as much of thetiresome legwok in your Sfe as possible, use FTFTIN your personal ite and Zapier for After all, whe doesn't lowe a bit of smart casunlin their ife? Fyou think we missed any vital points, have any Zapie or IFTTT stories to share, or even just erjoyed the article then don't forget to leave a comment. We seply to ak of them and tove speaking to you al! Tel the veadt Teiter fracebeok o in uedne 0 Geegle aak Enal Get our posts & product updates earlier by simply subscribing Emai address Subecribe Ben Mulholland A wrter with a faszination for technelngy Leave a comment Your emal aridema all rat be pshiynerd Reguiredi fieles nen makret. Name eg Bruce Wayne Ce Website eg hitp://wayne-enterprises com Caryren Write a comnent No Coodt Ced kerred

Zapier vs IFTTT: The Best Way to Automate Your Life?

shared by ScarletBransfieldhal on Feb 23
In our efforts to help you guys automate as much of the laborious shovel work in your lives as possible, we came across two main competitors; the great battle that is Zapier vs IFTTT.


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