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Your Credit Score

YOUR CREDIT SCORE CREDIT SCORE MODELS Different Score Different Range EQUIFAX 280-850 GENERIC FICO SCORE 300-85O TRANSRISK 300-85O VANTAGESCORE 501-990 PLUS SORE 330-83O Average Credit Scores Average VantageScore for consumers with 761 |819 II AN EXISTING auto loan and lease A MORTGAGE 689 A BANKCARD 796 Average FICO SCORE States States with highest credit scores with lowest credit scores 1. Alaska 600.0 2. Mississippi 646.8 3. Louisiana 654.8 4. Nevada 655.5- 5. Georgia 656.8 1. Wisconsin 724.9 2. Minnesota 713.0 3: North Dakota 708.0 4. South Dakota 7070 5. New Jersey 703.0 9 STEPS FOR SPEEDY CREDIT REPAIR Get a credit card if yolu don't have one Add an instaliment loan to the mjx Show you're responsible with both major kinds of crodit: revolving and installmnnt. Get significant ors correced on the credit history Pay down Dispute old negatives Try disputing the account with the credit -bureaus as "not mine." 4 lightly Get your balances of the credit limit Get some goodwill Getting balances Request a lender to enase 1 lake pay from your credit htory. is even better A Check your limits 6| 1 Dust off ari oid card Your scores might be aftificially depressedil your lenderis showing a lower limit than you actually I The older your crodit history, the better. Sources: Presented by Prepared by moneytips SEAR CH 3 w A personal finance community

Your Credit Score

shared by moneytips on Jan 31
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This infographic will help people improve their credit scores. This will be achieved by giving information about different types of credit scores models and giving tips to improve credit ratings.


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