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Weird Valentine's Day Searches

What People Really Think About Valentines Day And The Statics To Back It Up! Valentines day- The one day of the year when flowers are over priced, chocolates are an expectation, and men either nail it, or get locked in the dog house for weeks. Where many love this day, It turns out that a lot of people hide their true feelings behind a monitor. The story below reveals peoples real thoughts about the day of love. S 13,100 People The History Lover's... Search for when Valentines day started. The truth- It originated back in the 5th century and was named after a Christian Martyr. S2 The Skeptic's.. 7,000 Searches Happen each year for 'why celebrate valentines day. It seems for some the thought of giving and show people you care isn't enough. The Forgetful... 30,000 double check What the date for valentines day is. 5,000 even check that its the same date each year- We can only assume its guys wanting to avoid the dog house... The Not-So-Romantics... 3.500 The number of people who need some inspiration and search for 'valentines day stuff'. If you're stuck remember, you can never go wrong with flowers and chocolates The Cheapskates... 8,000 Men 26,000 Women The number of men and women who search for (00 'cheap valentines day gifts' each year. Men- we now know for sure you get the raw end of the bargain on Valentines Day. The Unorganized... 13,000 Cut things close By searching for 'last minute' gifts, we can only assume that 12 months wasn't enough notice for these unlucky guy's... The Unsatisfied... 50,000 Love Birds Find that just 1 Valentines day isn't enough each year, so instead they search for 'Valentines Days' The Hateful... 54,000 Haters Each year the numbers of people searching for 'anti-valentines day' grows. They're looking for anti-valentines cards, gifts and idea's to 'celebrate' against Valentines day... The Valentine-less... 30,000 Caring Kids If you're alone, don't worry. Each year 30,000 caring children search for Valentines day gifts for their mom. The Woofers... 6,000 Dog Lovers If you love your four-legged friend, you're not alone. Each year 6,000 people search for valentines day gifts for their pooch. Proudly Created By: Online Visions: You're Partner In Ecommerce Success. Data From: Google Keyword Planner ONLINE VISIONS

Weird Valentine's Day Searches

shared by jvisions on Feb 11
Valentine's Day is normally a time of roses, chocolates and diamond rings. However some people don't seem quite as enthusiastic, and some just plain go over the top. Here are the weirdest searches th...



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