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Team Building Exercises

TEAM BUILDING IDEAS COMMUNICATION Icebreakers What can we do? Icebreakers are a good way of making members of your team talking to each other with no stress at all. + There are many games and you can play to get members of your team to open up a bit more and have fun with each other How long would it take? Such as? Get everyone to tell personal highlights of their İife so far in one minute. And get people to talk about which part of their life they would like to relive again. It depends on the exercise it seif. Most exercises should usually take around 20 - how many people there is in a group. minutés depending PROBLEM SOLVING How Does it What can we do? help? Problem solving helps the team work together to get a task completed or to get the question right. It helps bringing the team together which is important There are many games and you can play to get members of your team to work together to get to the end of the fask quickly and correctly. + How long would it take? It depends on the exercise it seif. Most exercises should usually take around an hour, depending how many people there is in a group. Such as? Get everyone working together on a team building exercise where there is a deliverable at the end so that everyone will work together to finish the task. SUPER ® LOGO

Team Building Exercises

shared by JosieAmbrose on Apr 22
Every one needs to go through team building exercises so you can get the most out of you team and make sure everyone is on the same page. Have a look at these ideas to get the most from your team building day


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