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Plan of action

Plar of Aitiom IN THE FIRST TUU DAYS TO CREATE JOBS Our tax code to help Small Business grow and create Jobs. fish REFORM Rebuild Government's relationship with the business community through the governor's Business Advisory Council - This high level advisory group will help drive the ideas of Guam's 21st century economy and rebuild and environment of fair play in which every business is fairly regulated and gets a level playing field to compete for government contracts. REBIULD Invest International Software Training & Development Center - creation of a joint Technology Campus at the University of Guam and Guam Community College. INVEST We will establish a small business tax rebate program for small businesses that meet certain standards including job creation and we will provide a true One Stop Center to cut approved red tape for individuals and businesses needing government clearances and approvals. RELIEF Grow Establish a multi-agency working group to aid farmers, in the use of new farming technologies and techniques: determining appropriate agricultural water rates, recommended crop types and production level: and marketing strategies. GROW Prosper by working together we expand the circle of opportunity and shared prosperity for all the people of Guam. PROSPER Dave Santos Act We will work with the legislature to revisit the Dave Santos Act and restore it to previous exemption levels of no business privilege taxes on the first $50,000 of annual gross earnings for small business. RESTORE Recover We will return government to the people by taking direct action to upgrade infrastructure in our villages. We will develop a multi-purpose Rapid response Team to work in our neighborhoods to open new roads, clear debris and derelict buildings, and extend power and water lines to reduce costs to consumers. We will contract out this work to small businesses to provide an economic stimulus to create jobs. RECOVER

Plan of action

shared by mglinfographic on Sep 02
This infographic gives a plan of action to create jobs in first hundred days. Reform, Rebuild, Invest, Relief, Grow, Prosper is the plan of action to create the right amount of jobs and get the work d...


MGL Infographic


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