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M-Commerce & You!

M-COMMERCE & YOU! The Rise of Mobile E-commerce IN RECENT YEARS, E-COMMERCE HAS TRANSITIONED from an association with niche purchases to the new default for everything from specialty products to groceries. Now a new revolution is taking place. M-commerce, or Mobile E-commerce, is on the rise. People want the power to purchase what they want, when they want, wherever they are. We're going to show you what this new trend means for you, the online store owner! THE STATE OF THE INDUSTRY As smartphones and tablets become more and more popular, it is becoming increasingly apparent that there is no one "type" of M-commerce shopper. EVERYONE IS GOING MOBILE. 56'. OF U.S. ADULTS OWN SMARTPHONES OWN TABLETS TABLET SALES ARE EXPECTED TO ECLIPSE PC SALES BY 2015? 80% OF TIME SPENT ON SMARTPHONES IS IN APPS MOBILE COMMERCE JUMPED TO $21 BILLION IN 2012, UP 81% FROM 2011 AND RISING MOBILE COMMERCE ACCOUNTS FOR OVER 11% OF ALL E-COMMERCE SALES, UP FROM 3% IN 2010 THIS YEAR, 15% OF ONLINE RETAIL SALES WILL TAKE PLACE VIA MOBILE BY 2017, THE PERCENTAGE WILL RISE TO 25%5 25% HOW DO YOU TAKE YOUR STORE MOBILE? There are several ways to establish a mobile presence for your online store. The three most popular ways are by building a Facebook page, creating a mobile-optimized website, and building a mobile app. FACEBOOK PAGE MOBILE SITE MOBILE APP X Installed on smartphone X Installed on smartphone Installed on smartphone X Presence on home screen X Presence on home screen Presence on home screen X Buy products directly Buy products directly Buy products directly X Instant communication X Instant communication Instant communication A 2012 SURVEY UNCOVERED THAT 62% OF PARTICIPANTS MADE PURCHASES THROUGH A MOBILE BROWSER VS. 38% THROUGH A MOBILE APP. HOWEVER, THE PEOPLE WHO SHOPPED THROUGH AN APP REPORTED BEING SIGNIFICANTLY MORE SATISFIED WITH THE EXPERIENCE 9. It is a good idea to have both a mobile website and a mobile app. Mobile sites work better for acquiring new customers, where mobile apps are most useful for retaining loyal customers. APP-SPECIFIC STRATEGIES Where a mobile optimized website generally only requires an initial investment in optimization, an app ties directly with many of the features of a mobile device. This gives the app owner more opportunity to engage with their customers. HELLO THERE! EXCLUSIVE SALE: 50% OFF! STRATEGY I STRATEGY 2 Push notifications are messages Similar to messages, you can also send deals, coupons or specials that are sent directly to smartphones and tablets. Unlike with push notifications. Recent SMS or text messages, you can stats indicate that mobile coupons have a redemption rate of 10%, absolutely crushing their send unlimited push notifications to any user who has them enabled print counterparts that hover around a 1% redemption rate." for free. Let users know about upcoming products, events or contests instantly! You Tube ADD TO CART & BUY NOW! STRATEGY 3 STRATEGY 4 One of the most significant Mobile apps can pull in info from benefits of a mobile app for online Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube. They allow you to include a direct feed to your blog. You can showcase pictures of your stores is the ability to enable users to buy right from their smartphones. Often this ability is best paired with push notification employees, store or products. In promotion. Send them a deal and give them the ability to redeem it right on the spot! short, use your app as a central content hub so you can foster a community of loyal followers in your own personally branded mobile microcosm! CONCLUSION As mobile phones continue to transition from simple communication device to a media distribution hub and lifestyle management tool, a mobile presence will become increasingly essential for ecommerce store owners. The best part is it is still possible to get in on the front end of this major trend. TAKE YOUR BUSINESS MOBILE AND LEAVE THE COMPETITION IN THE DUST! Ppptive Apptive helps businesses and organizations of any size create attractive, feature-rich mobile apps. It was founded with the philosophy that all businesses need a competitive mobile strategy to remain relevant in a world where smartphones and tablets have become the engagement medium of choice for consumers. Apptive is based in the green hills of Austin, Texas. I 2 3 4 5 6 7

M-Commerce & You!

shared by suziejurado on Jul 24
In recent years, E-commerce has transitioned from an association with niche purchases to the new default for everything from specialty products to groceries. Now a new revolution is taking place. M-co...


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