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Infographic: Top 8 Communications Issues for Snowmen (and Humans!)

8 communications issues to watch out for this winter *1. Alienated staff With people increasingly working remotely and across locations, it's often difficult for some to feel fully connected. A disjointed workforce will soon become a lot less merry. *2. Limited flexibility The last thing people want is to be tied down to their office desk, but if communications tools are not designed to fit around working patterns, there may come a productivity meltdown. *3. Poor first impressions Every business is vying for attention in their marketplace, capitalising on festive sales and promotions. If your call handling is not polished and professional, you will risk losing out to the competition. .... *4. Non-team players It's not just being a good Samaritan; if team members work together to handle calls, they will be far more responsive and able to cope better during busy periods. *5. Scaling demand It's great when business is booming with a larger volume of calls and additional staff, but unless your communications system can keep up, it could soon snowball out of control. * 6. Unexpected disruptions Bad weather, illness and power failures are the main culprits of business disruption during the winter. You can't predict these events but you can take steps to be prepared. *7. Sickness absence With plenty of bugs and germs going around, it only takes a few people to be out of action to cripple your communications and prevent the business running smoothly. *8. Frequent travel If people don't have the ability for their communications to travel with them, productivity can plummet and they are left with a lot of catching up to do when next in the office. RingCentral Have communications issues that you'd like to melt away? Get in touch to try out the RingCentral cloud 0800 098 8136 phone system FREE for 30 days. RingContral

Infographic: Top 8 Communications Issues for Snowmen (and Humans!)

shared by RingCentral on Jan 14
People often assume the working life of a snowman is bliss; standing proudly in the field then taking off every so often for a wild party. The truth is they experience many issues that you may not ev...




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