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Infographic: How do UK Organisations Meet to do Business?

Time, Cost-Efficiency and Distributed Workforces Drive Conference Call Uptake Younger generation will drive the investment in new video conferencing technology FACE-TO-FACE MEETING AUDIO CONFERENCING VS 50% Believe the 60% Find biggest disadvantage is the cost of travel. conference calls more time and cost efficient. 62% Lose most time when 34% Use travelling to and from meetings. conference calls as they work in a multi-dispersed team. 32% Admit most 33% Claim due to distractions such as making drinks and small talk. conference calls are more viable for business abroad. People have even participated in conference calls in unusual situations. 19% in locations 19% in their pyjamas or not fully dressed. such as outdoors or in the bathroom. HOWEVER... 46% Say face-to-face meetings make the most sense for conducting business. VIDEO CONFERENCING BRIDGES THE GAP 71% Would use video over audio 31% 23% for conferencing. For improved inclusion For better engagement WHAT HAS HELD UP THE ADOPTION OF VIDEO CONFERENCING UNTIL NOW? 35% Poor image and sound quality. 28% Complexity of setup. YOUNGER GENERATIONS ARE DRIVING UPTAKE Use video conferencing at least once per week. U 27% 18-34 year olds 13% 45+ year olds 24% 16% 39% 26% 18-34 45+ 18-34 45+ year olds year olds year olds year olds Are likely to invest in the technology in the next Will spend more time using the technology in the next year. year. With the right HD video conferencing software, businesses have the tools to build and maintain long-lasting relationships whilst also maintaining viability and efficiency. About this Survey The online survey was conducted in March 2014 within the UK by YouGov on behalf of RingCentral. It was conducted among 1,106 senior decision makers within B2B companies. This online survey is not based on a probability sample and therefore no estimate of theoretical sampling error can be calculated. RingCentral

Infographic: How do UK Organisations Meet to do Business?

shared by RingCentral on Aug 20
RingCentral recently conducted a research study with YouGov to understand more about how UK organisations meet to do business. The research timed in with our UK launch of RingCentral HD Video Meetings...




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