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How to Annoy a Photographer?

How to really annoy a PHOTOGRAPHER Whether you have hired a photographer or are at an event and bump into one, there are some things that you can do or say that will really get their backs up! If you want great photos, avoid annoying them with these ten common mistakes. 01 Ask them to Photoshop it! It might be true that your friend was standing behind that tree when the shot was taken, but moving that tree in Photoshop will not allow you to see them. It is also a lot of work to remove your flabby arms or trim your beer belly. A professional photographer only makes minor adjustments when editing, they are not magicians. Can you make me look like Angelina Jolie? 02 Point out how your camera is better than theirs. A sharp sword does not make a strong fighter. Even entry level cameras can be used to achieve professional results now that technological advances filter down the models so quickly. You can spend twice as much and still achieve half the results of a professional who has a wealth of experience behind them. I can see inside the church from here 03 Comment on how much they earn in a day. "Wow, wish I could earn £XXXX in a day' is something many wedding photographers hear, but that is not how it works. There are a sequence of meetings, from initial hiring, planning at the venue and then delivering the results after the shoot. A full days shooting can create 500+ photos to sort and edit and then there is the costly equipment to insure, service and replace. I bet this is yours? 04 4 Change the schedule last minute. Once you have shared your plans with your photographer, you need to discuss any changes with them before you make them. Just gonna shift these for They may have organised their day around that schedule and will be unable to adapt to last minutes changes. You should also take their advice on how long they need to get what you want, you can't simply snap away for five minutes and come away with a perfect portrait shoot. a moment 05 Talk about your pro-photographer friends It takes skills and hard work to make it as a professional photographer, many have been to Uni or gained experience working alongside other pro's. Doing some jobs on the side when you continue to hold down a 9-5 isn't the same thing. I know loads of photographers errm... say cheese? I like cheese Being able to boil an egg does not make you a chef. Owning a 'big' camera or doing budget weddings on Saturdays for some extra pocket money is not the same as being a photographer. 06 Provide them with an 'assistant'. have you got a "tilt n shift' lens? can you explain 'panning'? If you have a family member that you would like to tag along with the photographer at your event, ask the photographer first and be prepared for them to say no. I reckon you should photograph the bridesmaids next It is not their job to babysit or train your relatives, especially if your want to make the most of your photographer. An assistant is a distraction, they want to ask questions all day and this will result in missed shots. Photography for DUMMES 07 Ask them to copy a style. I like your style, but any chance you could do it more like this? When you hire a photographer you hire them because you like their style. You will have gone through their portfolio so you have seen what they can do and how they will capture you event. It is not a problem to collect some general shots if you have specific expectations but provide these at the first meeting and don't ask for an exact replica. 08 Give them no direction. Most people have an idea in their minds as to what they want images for before they hire a photographer. Whether it's advertising, portraits or weddings, share your ideas with the photographer as early as possible. They might say that they cannot achieve what you want or that they need a budget to hire additional lighting to get the result you are after. 09 ng Expect full copyright. Congratulations! What are you expecting? It is not automatic that you receive copyright for images that you have specifically hired someone to take. Don't expect to get a disc of full resolution images in with the cost. Full Copyright? You should discuss this with the photographer and if you have a specific advertising purpose for them, get a written license agreed before hand. Portrait and wedding photographers approach varies greatly so be sure what's going to cost you extra before booking them. 10 Use images without permission. Every time you take an image from a google search and pop it in a social post or print it you are risking breaking the law. This is a photographers livelihood and they will protect it until their dying breath. You also cannot copy a physical print even if it is of you, whether photographing it or scanning it, and someone who prints this for you could also get in trouble. This infographic is PRINT-PRINT R brought to you by: CIID

How to Annoy a Photographer?

shared by billytrail on Nov 25
Photographers are a mixed bunch. Equipment, genre, style, approach, experience, training, there are so many variables that it attracts a variety of different characters. Then there’s everyone else, ...




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