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Employer Vacation and Sick Time Policies

BLR's 2012 Paid Time Off Survey Vacation & Sick Time Policies Do you provide vacation and sick leave separately or combined paid time off (PTO)? 63% 36% Vaca/Sick PTO <1% of respondents don't offer vacation, sick, or any other paid time off. Vacation Time Accrual Weeks of Vacation Per Year 1 4+ 1 20% 23% 60% 65% 13% 7% 6% 2% <1% 1% 24% 27% 58% 62% 17% 8% 10 <1% <1% 7% 6% 43% 47% 49% 43% 15 <1% 1% 5% 5% 24% 25% 70% 46% Exempt Employees Nonexempt Employees Sick Time Accrual 1 week or less per year 24% 1 day per month 20% 1/2 day per month 19% 7% of employees None 17% accrue 3 or more weeks of sick time per year. 2 weeks per year 13% Lul BLR Source: BLR's 2012 Paid Time Off Piktochart Years of Employment BLR's 2012 Paid Time Off Survey Vacation & Sick Time Policies Do you provide vacation and sick leave separately or combined paid time off (PTO)? 63% 36% Vaca/Sick PTO <1% of respondents don't offer vacation, sick, or any other paid time off. Vacation Time Accrual Weeks of Vacation Per Year 1 4+ 1 20% 23% 60% 65% 13% 7% 6% 2% <1% 1% 24% 27% 58% 62% 17% 8% 10 <1% <1% 7% 6% 43% 47% 49% 43% 15 <1% 1% 5% 5% 24% 25% 70% 46% Exempt Employees Nonexempt Employees Sick Time Accrual 1 week or less per year 24% 1 day per month 20% 1/2 day per month 19% 7% of employees None 17% accrue 3 or more weeks of sick time per year. 2 weeks per year 13% Lul BLR Source: BLR's 2012 Paid Time Off Piktochart Years of Employment

Employer Vacation and Sick Time Policies

shared by CCeplenski on Oct 11
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BLR Paid Time Off survey infographic shows how many weeks of vacation time exempt and nonexempt employees receive after 1, 5, 10 and 15 years of employment. The infographic also reflects employer poli...




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