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Do's and Don'ts of Handling Business Calls During Work From Home

Do's and Don'ts of Handling Business Calls During Work From Home Transition is never easy for businesses and the COVID crisis has brought some major ones. Remote calling is one of the changes that companies have been forced to embrace. Although there isn't a tried and tested recipe for success, here are some do's and don'ts you can follow to continue communicating with your customers seamlessly, even as your team works from home. DO'S OF REMOTE CALLING GIVE EMPLOYEES ACCESS TO THE RIGHT TECHNOLOGIES Invest in cloud based business cll solutions that keep them connected from anywhere DEFINE A REMOTE CALLING PROCESS Have a well-defined and well- documented process for effective agent guidance TRAIN THE AGENTS TO HANDLE THE TRANSITION Make the remote move easy for the call agents by offering them training PROVIDE ACCESS TO REQUISITE RESOURCES Empower them to access the necessary resources to deliver best caller experiences KEEP TRACK OF INDIVIDUAL AGENT PERFORMANCES Follow individual performances and invest in rectification strategies where needed DON'TS OF REMOTE CALLING COMPROMISE ON THE QUALITY OF SERVICE Never go slack with the quality of customer service, no matter where your agents are BE UNAVAILABLE WHEN CUSTOMERS NEED TO CONNECT Not being available to the callers means that you may lose them for good FOLLOW A REACTIVE APPROACH Don't just solve the existing issues, anticipate and resolve ones that may happen ahead BE APPREHENSIVE ABOUT THE TRANSITION Rather than fearing the transition, embrace the change with positivity MICROMANAGE YOUR TEAM Micromanagement implies distrust, which can make the team weaker OServetel

Do's and Don'ts of Handling Business Calls During Work From Home

shared by meenakshigupta on Jun 16
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As the world is shifting to the new routine of working from home due the corona pandemic, it is binding to get comfortable with it and to learn the do's and don'ts of handling remote business calls.


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