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Company formation in Qatar

LEGAL STRUCTURES OF THE COMPANY QATAR Helpline Group Limited Liability Company Formation in Qatar ( LLC ) An LLC is a partnership between two or more persons . Partners can be Qatari nationals as well . LLCs are allowed to operate in all sectors , except for the commercial agencies and real estate businesses in Qatar . General Partnership Company In a General Partnership company , there are mandatory requirements to have at least one general partner and one limited partner . Limited Share Partnership Company A limited share partnership company is formed with at least one joint partner and at least four trustee shareholding partners . Holding Company A holding company in Qatar is used for promoting investment activities and controlling of subsidiary businesses . Public Shareholding Company There are provisions of joint stock companies and Qatari Shareholding Companies under the public shareholding company provision in Qatar . Joint Venture Joint Ventures are companies formed between partners or companies in Qatar . Representative Trade Offices As per the decisions are taken by the Ministry of Business and Trade ( no . 142/2006 ) , it is now possible for foreign firms to open representative offices in Qatar without needing to have a Qatari partner .

Company formation in Qatar

shared by helpline1988 on Dec 12
Helpline Group assist you for services in Company formation in Kuwait, Company Formation in Qatar, Company Formation in Bahrain & Company Formation in UAE. We give fast & Secure Company Registration S...


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