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Business SMS

SMS Gets Down to Business Text Messaging is Now Key to Business Communications %23: MERRY %23 CHRISTMAS! 8,000,000,000,000 text messages were sent globally in 2011? The first text message was sent on December 3, 1992. 8 Trillion Between 2007 and 2011, the number of text messages sent more than quadrupled, from 1.8 trillion to 8 trillion 1.8 Trillion worldwide: 2007 2011 In 2012, 200,000 text messages were sent every second worldwide: OUT OF ALL TEXTERS SURVEYED... 81% use text messaging for business communications: 31% say half of daily texts are business related." 41% send 150+ text messages per week. OF THOSE WHO SEND BUSINESS TEXTS... Over half send 16 or more texts per day: 91% ! 19% have exchanged send text tense text messages messages with a colleague. to colleagues. 71% 32% of people send text messages to customers, suppliers, or partners. of texters have closed a business deal via text.4 Percentage who send urgent business texts:4 21% Say Frequently 58% Say Sometimes 21% Say Never 82% 91% say they send more business related texts prefer receiving a text message over a voicemail. now as compared to one year ago.“ 79% of bosses are supportive of texting for business.4 Percentage of people who text the boss:1 27% Say Frequently 50% Say Sometimes 23% Say Never When can I start? I QUIT!!! 8% 3% of people have accepted a job offer via text.4 of texters have resigned from a job via text message: 61% 78% of businesses Hello, how can I help you? wish they cou send and receive wish they could text a toll-free number and receive TOLL-FREE NUMBER texts from their a text reply. business number. RingCentral AD in 2 SOURCES USED: 1. CNET 2. Mobile Future 3. International Telcommunications Union 4. RingCentral Survey of Participants in North America, December 2012 December 2012 +3

Business SMS

shared by RingCentral on Dec 18
Text messaging is now key to business communications. Texting for work is on the rise per a survey RingCentral recently conducted. Nearly 80% of adults text for work and 32% said they've even closed a...




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