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The Business Of Hemp

The Business of CANNA HEMP OPEN In 2017, $820 MILLION worth of LEGAL HEMP products were sold in the United States · A GROWING INDUSTRY · IN 2017 Hemp was grown in 19 STATES, covering 25,713 ACRES 1,456 LICENSES were issued to 32 U.S. UNIVERSITIES conducted hemp- related research grow hemp WHY IS HEMP SO POPULAR? HEMP CAN BE FOUND IN MANY PRODUCTS FROM FOODS AND TEXTILES TO MEDICAL TREATMENTS 2% 23% Hemp-derived CBD Other 5% Supplements 22% 13% HEMP-BASED PRODUCTS by market share Personal care Textiles 18% Industrial applications 17% Food BENEFITS OF HEMP: FOOD OR SUPPLEMENT Hemp seeds are a source of complete protein, and offer healthy fats, essential fatty acids, vitamin E. and minerals BENEFITS OF CANNABIDIOL (CBD) CBD is a non-psychoactive compound derived from hemp or marijuana, with numerous potential health benefits. CBD may reduce Soluble & insoluble fiber Arginine and GLA may reduce promote digestive health the risk of heart disease ACNE CHRONIC PAIN CRAVINGS INSOMNIA INFLAMMATION ANXIETY Omega-3 and Omega-6 fatty acids improve skin and relieve eczema Gamma-linolenic acid (GLA) may reduce symptoms of PMS and menopause By 2021, LEGAL CANNABIS WILL BE A $40 BILLION INDUSTRY in the United States ·LEGAL CHALLENGES A HISTORY OF HEMP 1600s 1800s 1900s 1940s 2014 GROWING HEMP WAS MARIJUANA BECAME RECREATIONAL U.S. FARM BILL AUTHORIZED A COMMON INGREDIENT MARIJUANA USE GREW STATES TO START PILOT PROGRAMS FOR HEMP ENCOURAGED FOR USE IN ROPE, SAILS, AND CLOTHING IN OVER-THE-COUNTER ACROSS THE U.S. MEDICINES CULTIVATION, PROVIDED ALL Hemp was considered legal tender in Pennsylvania, Virginia, and Maryland. By 1931, 29 states had GROW SITES WERE REGISTERED outlawed the AND CERTIFIED BY THE STATE "Marijuana menace". In 1619, the Virginia Assembly passed a law REQUIRING every farmer to grow hemp. In 1937, Marijuana Tax Act banned hemp & marijuana cultivation. "HEMP FOR VICTORY" Program encouraged farmers to grow hemp to supply rope, parachutes. and other necessities for WWII HEMP LAWS BY STATE, 2018 NH WA MT NO MN ME WI OR WY - MA - RI NE IN NV UT CO KS DE -MO MO WW KY CA OK TN AZ NM AR SC Licensed growing for commercial use HI Authorized research or pilot programs by universities or state agencies Both commercial and research or pilot programs CONTINUING LEGAL ISSUES SEED CERTIFICATION Problem Solution Long-term prohibition has made it difficult to find viable seeds i Some states certify seeds with low THC content to help growers Available seeds may not be legal (having less than 0.3% THC) As a controlled substance, seeds can't cross state lines THE 2018 US FARM BILL could legalize hemp DECRIMINALIZATION & LEGALIZATION production nationwide Problem Solution L Hemp is legally defined as a - Growers may be required to register with the DEA narcotic, putting growers at risk States may provide an affirmative defense for registered growers Some laws require a change in federal law before they take effect As legalization rushes forward, industries look for NEW APPLICATIONS for a versatile crop THE FUTURE OF HEMP · HEMPCRETE: CARBON NEGATIVE CONSTRUCTION A Offers the SAME BENEFITS AS CONCRETE F ENERGY EFFICIENT F FIRE RESISTANT - DURABLE. LOW-MAINTENANCE COST-EFFECTIVE SUPERCAPACITORS: POWERING ELECTRIC VEHICLES O Capacitors support batteries with short bursts of high power 4 Hemp-based capacitors may outperform traditional options by nearly 200% O Hemp is more COST-EFFECTIVE than traditional graphene - COST OF GRAPHENE: SI.8 BILLION PER TON L COST OF HEMP: $5000 PER TON JAZ TANK, CANNAVATION: “SHARK TANK FOR HEMP" O Sponsored by Thomas Jefferson University (Philadelphia, PA) ♡ Welcomes startups in cannabis and hemp O Winner gets a CASH PRIZE. plus consulting services to help patent their idea - GRAND PRIZE: $I0.000 RUNNERS-UP: $5.000 MORE CBD O CBD can add a HEALTHY BOOST to almost anything - HEALTH DRINKS & BEER F CHOCOLATE G GUMMIES By 2022. CBD will be THE MOST POPULAR HEMP PRODUCT ON THE MARKET, selling $646 million of product GRANOLA BARS & PEANUT BUTTER Hemp is serious business – From CBD to supercapacitors, LEGAL HEMP CAN MAKE US HEALTHIER AND THE WORLD GREENER SOURCES html pdf interestingengineering com/the-future-af-hemp-engineering-hemperete-supercapacitors-bio-fuel-and-nore html POPULAR CBD BRANDS g/resources/industrial-hemp-frem-seet-to-market DEVELOPED BY N NOWSOURCING

The Business Of Hemp

shared by NowSourcing on Sep 18
Legal hemp is enjoying an upward trajectory in the United States these days, despite decades of federal prohibition. Learn more about the business of hemp!




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