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Building Confidence 101

axi AXES Human Capital Limitseva stond in front of the mimor and say, "I con do it"but your heavy feeling con be Building Confidence 101 lifted once you do it. Moice this a hobit os well. Hdoean't mean that you have to talk to yourself angst every now and then. That may seem too weird to other people. You con just cheer yourself in your mind. YOUR FROWA Carry Yourself Well TURN negative thoughts allowed A little octing won't do any harm os long os every port of your body gets incorporated with eoch other. It will be o little owicward if you have indeed UPSIDE DOW stroightened your bock but sway your hands in the same motion of your step. You have to feel confident to own confdence. Be conscious of your octionsbut don't let go of comfort. If we strice o powerful pose, we feel powerful. Building Confidence 101 Change your Perspective towards Other People Eoch one of us hos their own out-of-body experience when foced with an interview, o presentofon or talcing to the boss. Thoughts are slowly driffing oway to some uncertoin and fogay ploce where you con't think stroight no matter how many times you review what you are to soy prior to the situotion. It's not only you who experience these icinds of things. H does not matter if you ore from Guam, the mountains of Siero Modre, Tokyo, Japan, Jocorto Indonesio, Hawoi or even if you ore from South Pole. Even people from different cultures iknowthe feeling- Some people hove woys to ignore these nervous symptoms oll of us may Inferiority moy icick in if you thinik too much that you ore tolking to your boss. People hove the tendency to bock out fromo situotion if they think that they ore to foce someone more superior than they ore. Think obout them os equal human being but always remain respectful. Rother than thinking that your boss is o terifying lion reody to pounce, thinik of him os o gentle cub that needs to be informed obout the important information you have. Turn your Frown Upside Down hove experienced from time to fire. In order to cope, we put ourselves inside o Mony people soy smiling is the most powerful weopon. It blocks tronsporent shelter of confidence. comploints ond bod vibes. Not only does it exude o nice impression from you but it con olso lift your own feeling. Be genuine os much os you con. Mony people say that smiing is contogious.Who knovvs you might get o smie in retun from your bOES But how do we build this shelter? The strength of your confidence may olso determine the level of competency you are to exude in the nerverocking situotion. Posifive Self Talk Attend Self-Improvement Trainings We should odmit it to ourselves. We tolk to ourselves sometimes. Some of us tolk to themseves more frequently thon others:Moy iit be oloud or only in their heods. According to severol studies, tolcing to onesef is noto sign of modnes a delusion but con in foct help some people get done with their work, be motivoted or think things through. Reseorchers even found out that it con turn negotive feelings into optimismwith posifive reminders. Hmay be o little weird to Attending self improvement troining is on option but it con do well to moce you feel better especiolly for those who cloim to be introverta. You con olso reod reviews or blogs online on how to improve and motivate yourself. Mony self improvementscompanies such os Axis Human Copital group have on odvococy to help everyone build their own shetter of confidence oround them. negativity

Building Confidence 101

shared by keyonnixon on Mar 04
Each one of us has their own out-of-body experience when faced with an interview, a presentation or talking to the boss. Thoughts are slowly drifting away to some uncertain and foggy place where you c...





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