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5 Tactics That Establish Website Credibility And Secure More Conversions

5 5 Tactics That Establish Website The proliferation of "bogus" websites and online scams is Credibility And Secure More affecting netizens' engagement. In 2013, according to the Federal Bureau of Conversions Investigation, in the US alone, there were: 262,813 complaints about online scams $781 million dollars worth of losses – which was a disturbing 48% more than the losses reported for 2012. Because of these, a lot of Internet users these days have a difficult time trusting websites due to 2 things: fear that they would be lured into a compromising transaction, or fear that they will expose their gadget to security risks. This is a big cause of concern if: Your business conducts its operations online All transactions that generate income can only be accomplished through your official website It's going to affect your business's income significantly if your target market is held back by fear. Therefore, it's a must to establish website credibility and assure your audience that all transactions they wish to carry out will be protected and secure. Proven Effective Tactics for Website Credibility #1 Provide Real Customer Reviews on the Website – Reviews do not only establish relevance of the product but also impact both attitude and resultant actions of online consumers. A 2013 survey reveals that: 73% of consumers say positive reviews automatically make them trust a business more. 73% .. Posting bad reviews as well has a positive impact on business credibility and image: 68% of consumers trust those websites with mixed reviews more than those that only post praises. 68% ... #2 Post Real Testimonials – This is a must for lead generating websites because testimonials serve as the review. In using testimonials to establish the trustworthiness of the site, online marketing experts provide the following tips: Short and sweet does the trick. Use those testimonials that are just 2-3 sentences long because they have better readability. Choose testimonials that explain how the product or service was used and had proven helpful to the user. Case studies reveal that showing potential customers how others are using the product/service to their advantage is the perfect strategy for establishing relevance of the provision and encouraging people to buy. Maintain the authenticity of the testimonial. Do not edit all the grammatical, spelling and language errors. Post the name, location, picture, and even throw in a video of the person providing the testimonial. An AB test conducted reveals that posting “identity" details along with the testimonial can increase conversions by up to 34%. 34% IBM #3 Associate with Trusted Brands - Aligning yourself with the right crowd is a highly effective way of demonstrating strong business values and proving that your enterprise also has the same standards that have sealed success for long established brands. hp MasterCard o avast! Adobe #4 Use Security/Trust Seals and Payment Logos – Trust seals are known to prevent shopping cart abandonment (which occurs 67% of the time and, in some verticals, could be as high as 83%); customers trust that the site had complied with strict PCI standards and undergone careful inspections to earn these trust seals, and therefore, are assured that they are safe. As for payment logos, they present that the business is competitive because it can accommodate various types of payment modes. 83% 67% #5 Use a Trustworthy Headline - 78% of the first three eye movements people make when looking at a website are directed toward the headline. It's important to present truth with it right away; it creates a stronger interest to know more, which should be satisfied properly by the content body. 78% BUSINESS NEWS Feb 1, 2013 - Feb 24, 2013 Visits Nov 1, 2012- Nav30, 2012 Visits The three important principles in establishing credibility through a headline are to avoid: Curiosity-inducing headlines Shock and awe headlines NEWS Exaggerated sensational headlines This is mainly because they ll appear shady right away. Plus, their content body often fails at meeting the hype generated by the headline, thus disappointing people. Need help updating your website? Designed by superfastousiness Sources: trust-online-reviews-as-much-as-personal- recommendations-164565 conversion-optimization.html#ixzz3G64xdxzS headlines/ +:

5 Tactics That Establish Website Credibility And Secure More Conversions

shared by superfastbusiness on Nov 04
Online consumers look for security before making transactions on the Web. How can you assure them your site and company are legit? Take 5 tips from this infographic.


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