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5 Simple and Effective Ideas for Planter Boxes

5 SIMPLE AND EFFECTIVE IDEAS FOR PLANTER BOXES A planter trough is a great way to add a new dimension to your indoor or outdoor aesthetics of the home. PLASTIC INSERTS If you want a beautiful looking garden-like space planted plastic garden pots. They are durable, lightweight, affordable, and good for the growth of the plants. Besides, these are beautiful than any other type of garden pots. CASCADING WOODEN BOX In box might not beginning, look appealing. However, when you plant pretty flowers shrubs and they grow out and bloom, the box will look full of all angle. GEOMETRIC SHAPES So many planter boxes are available in the market like vertical, horizontal and L shape. It is important that you get proper knowledge and space well and then select the boxes for the plants. DIFFERENT MATERIAL Different Material point is important in planter boxes, You can choose to have cascading planter boxes so you can customize with the existing theme of your house. HANGING GARDEN This is the most decorative option in planter boxes. You can always think of doing something original and unique to it. Make sure you choose unique plants for the boxes so that the entire idea comes out well. SMART PLANTER [email protected] MODULAR PLANTER SYSTEM 02 9526 1455

5 Simple and Effective Ideas for Planter Boxes

shared by laurenbracy on Nov 19
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