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10 Ways To Improve Team Productivity At Your Call Centre | Acefone

10 WAYS TO IMPROVE TEAM PRODUCTIVITY AT YOUR CALL CENTRE SG How Can I Help You ? Hello. SUCCESS A team is a group of people that works towards the same goal. Team productivity contributes to the success of a business. Here are some of the ways through which you can boost your call centre team's productivity to achieve your goals quickly. Employees are six times more likely to be engaged in a job where they are utilising their strengths every day. - Gallup 1. Define Your Goals Set achievable goals for your team and communicate regularly with them to discuss the strategy to be executed to reach that goal. Supervise your team members after specifically assigning them their roles and responsibilities. Good results are likely to be achieved with clear objectives for individual team members. 2. Work From Home A Stanford study shows that allowing your agents to work from home has proven to increase productivity. It helps in employee retention as well; people working from home are less likely to leave the organisation. Agents feel happier and maintain interest in their jobs. Moving to a cloud-hosted call centre support working with remote agents. 3. Gameathon "All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy." Playing game refreshes the agent's mind, and he can be more productive than before. It reduces their stress and helps in maintaining a healthy office environment. Conducting various games for teams is very helpful as it encourages collaboration, teamwork, and increase interaction among them. 4. Technology Update Make sure that you provide all the latest tools and technologies to your agents. With the improved technology, you save time, cost, and get a better Return on Investment (ROI). It simplifies their tasks and improves productivity. It is crucial to have the latest technology if you want to stand ahead of your competitors. 5. Give Feedback Provide regular constructive feedback to your agents. As a senior, do this in a fair and unbiased manner. It will motivate the agents to put necessary efforts to reach your expectations. Be open to take feedbacks from the agents as well. Don't hesitate to execute suggestions as it makes them feel valued. 6. Distribute Work Distribute the work as per the agent's preference and matching skills. Do not assign work to them, randomly. Find out their strengths and weaknesses. You can conduct one on one sessions, that will help you to understand them better. Allot work according to the skills they possess. Also, the workload should be divided equally so that they are able to meet deadlines as a team. 7. Reward Them Incentivising your agents based on their performances on the parameters like the highest number of leads, highest first call resolution, and the lowest number of abandoned calls. It will motivate the agents to go the extra mile, further improves the overall performance of a company. 8. Lead By Example A good leader leads by example, show your team how it is done. It is a great way to add values that you want in your call centre agents. A leader who takes the initiative: motivates others to follow him. Being punctual, taking care of the deadlines and, being honest with everyone will make your team motivated and disciplined. People are more likely to take them seriously. It helps in building the trust between the two. 9. Appreciate Efforts Give agents the ownership of their work. Praise them whenever they do something good. It motivates them to be more productive at work. The leader should give them the credit that they deserve. You don't have to offer incentives every time; a handwritten letter can also do wonders. 10. Agent Development Offer your team free online courses related to their work. The knowledge they gain during the course develops them both professionally and personally. According to Google's 20%-time policy 2, employees CRM can spend 20% of the time on their personal projects. With it, employees are free to be creative, and further may bring innovation in your business. References: Employees Who Use Their Strengths Outperform Acefone Those Who Don't- GALLUP A 2- Year Stanford Study Shows the Astonishing Q Productivity Boost of Working From Home- Inc How Google's 20 Percent Rule Can make You More Productive and Energetic- Inc

10 Ways To Improve Team Productivity At Your Call Centre | Acefone

shared by oliviatrott099 on Dec 09
Your contact centre's success is tied to the success of your staff. A successful team works together to meet the company's goals. We all know how important it is to have a productive team, but how do ...


Olivia Trott


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