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10 Excuses Bosses Give Not to Bring in a Mediator

10EXCUSES BOSSES GIVE WHY THEY DON'T WANT TO BRING IN A MEDIATOR How many have you heard? 1 "I think I can sort it out myself" "I know the people 2 and the background, and that's essential in our business - what does an outsider know?" “I certainly don't want to bring someone in to this organisation 3 who I don't know" "75% of people voluntarily leaving jobs don't quit their jobs; they quit their bosses. - Roger Herman' Managers and HR professionals can find themselves knowing that something is wrong within or between teams, but not having a specific complaint to investigate. That makes it difficult to come up with solutions. 4 "If this is a symptom of something deeper, I may as well just get rid of them now" 77 5 "This lot moan all the time. If it gets sorted out they'll just find something else to moan about" 6 "I know in my guts they're just not going to work together" "They may say the right things to the mediator but they'll do nothing about it afterwards - they're a clever lot" 8. "It's my job to determine who is right and wrong" Twant to know what I'm putting my people through – and I want to know it works – first" 10 "Are you seriously expecting me to shell out money on something that might not work; and not to be told what went on into the bargain" So don't try and 'sell' the idea of mediation; just 'sell' the idea that the parties meet a mediator. Take it incrementally. Work to maximum not minimum disclosure. The workplace is not like our community or private life; of course there's a legitimate need for managers and colleagues to know the outcome of mediation if it effects them. 'Managers need to provide feedback, manage performance, and develop their people." Just invite the boss to talk to us at CMP before reaching any decision about whether to bring in the mediators. Often they are able to give it a go, after finding out more from mediation experts, Designed by CMP Resolutions

10 Excuses Bosses Give Not to Bring in a Mediator

shared by redalien on Apr 02
Following up from our recent article on “10 excuses bosses give not to bring in a mediator“, here is an infographic illustrating the 10 top justifications senior managers give for not “bringing ...


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