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The Most Common Sickness in Dogs Symptoms and Treatment

THE MOST COMMON SICKNESS IN DOGS Wheezing in dogs Does your dog make a whistling sound while breathing ? If yes this is known as wheezing and it is important to notice if that whistling sound is for the short or the long period . If your dog is suffering from wheezing for a short period then it is not an emergency but for a long period , it is considered dangerous for the dog's health . Wheezing can cause Heartworm disease , Airborne allergens , congestive heart failure , foreign bodies entry in a dog's airway , tracheal collapse . Constipation Irregular bowel movement or difficulty passing the stool can result in constipation in dogs . The stool passed by the pet can be hard , dry , and in the shapes of little pebbles . Constipation is usually a common puppy sickness because small dogs don't drink enough water . Ear yeast infection If your pooch is trying to scratch their ear or rub their heads well then , it's a possibility of overgrowth of yeast . Sometimes it could be a bacterial infection too but in most cases , it's an ear yeast infection . Luckily , these ear yeast infections take place on the outer ear so it is easy to detect . This sickness in dogs is associated with allergies , bacterial infections , ruptured eardrums , etc. Obesity If you , as a caretaker of your pet , fail to feed a proper diet to your dog and don't follow the proper exercising and walking schedule of your pet , the chances are 80 % that your pet falls under the circumstance of obesity . Dogs are innocent , they don't have human - like brains of what is right and what is wrong so the owner must make healthier lifestyle changes from the puppy stage itself . Dog Oral Diseases At the age of two or three up to 80 to 90 % of the dogs go through a certain kind of oral disease and the most common one is gum disease and also the dog's mouth is infected by some bacterial infection , which is known as periodontal disease . The reason for dog oral disease is age , the first and foremost factor and the second one is not paying enough attention to dental grooming . Pato Danny INC . tel : +1 ( 202 ) 491 - 2500

The Most Common Sickness in Dogs Symptoms and Treatment

shared by pawnannypetcare on Dec 03
Dogs are one of the most popular pets in the world. In fact, they are considered to be man’s best friend. They are also one of the most common household animals that have a variety of different heal...


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