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Is Distracted Driving The New Drunk Driving

IS DISTRACTED DRIVING THE NEW DRUNK DRIVING? Over the past few decades, significant media attention and law enforcement resources have been devoted to the dangerous, illegal, and potentially fatal combination of drinking and driving. However, one of the biggest threats to your driving safety isn't nearly as obvious as the effects of alcohol. As Americans get busier and handheld technology becomes more ingrained in their everyday lives, distracted drivers may be risking as many lives as inebriated drivers. ACCORDING TO THE NATIONAL SAFETY COUNCIL 80% of all accidents involve at least one distraction. 26% of accidents included a 26%. cell phone distraction. According to a 2013 study published in The New England Journal of Medicine, performing a "secondary task" will increase your risk of crashing - or narrowly avoiding a crash - by a factor of at least four. WHAT IS DISTRACTED DRIVING? In an effort to clarify the definition of distracted driving, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) have divided this risky behavior into the following three categories: VISUAL COGNITIVE Looking away from the road Thinking about anything other than driving Of course, many distractions actually involve more than one of these behaviors. Texting while driving is an example of all three categories. MANUAL Taking your hands off the steering wheel INCREASED CHANCES OF AN ACCIDENT 3.9x 3.9х LOOKING AT A ROADSIDE OBJECT 7.1x SENDING OR RECEIVING A TEXT REACHING FOR A CELL PHONE 1.0x 8.3x INTERACTION WITH RADIO OR HEAD UNIT DIALING A CELL PHONE 3 7. RISK METER 10 COMMON DRIVING DISTRACTIONS OF DRIVERS CELL PHONES - /0 l. USE WHILE DRIVING In 2012, approximately 1.2 million crashes involved phone DO conversations and 281,000 involved text messages. As many as 70% of drivers use their smartphones for at least one task while driving, but this common behavior quadruples your crash risks. In fact, simply dialing a number on a cell phone will increase your risk by 2.5. OF DRIVERS FOOD - 86% EAT OR DRINK WHILE DRIVING Eating while driving is by far the most common form of distracted driving, but it isn't safe either. Up to 86% of all drivers eat or drink behind the wheel, many without realizing how dangerous it. MAKEUP - 14% OF DRIVERS PUT ON WHILE DRIVING Up to 14% of all drivers actually apply makeup while driving. This is a startling statistic when you consider that your odds of crashing increase by eight when you simply reach for an object in your car. PROPOSED LEGAL BANS & OTHER WAYS TO RESOLVE THE DISCONNECT In 2012, the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) surveyed drivers about their attitudes toward distracted driving and participation in this "deadly epidemic". An overwhelming majority of drivers – 94% of those surveyed – would support a ban on texting while driving, similar to the ones already enacted in 39 states and the District of Columbia. However, more than half also report using a phone while driving. In reality, no one can maintain full control of a motor vehicle while using a phone, holding a sandwich, or engaging in any other form of distracted driving. Remember that you can't react to road hazards or avoid collisions unless your mind, hands, and eyes are fully focused on the road ahead. camera Source ©2015 Camera Source Quality backup cameras and accessories ...... .......

Is Distracted Driving The New Drunk Driving

shared by carlycs on Feb 20
You might think of yourself as a responsible driver if you don't drink and drive, but if you are one of the 70% of people who admit to doing this one thing while driving then you are still greatly inc...


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