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The Cutest Dog Breeds

The Cutest Dog Breeds


Measurements: height 14 - 15 inches

Weight 50 lbs 70 lbs

Health and grooming:

Do not overfeed these dogs as it will put a greater load on their short legs and spine. They need plenty of exercise, long daily walks and a good amount of running and playing. Because of their short-haired coat, they are easy to groom, but they shed constantly.

Cute Factor:

Large Lovelorn brown eyes, large droopy ears, sweet, gentle and devoted

Fun Fact:

Flash from Dukes of Hazzard TV series was a Basset Hound


Measurements: height 13 - 16 inches

Weight: 20 lbs 25 lbs

Health and Grooming:

They can be sometimes prone to heart disease, eye or back problems. They are energetic and need plenty of exercise and should get plenty of outdoor time. They are easy to groomm because of their short-haired coat and is an average shedder.

Cute Factor:

Happy to see everyone and greets with a wagging tail, excellent with children and have you seen Beagle puppies?

Fun Fact:

Snoopy the cartoon character is possibly the most famous Beagle we know.


Measurements: height 8-10 inches

Weight: 6 lbs 9 lbs

Health and Grooming:

This dog is considered a toy category known to have weak and upset digestion. They should also be kept out of damp areas and can have skin, eye or respiratory issues. Because of their small build, their play time will take care of the exercise they need, but small brisk walks are necessary. They do require some grooming as their coat is very soft, most cut the coat into a short easy to maintain puppy cut.

Cute Factor:

Small, fuzzy with soft as cotton coat, spirited and lively with high intelligence. Great for pampering.

Fun Fact:

Actresses Eva Longoria and Jessica Simpson have very pampered Maltese pooches.


Measurements: height 7 - 12 inches

Weight: 3 lbs 7lbs

Health and Grooming:

Poms are known to have heart problems, eye infections, skin problems and tooth decay. Feed dry dog food or dental chews to keep their teeth in good shape. Like all toy breeds, play will take care of their exercise but a light brisk walk is recommended. Because of their long coat, they should be brushed frequently or else it will get matted. They also shed constantly.

Cute Factor:

Boo, the cutest dog in the world is a Pomeranian. Furry, fuzzy and totally cuddleable.

Fun Fact:

Boo, the cutest dog in the world has 4.5 million fans on Facebook.

Toy Poodles

Measurements: height under 10 inches

Weight: Not Determined

Health and Grooming:

Poodles live long, but are affected by genetic diseases. They can have a lot of eye problems like runny eyes, cataracts or retinal atrophy which can cause blindness. These are active dogs and need a daily walk, however not much exercise is needed. These dogs need the most grooming out of anyone on this list. They must be bathed regularly, and clipped every six to eight weeks. If your poodle is a show dog, excessive grooming can be required. However, they shed little and are good for people with allergies.

Cute Factor:

Poodles are like big balls of cotton, just take them out to the park and hear awws and oohs from everyone!

Fun Fact:

Cleo is a poodle from one of the most loved kid's cartoon series Clifford the Big Red Dog. Two political leaders, Winston Churchill and Richard Nixon, owned Poodles as pets.


Measurements: height 12 - 14 inches

Weight: 13 lbs 20 lbs

Health and Grooming:

Pugs don't do so well with extreme weather hot or cold. They are also prone to allergies and can catch a cold easily. They also overeat, so you have to watch their diet carefully since they can become obese. They need their daily walks and regular exercise but don't overdo it if you see them wheezing. They are easy to groom because of their short-haired coat, but make sure to clean between the creases on the face.

Cute Factor:

Smushy face and large dark eyes paired with a happy go lucky attitude.

Fun Fact:

Frank is the very irritating albeit the cutest "alien" pug in the Men in Black movies.

The wife of Napolean Bonaparte, Josephine, had also owned a pug that she named Fortune.


Measurements: Height 12 - 14 inches

Weight: 10 lbs 15 lbs

Health and Grooming:

Schnauzers are prone to liver and kidney disease. They also gain weight easily to its important not to overfeed them. They are energetic little dogs and need long walks or jogs. They have a wiry coat, although not difficult to groom, it does need attention. They require regular clipping and a trim around the eyes and ears. They shed little to no hair so are excellent pets for people with allergies.

Cute Factor:

With a high cuddle factor, Schnauzers are loving and happy dogs. They get along with children and are immensely playful.

Celebrity Status:

Tramp from the Disney animated movie 'Lady & the Tramp' is a Schnauzer

Shar Pei

Measurement: height 18 - 20 inches

Weight: 40 lbs 55 lbs

Health and Grooming:

Shar Peis are known to have kidney failure. Contrary to popular belief, they do not have a lot of skin problems due to their folds, but rather the skin problems are hereditary. They need a considerable amount of exercise and daily walks. However don't over exercise them in the heat, since they are sensitive to excess heat. They don't need their coat to be clipped, but it should be brushed regularly and their folds cleaned.

Cute Factor:

With those soft folds on their skin, they can easily confused as a blanket!

Fun Fact:

In 1978 the Shar-pei held 'The Guiness Book of World Record" for the Rarest dog in the world.

Now due to breeding success, they are well known throughout the world.

Welsh Corgi

Measurements: height 10 - 12 inches

Weight: 25 lbs 30 lbs

Health and Grooming:

Corgis backs are longer than most dogs with short legs, so they are prone to back disorders. They also gain weight easily, and obesity can further aggravate their back problems. They are naturally active dogs and love to run around if you have a fenced yard. They also need a daily long walk. Their coat is medium and water resistant so its easy to groom. They should be given a bath only when necessary.

Cute Factor:

Erect ears and a perpetual smile on their face. Fluffy and loves to please their owners.

Fun Fact:

Queen Elizabeth II of England has owned over 30 Corgis, apparently her favorite breed!


Measurements: height 6 - 7 inches

Weight: 5 lbs 7 lbs

Health and Grooming:

Because they are delicate little dogs, they can suffer from digestive problems. They also have fragile bones, so falls or knocks can cause fractures. Tooth decay is another concern and they should have their teeth cleaned by a Vet regularly. Since it's a toy breed, they do not require much exercise other than a daily walk and plenty of play time. They do require regular grooming and clipping because of their long coat. They shed little to no hair.

Cute Factor:

An ideal lap do, perfect for showing off, especially with a bow on it. Demanding and beautiful, Yorkies are the Divas of dogs.

Celebrity Status:

Audrey Hepburn had a Yorkie named 'Mr. Famous' and he appeared with her in the movie "Funny Face". The smallest dog in recorded history is also a Yorkshire terrier named Sylvia from England measuring at a mere 2.5 inches tall and weighing only 4 ounces.

Facebook Poll Results

The results are in!

Here are the TOP 10 dog breeds voted for out of 2200 votes from our facebook poll.

Pitbulls 248 Votes

Pomeranians 201 Votes

Bassets 160 Votes

All of them 143 Votes

German Shepherds 106 Votes

Huskies 93 Votes

Chihuahuas 81 Votes

Yorkies 78 Votes

Pugs 63 Votes

Shih Tzu 56 Votes The Cutest Dog Breeds Bassets 50 lbs 70 lbs Measurements: height 14 -15 inches weight Health and Grooming: Do not overfeed these dogs as it will put a greater load on their short legs and spine. They need plenty of exercise. long daily walks and a good amount of running and playing. Because of their short-haired coat. they are easy to groom. but they shed constantly. Cute Factor: Large Lovelorn brown eyes. large droopy ears. sweet. gentle and devoted Fun Fact: Flash from Dukes of Hazzard TV series was a Basset Hound Beagle 25 Ibs 20 lbs Measurements: height 13 -16 inches weight Health and Grooming: They can be sometimes prone to heart disease. eye or back problems. They are energetic and need plenty of exercise and should get plenty of outdoor time. They are easy to groom because of their short-haired coat and is an average shedder. Cute Factor: Happy to see everyone and greets with a wagging tail. excellent with children and have you seen Beagle puppies? Fun Fact: Snoopy the cartoon character is possibly the most famous Beagle we know. Maltese 6 lbs 9 Ibs Measurements: height 8-10 inches weight Health and Grooming: This dog is considered a toy category known to have weak and upset digestion. They should also be kept out of damp areas and can have skin. eye or respiratory issues. Because of their small build. their play time will take care of the exercise they need. but small brisk walks are necessary. They do require some grooming as their coat is very soft. most cut the coat into a short easy to maintain puppy cut. Because of their white coat. they can get tear stains. so it's important to keep the eye area clean. Cute Factor: Small. fuzzy with soft as cotton coat. spirited and lively with high intelligence. Great for pampering Fun Fact: Actresses Eva Longoria and Jessica Simpson have very pampered Maltese pooches. Pomeranian 3 lbs 7 Ibs Measurements: height 7-12 inches weight Health and Grooming: Poms are known to have heart problems, eye infections. skin problems and tooth decay. Feed dry dog food or dental chews to keep their teeth in good shape. Like all toy breeds. play will take care of their exercise but a light brisk walk is recommended. Because of their long coat. they should be brushed frequently or else it will get matted. They also shed constantly. Cute Factor: Boo, the cutest dog in the world is a Pomeranian. Furry. fuzzy and totally cuddleable. Fun Fact: Boo. the cutest dog in the world has 4.5 million fans on Facebook! Toy Poodles Not Determined Measurements: height under 10 inches weight Health and Grooming: Poodles live long. but are affected by genetic diseases. They can have a lot of eye problems like runny eyes. cataracts or retinal atrophy which can cause blindness. These are active dogs and need a daily walk. however not much exercise is needed. These dogs need the most grooming out of anyone on this list. They must be bathed regularly. and clipped every six to eight weeks. If your poodle is a show dog. excessive grooming can be required. However. they shed little and are good for people with allergies. Cute Factor: Poodles are like big balls of cotton. just take them out to the park and hear awws and oohs from everyone! Fun Fact: Cleo is a poodle from one of the most loved kid's cartoon series Clifford the Big Red Dog. Two political leaders. Winston Churchill and Richard Nixon. owned Poodles as pets. Pugs 20 Ibs 13 lbs Measurements: height 12-14 inches weight Health and Grooming: Pugs don't do so well with extreme weather hot or cold. They are also prone to allergies and can catch a cold ereat, so you have to watch their diet carefully since they can become obese. They need their daily walks and regular exercise but don't overdo it if you see them wheezing. They are easy to groom because of their short-haired coat. but make sure to clean between They also the creases on the face. Cute Factor: Smushy face and large dark eyes paired with a happy go lucky attitude. Fun Fact: Frank is the very irritating albeit the cutest "alien" pug in the Men in Black movies. The wife of Napoleon Bonaparte. Josephine. had also owned a pug that she named Fortune Schnauzer 15 Ibs 10 1bs Measurements: height 12 - 14 inches weight Health and Grooming: Schnauzers are prone to liver and kidney disease. They also gain weight easily to its important not to overfeed them. They are energetic little dogs and need long walks or jogs. They have a wiry coat. although not difficult to groom. it does need attention. They require regular clip- ping and a trim around the eyes and ears. They shed little to no hair so are excellent pets for people with allergies. Cute Factor: With a high cuddle factor. Schnauzers are loving and happy dogs. They get along with children and are immensely playful. Celebrity Status: Tramp from the Disney animated movie 'Lady & the Tramp is a Schnauzer Shar Pei 55 Ibs 40 lbs Measurements: height 18 - 20 inches ght Health and Grooming: Shar Peis are known to have kidney failure. Contrary to popular belief. they do not have a lot of skin problems due to their folds. but rather the skin problems are heredi- tary. They need a considerable amount of exercise and daily walks. However don't over exercise them in the heat. since they are sensitive to excess heat. They don't need their coat to be clipped. but it should be brushed regularly and their folds cleaned. Cute Factor: With those soft folds on their skin. they can be easily confused as a blanket! Fun Fact: In 1978 the Shar-pei held The Guiness Book of World Record" for the Rarest dog in the world. Now due to breeding success. they are well known throughout the world. Welsh Corgi 30 Ibs 25 Ibs Measurements: height 10 - 12 inches weight Health and Grooming: Corgis backs are longer than most dogs with short legs. so they are prone to back disorders. They also gain weight easily. and obesity can further aggravate their back problems. They are naturally active dogs and love to run around if you have a fenced yard. They also need a daily long walk. Their coat is medium and water resistant so its easy to groom. They should be given a bath only when necessary. Cute Factor: Erect ears and a perpetual smile on their face. Fluffy and loves to please their owners. Fun Fact: Queen Elizabeth Il of England has owned over 30 Corgis. apparently her favorite breed! Yorkshire T||||||| 5 lbs 7 Ibs Measurements: height 6 - 7 inches weight Health and Grooming: Because they are delicate little dogs. they can suffer from digestion problems. They also have fragile bones. so falls or knocks can cause fractures. Tooth decay is another concern and they should have their teeth cleaned by a Vet regularly. Since it's a toy breed. they do not require much exercise other than a daily walk and plenty of play time. They do require regular grooming and clipping because of their long coat. They shed little to no hair. Cute Factor: An Ideal lap dog. perfect for showing off. especially with a bow on it. Demanding and beautiful. Yorkies are the Divas of dogs. Celebrity Status: Audrey Hepbum had a Yorkie named 'Mr. Famous and he appeared with her in the movie "Funny Face". The smallest dog in recorded history is also a Yorkshire terrier named Sylvia from England measuring at a mere 2.5 inches tall and weighing only 4 ounces. Facebook Poll Results The results are int 248 Votes Here are the TOP 10 dog breeds voted for out of 2200 votes from our facebook poll. 201 Votes 160 Votes 143 Votes 106 Votes 93 Votes 81 Votes 78 Votes 63 Votes 56 Votes * * EntirelyPets Pitbulls Pomeranians Bassets All of them German Shepherds Huskies Chinuahuas Yorkies sôn. Shih Tzu

The Cutest Dog Breeds

shared by Entirelypets on Jul 12
We rounded up the cutest Dog breeds in America based on our Facebook Poll, appearance and characteristics as well as celebrity factor. Find out if your dog made the cutest dog breed!


Dominique Menchaca


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