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Coffee Taste From Around the World by Country of Origin

COFFEETASTEBY COUNTRY COUNTRY OF ORIGIN In 2014, coffee was the second-most valuable global commodity behind petroleum. Over 2.25 billion cups of coffee are consumed in the world every day. With that heres the Coffee Taste by Top 10 Coffee Exporfers... #1. BRAZIL 1. It is the biggest producer of coffee bean in the world. It produçes Arabica and Robusta varieties. Coffee taste is fruity flavoured, peaņut-like with hints of chocolate and spices. #2. VIETNAM Coffee iş the second-largest export çommodity for the country, behind rice. It produces Robústa varieties. Coffee is full bodied, strong and has a high level of caffeine. # 3.COLUMBIA Its coffee is often regarded as the best in the world and is the world's leading producer of Arabica beans. Coffee has sweet chocolatey or buttery flavour to it. #4.INDONESIA Indonesia produced 411,000 metric tons of coffee for export in 2014. It produced Arabica (25%) and Robusta (75%) varieties. Coffee has a dark and earthy flavour to it. 25% Arabica Robusta 75% #5.ETHIOPIA #6.INDIA 60% 250000 of the country's income comes from thé production coffee. It produces Arabica coffe in three distinct varieties - Longbery Shortberry and Mocha. Coffee taste has complex chocolate, spicę and citrus flavours to it. That's the number of the country's growers as coffee produće is an all-important industry. Both Arabica and Robustá are grown in India. Coffee has a slightly spicier flavour than beans grown in other parts of the world. #7.MEXICO #8.GUATEMALA 240,000 KG In recent years it jumped from #9 in'the world to #7. It produces Arabica varieties 'of coffee. Taste is known and revered to be fruity with an apparent cocoa-likė flavour. The country exported approximately 240,000 metric tons in '14. It produces Arabica varieties. Coffee is similar to Columbian coffee - fruity balanced and sweet. #9.PERU Peru is the #5 highest exporter of the Arabica variety. Coffee has a'strong caramel sweetness and often a nutty undertone. The latest producer of coffee beans in the continent. Coffee has low acid is balanced and fruity with a hint of cocoa. # 10. HONDURAS ENJOY A DELICIOUS CUP OF COFFEE! Infographic by London based Coffee Wholesale Doppio Coffee doppio coffe e w areh ous e showroom | espresso bar | workshop doppiocсoffee.cо.uk SOURCES:,. (2015). Coffee FAQ | Global Exchange. Retrieved 3 December 2015 from,. (2015). All About Coffee. Retrieved 3 December 2015 from

Coffee Taste From Around the World by Country of Origin

shared by doppiocoffee on Jan 08
Here are the top 10 coffee producing countries and how their coffee beans taste. Enjoy!


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