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2014 Google Seo Ranking Factor- Hummingbird Update

Get Google 2014 Authority Backlinks 1.0 Package Go To GOOGLE'S 200 RANKING FACTORS The Complete List (epl+y-q}=r Google has confirmed that they use approximately 200 ranking signals in their algorithm. However. they've never publioly listed them all. While this infographio is by no means official, it aggregates the best information we have about how Google ranks pages and websites. DOMAIN FACTORS KEYWORD APPEARS DOMAIN AGE IN TOP LEVEL DOMAIN -.. Matt Cus stales that Doesn't give the boast that it ued . but havina your keward in the doais still acts as a releancy signal. Ater all, they teld kewwords that ageer ina "The d fferenca batween a domair that's sa menths old werses are year demain neme ald is really net that bg at al" In onher words, they do use demain age but t's not very importan KEYWORD AS FIRST DOMAIN WORD IN DOMAIN REGISTRATION LENGTH ... search Elgne Ranking Factors panelist A Gaogle patent states agreed that a domn that starts with their target keyword has an edge over stes that ether dan't have the "Valuble legtimate dema are aften paid for sveral years in ateance, whle doerwny (aegtimate damaina raryar usd tor mone than AVear. Therefore the date when a toman expirenr the future can be used asa factor in predicting the keyword in their domaner have the kepwond in the madele ar ard st ther domain Keyword is the first word in the root domain name Legtimace of a damain". KEYWORD IN SUBDOMAIN NAME DOMAIN HISTORY SEOMazs panel ao aged that a lyword appearing in Asite with velatie ownership va wt oisl or several the subdomain beests rans dreps may tell Gosgle to "recet" the cite's history. negating inks pa inting to the comain Keyword is the subdomain name EXACT MATCH PUBLIC VS. DOMAIN PRIVATE WHOIS ******.. EMDS may sil gre you anedges a quality site. But if the EMO happens to be a lowquality ste, it's winer Privte Whats intormat on miy be a sign al semething Io hide". Mat Cutts is quoted as tating a Pubcon 2006 able te the EMD updane: Matt Cuts states that Wheni checked the whos an them, thes of "Miner weacher regor: snall upcoming Google aigo change wi wi reduce low-qual ty "eart-matrb demai in earch results had whoa pivacy protection service" on them. Thafs relatively unusl.Having whos anacy turred on itatomatically bad, but ance you cet seweral ot these factors all tegether, os're PENALIZED WHOIS OWNER elten talking abeutvery flerant lype of webmaster than the fellow who just has a singie If Google identtes a parscular persen an a spammer it makes ene that they would scrutinue cther wtes owTed by that 2enon. site or se." COUNTRY TLD EXTENSION Having a Country Code Tap Level Domain Len. pt. cal elps he site ranik for that particular co untry but limits the ste's ab lity to rank plebally PAGE-LEVEL FACTORS KEYWORD TITLE TAG STARTS .......... IN TITLE TAG WITH KEYWORD The tife lagsawetpage's econd mest impertant pece of contert besides the content ef the pagel and herelore sends a strong relevarcy signal According to SEOMaz daa, itle taga that slarta with a koward ters to perlam better than le tags th the kepword towards the erd al the tag: IMPORTANCE Cr aUKRY IN TITLE KEYWORD IN DESCRIPTION TAG Gogle es 14.300-3.0-9 E2 Another imperlant relevancy signal. KEYWORD APPEARS IN H1 TAG H1 tags are a secard trie tag that sends anather releancy sigral ta Coogle acarding te reslts from ths corelation stuty KEYWORD IS MOST FREQUENTLY USED PHRASE IN DOCUMENT Having akeywerd eppear more than any other likely acts asa relenancy sigral. CONTENT LENGTH HI S HI y Fyed Content with mare words can coer a wider breadth and are likele prelerred to sherer aupertical artles Micrcaite Masters fund that cortent langth corralated wth SERP pastion ....... KEYWORD DENSITY JVEILAOS OONTENT LENOTH IWonns ALthaugh nat as impsriant asit ence wn, keyward ng Ocogle uses to delermne the lopic of a wabpage. But geing awrboard can hurt you denaty is stil same LATENT SEMANTIC INDEXING ****** KEYWORDS IN CONTENT (LSI************ 2130 LSI keywords help search engines estract meaning from words with moe than ane meaning Apple the computer campany s. the trutl. The prosencelabsence of LSI probatly siso ects as a centent qualty signal LSI KRYWORDS IN TITLH AND DESCRIPTION TAOS PAGE LOADING ****** SPEED VIA HTML . ******** Both Google and Bing use page leed ng speed as a renking with webpage conten. LSI kepwords in page meta tags probably help Gaogle discern between synongms. May alse act as a reevancy signal. factor. Search engine spiders can estimate your sihe speed fairy accurately basedon a page's cade and tlesize. DUPLICATE CONTENT REL-CANONICAL Identical content on the same sile leven slightly medifiedl can negatively infuence a site's search engina viity. When used properiy, une of this tag may prevent Gcogle from consadenng peges dupticate content. PAGE LOADING SPEED VIA CHROME . IMAGE OPTIMIZATION .. Gaogle may also use Chrome user data to get a better Images on-page send search engines impartant relevancy ignalis through ther te neme, at teat, te, description and caption handle on a page's leading time as this takes into account serer spsed CON Ua and ather nan HTML-rwlated site soeed sgnals. RECENCY OF MAGNITUDE OF CONTENT UPDATES CONTENT UPDATES Bapele Cafeire update fvers recently updated contert especialy for time-sers the searches. Highlighting this The significance of edits and changes is also a freshress fector. Acding r remwing entie sectie iamare significant update then seitching around the order af a factor's importance, Geoge shows the dane of a page's last update for certain page few words Google Major Penguin Updte coming in 2013 HISTORICAL UPDATES >Geogle New> Geogle Upelates PAGE UPDATES Mar 12,2013 SMK We Wh ilive bloggedand reponed at Seach Lest Nigh, Coogle s head af search: Howaten has the pape been updated oer timet Daty, weekly? Frequency el page upcates alse play ale in frashness KEYWORD PROMINENCE .......... KEYWORD IN H2, H3 TAGS Having a keyword aspearin the trst 100 words of a t aspears e beasgnficant relevency Having your keywordappear as a subheading in H2 or H3 format may be anether wesk reievancy sigral. SEOM's page's signal. arel agrees Keyword present in the page's H2 tag KEYWORD WORD ORDER OUTBOUND LINK QUALITY ... An exact match of a searcner's keyword in a page's centent will generally rank tetter than the same Many SEOS think that linking eut to autherty sites heips send trust sigrals to Goegle keyword phrase in adfferent erder ********..* OUTBOUND LINK THEME Por ekample: consider a search lon "cat shawing techniques". A page optimized for the phrese "cat According to SEDMa, arch angines may use the content af the pages you link to asareavancy aignal. For Eample, fou haa page about cars tat lanks to mm elatel puas thia my el Baple that yeur page shaving echniques will rank better than a page sptimined for sachnouas fer shaving a ca is about the mevie Cars, net the a GRAMMAR AND SPELLING SYNDICATED CONTENT Is the content cn the pege erig na?sseraped ar Proper grammar and spelling is aquality sigral, althcugh Dutts ge mieed meagesn 2011 en wether or not this wes impartant. copied from an irdeed page it won't rank as welk as the ariginal or end up in ther Suppiemental index NUMBER OF OUTBOUND LINKS HELPFUL *** SUPPLEMENTARY CONTENT According ta alad Saogla Raer Ouidelines Too many tofollew DL may a Pagalank, which can Decument, heialul suaplementary contents an indicator al e pep's quality. Esamples inclute currency conerters, loan iterest calculators and burt seaerh vistity MULTIMEDIA - ****** interactive rec pes Images, wideas and other mut medie elements may art es a centent qualiyigna NUMBER OF INTERNAL QUALITY OF INTERNAL ***** LINKS POINTING TO PAGE LINKS POINTING TO PAGE ***** The number af interal lirks toa page indcales its Internal inks from uthertatin pagas an domain hae a strarger eflect than pages with na or lew PR. imsertance relative e other peges on the site. BROKEN LINKS READING LEVEL Havng toa many brakan lnis on a page may e a sign af a reglected er abandoned site. The Cosgle Therw no daubt Ihat Gaoole estmates the reading lavel of webpeges Rater Ouidelines Document uses broken links ene mas te aeshemeages qualits KSULT ET KEADINO LEVEL POR RRADIND LEVEL: AFFILIATE LINKS mate inks themsehes probsbly won't hurt your ranik ngs. But f you have too many Goagle's aigarithm may pay claser But what theg th th that inarmation up kr debate. Some sey that a besic reading level wil attertion to ather quality sgnala ta maka sure you're nst a help your page rank because i wil. appeal te the hn attate ste" masses, Howver. Linhsis SEO eet mat reading level was gre lactor et sesarated qualY sites from conternt mils HTML ERRORS/ WC3 VALIDATION PAGE HOST'S DOMAIN AUTHORITY Lots of HTMLmers er sloppy ceding may le a sign of All things being equala page on an autheritative domar will higher than a page on a domain wth less autharity a poor quality sie. While contreersial many in BEO think that WC3 val dat on is a weak Guality sigral PAGE'S PAGERANK URL LENGTH Search Engine Joumal netes that ecessvely long URLS may hurt search vibity Not pertectiv correlated. Dut in peneral higher PR pages tend tn raetter then Iew PR pges. *..... URL PATH HUMAN EDITORS **.. A page cleser to the homepage may get a slight Allhough never conimed, Bsogle hes Sled a patent for a authority teost. system that alows human editers to inluence the SERPS. PAGE CATEGORY WORDPRESS TAGS ** The category the page appears on is a relevancy signal. A page that's part ef a ciosely related category should get a relesancy boost compared to a pape that's fled under an unrelated or less related category Tags are WordPress-spece relevancygnal. Aocording to "The only way kimproves your SED is by relating one piece of comtent to anather, and more specitically a group of posts to each other KEYWORD IN URL URL STRING Anather impertant relancy agnal. The categerin in the LRL siring ae rad by licngle an may prowde a thematic signal ta what a page is about REFERENCES Prukmional Sash Erans Du sh p AND SOURCES os opone book Cting reference and surces tke arch papers dn, may be asign of quality The Geogie Dualiny liuidelnas staten that rewers shaid kanp an ey put tar souroes when loskng at certain pages BULLETS AND NUMBERED LISTS . This is a opic where epertise andor autharitative saurces are important. Builets and numbered ists help break up your centent for readers, making them more user friendly. Gaogle kely agrees and may preter content wen buliets and rumbers PRIORITY OF TOO MANY PAGE IN SITEMAP OUTBOUND LINKS The prierity a pageis given wa the stemap.mifle Straght from the aforemeonedleaked documen mavinfluence rankirg "Some pages hove was way teo manylirks obscurng the page and distracting from the Main Content QUANTITY OF OTHER KEYWORDS PAGE RANKS FOR PAGE AGE H the page ranks far eral other keywords it may Although Bocge arefers fresh content, an clder page give Beogle an inierna. sign of quality. that's regularly updated may outpertorm a newer page. USER FRIENDLY LAYOUT PARKED DOMAINS Ching the Gasele Outy Gu delites Dacument yet AGuagle upelate in December of 2011 decrened search vbity of perked dema rs "The page ipout or highest qualny pages makes the Main Contentimmediately visble" SITE-LEVEL FACTORS O ul CONTENT PROVIDES *** VALUE & UNIQUE INSIGHTS **** CONTACT US PAGE The atoremertiared Geege Quairy Dacument states that thee preter sten with an pareprte amunt ef cantact infermatan. Supposed borus tyour esntact nformation matches your whois into. licogle han stated thet they re on the hunt for ates that ciont tnng anything new ar unatul ta the table, enpecially thin ahiate stes DOMAIN TRUST/ TRUSTRANK SITE ARCHITECTURE Site trust - meesured ty how many links sway your she is fmn h ghy-trted eed ses-is amassvely mpertant enkong tacter Awell put-together site archinesture lespecially a sia structurel heips Beege thamatically arganire your content ----- SITE UPDATES NUMBER OF PAGES Hom often a ste s updened-andespecialy when new centent is added to the site-is a The number of peges a ste is a wesksgn of suthonty A the very least a large se hean detinguishtrom ste-wide treshness factor, thin aate stes *** PRESENCE OF SITEMAP SITE UPTIME *** * Astemap helpn arch enginas index your pages Lets at downtime tram ste maistenance ar arver aner and more therughig improving waibdity. nas may hurt your ranking land can een renult in deindesing f net correctedl. SSL CERTIFICATE (ECOMMERCE SITES) SERVER LOCATION Server lacation may intuence where yeur site Google han cetrmee that they irdex SL certcates ranks in ditterent gecgraphical regions. Especialy Itstande to rson that theyil creferentilyrark important for gegece eehes ommerce sites th 58L certificates. TERMS OF SERVICE DUPLICATE AND PRIVACY PAGES CONTENT ON-SITE ****** These te pages help e Google that a site isa Irusworthy menter of the internet. Google has confirmec that they ir dex SSL certificates. It slands to reason that theyl preferentialy rark ecommerce sites e th SSL certificates. ** BREADCRUMB NAVIGATION ****** MOBILE OPTIMIZED ***. This is a style ef user-triandy aite-architecture that helps uners land search angre krow where Google's official atanca on mobla in to creata a consete, It'stkely that respansive stes get an they are an a se ede in serctes frem a mabie device ****.……………- YOUTUBE ............. Bath and Ethical SEO There's ne deut tht Tube videss are given Carsulting clam that this set-sp may be a ranking tacto: preferential treatment in the SERPS Iprotably because Google owns tl: Vake rreyrine ******** SITE USABILITY ate M es a te Anite that's dittiut te use or to navigate can hurt ranking by reducing sime on sa papes eed and bource rate. This may be an indeperdent aigorthmic tactar gleaned from manare umounta In tact, Search Engine Land found that ef user cata trae increased signit canty after Googla Panda. USE OF GOOGLE ANALYTICS USER REVIEWS/ AND GOOGLE WEBMASTER TOOLS ..... SITE REPUTATION Some thne that hav ng these to programs instaled on your sie can improve your page's Aste's on reviewstec ke and liksly piay an impertant rele in the indeaine. They moy sisa directty infiuence rank y giving Baogle mere data te work wth le mere accurate bounce rate, whather or nat you get referal traffic from your backlinica etc.. aiganthm. Goagla ven posted a raely candid autline at their approach to user reviaws atter an epeglass ste was caught npping off custamers in an ettort to get backle BACKLINK FACTORS * ARP LINKING DOMAIN AGE * OF LINKING ROOT DOMAINS Lirks trom aged domains may be more The number of referring riomains is ene of the mest imoortant rarkd ng tacters in Geegie's algorthm, as you can see from this chart trem SEOM botom ais is SERP peitin powertul than naw damairs. *OF LINKS PROM ******* SEPARATE C-CLASS IPS LINKIOG Rорт ромАая Lirks trom seperate cassIP addresses suggest a wider breadth of stes linking to you. * OF LINKING PAGES The total umber of rking pags-ven some are on the same domain - isa ranking factor. LINKS FROM EDU OR ALT TAG (POR IMAGE LINKS) GOV DOMAINS ALL lat ia an images arsian et anchor tast. Matt Dutts has stated that TLD doesn't factor into a site's importarce. However tat desn't stop SEOs trem thinking that there's a special place in PR OF LINKING PAGE the alga ter gow and edu TLDe. The PageRank of the referring page is an eatremety mpertant rankng factor, AUTHORITY LINKS FROM OF LINKING DOMAIN COMPETITORS The relerring domain's authoriy may play an indepencent role inalins importance lie a PR2 page link from a site with a hamepage PRI may be worth less than a PR2 page link trem PRS ale.edul. Links from ather pages raneng in the same SERP mey be mare wabla for a page's rank for that particular keyward SOCIAL SHARES OF REFERRING PAGE LINKS FROM BAD ******** NEIGHBORHOODS .... The amount af pagevel sacal ahares may Links from "bad neghterhoods' may hart your site. intuerce the link's value. LINKS TO HOMEPAGE GUEST POSTS ********** DOMAIN THAT PAGE SITS ON . Links to a referring pege's homepage may play special imoortance in evaluating a ste's-and therefore a iek's-weght. Lirks coming frem gues posts-especially in an authar bie area- nay not be as velluable as a contextual link on the same page. ******* NOFOLLOW LINKS *********** DIVERSITY OF LINK TYPES Dre af the most centreversial tapics in SEO. Googla's Having an unraturally large percantage of your urks a single source le, forum pratiles, blog cammentsl may be asign at webupam. On the other "In general, we fon't follo them. hand, inks from dwerse sources i en ofa natural ink pratile. Which supgests that they de at least in certain CONTEXTUAL LINKS cases, Having a certain at notslie lins may aise inticate a natural y, unraural ink profle Links imbedded inside a paga's content is considered mere powerful than links on an empty page ar found isewhere on the pae "SPONSORED LINKS OR OTHER WORDS AROUND LINK Panda v ep t oegay cantt a ge bekia Pen Words like "sporsors", "Iink partners" and "spensored rks" may decrease a link's value Aed taed on D Gu Quideines pee senhest e EXCESSIVE 301 REDIRECTS TO PAGE BACKLINK ANCHOR TEXT Lirks caming trem 331 redirects diute some or Tn al PR. cerding to Webmanter Hela Videa As oted in this description ot Google's orignal aiganithm: First, ancham stten provide mare accurate INTERNAL LINK descriptions et web peges than the pages ANCHOR TEXT themseben Internal link anrchar t is another relavancy signal itteuah sobalte mshed dilerently than backlirk Oivicusls ancher tests less mpartant than belere land ikety a webspam signall Eut it stil sends a strong relevancy sigral in smali doses although p anchor test. LINK TITLE COUNTRY TLD OF ************ ATTRIBUTION REFERRING DOMAIN -.. The link ie ihhe lest that opeers hen you hoer cvar a link is also used asa waak relevancy sigrals. Getting links fram country-specif e tap lael domain tarsions Les, E .aukl may help you rank betar th ntry LINK LOCATION ON PAGE LINK LOCATION IN CONTENT Lirks the beginn ng of a piece st content cary sight more weght than unks placed at the endat the content Where a link appears on a pape is impertant. Generally Unks embetded in a page's content are more powertal than links in the foater ar sideter es LINKING DOMAIN RELEVANCY PAGE LEVEL RELEVANCY Aink from site in a simiar niche is signiticanty more powertul thana link from a cempletely Aink from a pege thats clesely tied to your reche i mere powerful then ank from a pegewth content that unrelated site has nething to dewth your site. TEXT AROUND ********* LINK SENTIMENT ******* KEYWORD IN TITLE .. Google has protebly figured out whether ar not a Ink to your sine is a recommerdaten or part of a Google gives extra love to links on pages that contain your gaoe's eperts". s keyword in the tide Experts linking to regative review. Links wth positive sentiments around them ikaly carry mere we ht ***** POSITIVE LINK VELOCITY **** NEGATIVE LINK VELOCITY Asite with posiie link velecity usualy gets SERP Negative link velecity cans grilicartly reduce ranking toot as if's a sigral of tecreasing pularty. LINK FROM ***** LINKS FROM "HUB' PAGES AUTHORITY SITES Aaron Wall claima that getting inka from pages that Aink from a site caraidered an "autharity site" Likely pass are corsidered tap resurces lar usl on certain more juice then a i fromanall, miororcte ste. cegen secial Ireatment. LINKED TO AS WIKIPEDIA SOURCE CO-OCCURRENCES ALthaugh the links anefellow, many think that cetting a link trom Wi pedia ures a ile aded Irust and aulhertyin the eps of search engnes. The words that tend ba appear araund yaur backinka heles ball aagle what thet pe alul LINKS FROM REAL 2013 BACKLINK AGE SITES VS. SPLOGS According to a ioogle patent, oider Inks haee mare rarkng pwer than Due ta the prolteration of tlag etwoka, Geogle probably aiven mere we oh toi ris coming! ken Imm lake blags Twy lkely ue newty minted tecklinks "real brand and user-irteraction signas te datinguish atean the wa. ***** NATURAL LINK PROFILE ***** RECIPROCAL LINKS Asite with a "nahural" ink pratie ging rank Google's Link Schemas paga sts "Exceive unk highty and be mare durable to updates changing" as a ink scheme o aid USER GENERATED CONTENT LINKS LINKS FROM 301 .......... Links from 301 redirecte may lese a lme be ef juice comparad to a direct link. Howeat Mam Goocle i able to identity liniks penarated from UGC ws. the actual sute owner, Far eample, they know that n lisisl WertPrass.comblog at a link trom the otticial that a 301 is the similar to a direct link. en blog is very differet than a link trom SCHEMA.ORG MICROFORMATS DMOZ LISTED Many beliee that Oooge pives DMOZ ted sites a ule estra trust. Pages that support micraformats may rank above pages wthout it. This may be a direct boast or the fact that pages with mioratarmatting haee a higher SERP CTR: YАНОOI The Vs ee Yak Dund Clhe Yn Ca. H DIRECTORY LISTED ***** The algor thm might alse hae a special place tor the Yahael Directory. consicering how long t's been Csioging sites NUMBER OF OUTBOUND LINKS ON PAGE *********** FORUM PROFILE LINKS PageRank is fiste Ains on a page with hundreds of Because at industrial-level spamming. Boogle may sgficantly desalue inks trom ferum prefies. OBLS passes less PRthan a page with only a few CELS WORD COUNT OF LINKING CONTENT " LINKING CONTENT: *** SITEWIDE LI QUALITY OF Lirks trom poorty written or spun Matt Cutts has contirmed that stewde ines are "compressed A link froma 1000ord pest is mare saluable than a ink inside of a centent dan't parss as much value as 25 word snippet. Inis fro wellwrtte 20 coust asainge lin. multimed a-erharced content. USER INTERACTION ORGANIC CLICK THROUGH ORGANIC CTR FOR RATE POR A KEYWORD ALL KEYWORDS Apage's ior nite'sl organic CTR far s kywerds is ranks Pages that get dicend mare in CTR may geta SERP boost tor thet particar ywond. for may bea humar-based user interaction signal BOUNCE RATE DIRECT TRAFFIC Not eeryene in SEO agrees bounce rate maters, but it may be a may af Ocogle to use their users as quaity testers Ipeges where people quickly bource is probable net very geod. t's confirmed that Oeegle uses tata trom Dacgle Chrome ta debermine whether or et pesple visit a site land how ghenl, Sites wih lots of dict tralfic are likely higher quality then sites that get wery ittie direct traffic. REPEAT TRAFFIC BLOCKED SITES .. They maw ase iask at whether ar eot users go The number of peges teaweak of authanty back te a page erate alter vairg Sites mith repeat visitora may get a SERP boesat. A the wry least a large ite heas dstinguish from thin afate ates. CHROME BOOKMARKS GOOGLE TOOLBAR DATA Search Engne Witch's Deny Goodwin reperts that We kncw that Saugle collects Chrome browser usege data. Pages that get backmarked in Chrome mght get a bcost. Google uses toolbar date as a ranking sgnal. However, besides page loading speed and malwae, it's now kno what kind at data they glean frem the toolbar NUMBER OF COMMENTS TIME ON SITE Google has cofrmec that they irdex certicates It stands te reasen that theyt sreferentialy rank epommerce siteswth SGL certificates Pages wit lets at comments may be a sigral of userinteraction and ouality SPECIAL ALGORITHM RULES QUERY DESERVES FRESHNESS QUERY DESERVES USER BROWSING DIVERSITY HISTORY Goagle givee newer pages a boset for Stesthat youecnty wt whe Google may add siversity to a SERP for ambiguus keywods, uch a certain searchas nigned into Gaagie get a SERP bump Ior vaur searches. USER SEARCH HISTORY GEO TARGETING ain intuence search results tor ater searches. For exampla, ryou search for "reviewe then search tor "teasters", Google is mare likely ta rreetes higher in the SERPs Google gives preterence to shes with a lacal sever Pane country-specitic domain rame estension DMCA COMPLAINTS SAFE SEARCH G00GLE. CIRCLES Search resuits with curse words on Googie shows hger rests tor Gcogie "downanies pages with adt cartent won'tapear tar people authors and stes that you've DMCA complaints with Safe teah uned or added to your Gangle Plu sCircles TRANSACTIONAL SEARCHES DOMAIN DIVERSITY LOCAL SEARCHES The se-salad "Bqt updale supposediy added mare man lpch SERP pege. liaocle sametimen daplays difterent Uccgle ctten plaCes Google- Lacal rmula lar ahopang-related realta sbe the "narmal urgunc kewords, ke tight searches. SERPS. GOOGLE NEWS BOX BIG BRAND PREFERENCE Certain kepwinds trigger a Goagle News bas Ater the Vince Update, Bogle egan gving big brands a boont for certain shart-tasearches Men twot e Yal Visdea her een seven Wretinesen. The SHOPPING RESULTS . Victerins trasutem sayat clem t. Google sometimes dieplays Geoge Shepping results in arganie SERP Te Viecine taie okso tte Tenasiog SINGLE SITE RESULTS FOR BRANDS IMAGE RESULTS Coman or brand-orenled keywerds bring up weral reults from the same se Gaoole elbow our orgarc litnga ler image reulls lar searchas commeniy ued on Google Image Search SOCIAL SIGNALS BB - AUTHORITY OF TWITTER USERS ACCOUNTS ........ NUMBER OF TWEETS . In lieely that Twnets coming from aget, suthority Twiter prafles with aton at tellowers like Jatin iaterl have more of an etfect than tuats from new, low-intuence accounts Like irka, the twents a page han may infuerce ts rank in Soegle NUMBER OF FACEBOOK LIKES FACEBOOK SHARES Mthaugh Congie can't see most Facebook accounte, t's likely they eenniter the number at farebsek en Facebook shares - becane they're mere smilar to abacklink - may hae a stronger intiuence than facebook lie. DRce receies kranieng signal AUTHORITY OF FACEBOOK USER ACCOUNTS: PINTEREST PINS ls with Twiter, Facebcok thares andes Pinterest is an ineanely papular socal media acceunt coming trem popular Facebook pages may pass mere we ght. wn tant of pubic dats It's pmbasiy that Gassis considers Pinteret Pine acis sigral. VOTES ON SOCIAL SHARING SITES NUMBER OP GOOGLE-1'S .. Its possible thet Goagie uses shares at sites like Athough Matt Cutts cone os the ord s saying Reddit, Stumbleupan and Digg as anather type of Google has "no cirect etfect an ranngs, 's hardto socil sgal believe that they'd igrore ther own socal network AUTHORITY OF GOOGLE- VERIFIED GOOGLE- USER ACCOUNTS AUTHORSHIP It's legical that Gaogle would we gh 1's coming trom autheritative accounts more than trom accounts withou many foliowers. in Fearuary 20 Canet , bocgle DEC Enc Schmid tamusty Wthin search results intormaten tied to SOCIAL SIGNAL RELEVANCY verited onlire profies w be ranked higher than content witheut such vercation, whch will ret n most une ars naturay clleng Gengle probatly nes releancy intomation from the tep verfiec resuits. the account charing he cantent and the teat surrouncing the ink Vantied authership may aiready be a trust signal. SITE LEVEL SOCIAL SIGNALS Site-wide social signals my incresse aste's overal atharty, wh ch will increane search esitity tor all ef its page. BRAND SIGNALS BRAND NAME ANCHOR TEXT BRANDED SEARCHES Brandet anchor text is a simple -but streng - trard signal. K's simple: poople search for brands. It people search for your site in Google lie. "Beckinko twimer. Backlinko "ranking facters l, Gcogle kely takes this inte coneideration when determining a brand. SITE HAS PACEBOOK PAGE AND LIKES SITE HAS TWITTER OFFICIAL LINKEDIN " PROPILE WITH POLLOWERS COMPANY PAGE Twiter pretes with a Ist o taloers gnaisa popiar trand. Brands tend to hae Fanebeek pages Mont resl buninsses have company Linkedin pages. EMPLOYEES LISTED LEGITIMACY OP AT LINKEDIN SOCIAL MEDIA ACCOUNTS A secial meda account with 10.000 telowers and 2 posts Rand Fishin thinks thar having Linkedin proties that say they work tor your company is a brand sgnal. s pobably interpreted a nt eitferently than anether 10,000-tollewer strang ceunt wth ots ef interaction BRAND MENTIONS ON NEWS SITES CO-CITATIONS Branda gat mertiored without gut ng linkad ta. Gocgle Really big brands get mertioned on Gaogle Nem es all the time. In tact, some branda ven ha ikety laoka at non-hyperi niad brand mentiors an ther cenn Google News ed on the first e brand sgnal. News for general.motors NUMBER OF RSS SUBSCRIBERS ALmotors savso.nn ad facebook Indien Epress-7 hours ago Gerera Motara ya to nun aa on Pa Branda gat mertiorad without gat ng linkad to. Google Ikely laoka at non-taperi niad brand mentiors asa brand signal WEBSITE IS TAX BRICK AND MORTAR LOCATION WITH GOOGLE- LOCAL LISTING -........ PAYING BUSINESS . . ****** SEOMaz reports that Saogle may leskat whether or rot a Real businesses have offices. a poasible that Gcogle tshes for lcation-data to etermine wheter or nat a ste is ag brard ste is assecianted wtha tas porn busness Tax-payin ON-SITE WEBSPAM FACTORS PANDA PENALTY LINKS TO BAD NEIGHBORHOODS ****** REDIRECTS Linking out to "ad reighoorhoses - Like pharmacy or payday loan sites- Sreaky redrets is a big no-no. I Stes with Low quty contert Iparticularly centent farmal are lass Caught, it can get a ste not just penalized, bat de-indesed visible in search after geng ht by may hurt your search wiity a Pando penaity PAGE OVER OPTIMIZATION * OPTIMIZATON POPUPS OR SITE OVER " DISTRACTING ADS The atical Google Rater Gudelines Includes on-page fwctars ike lemard Many peode repart Ihat - untike Panda - Penguin tarpets indiwdual paga (and even then at for cerlan keywordsl. Document aps that popupe and stufing, heacer tag stufing distractirg ada asign of a ESsive kemard decoration Iaw-ity s ADS HIDING ** ABOVE THE FOLD AFFILIATE LINKS AFFILIATE SITES The "Pace Laycut Aigarithm Coing tae tar wten tryng to hide Ia no secret that Google unt Ihe penalues stes wth lets of ads land foate inka lmpecialy with cloekirg car brirg en penally et murh ualetl atran the frld Ihat stes tha monelue with atale Inss are put under era scruting AUTOGENERATED CONTENT EXCESS PAGERANK SCULPTING Ocogie innta big tan af autagenerated content. H they saspat thul yur ss pumping o computer-generaced content, it couid resalt ina Baing to fer with PageRar sculptng- by klwng nd links ar mest rernal lins may be a sig al subou ef gaming the system penalty or de indeing IP ADDRESS FLAGGED AS SPAM META TAG SPAMMING It your server's IP sed in acged for spam, at may hurt all ofthestes ar that server Kepward stuffing can alno happen in mets tags. inagle thinke you're adng kywrds n yeur meta tagr they may hit your ste COD OFF PAGE WEBSPAM FACTORS UNNATURAL LINK PROPILE WITH HIGH % INFLUX OF LINKS - PENGUIN PENALTY OF LOW QUALITY LINKS ** Sites that ere t by Google Penguin Lete at links frg sources commeniy used by black hat SECe Jike ag comments and farum amties) mar besgd gaming the sptem. are signicantly lass wntle r arch at links is a sure-nre sgn of phony links LINKING UNNATURAL LINKS WARNING . . DOMAIN RELEVANCY The famous aralysis by found that sites with an unnaturaly high ansunt of inks trom unrelated sites were mere susceptible to Penguin. Goegle sent out thousanes of "Goagle Webmaster Tocis notice of detected unratural Unks" messages. Thie USully precedesa ranking drap, although not 100% ot the time. РЕRAENT CP LINка сомтмо РRом WHRSITE IN RAMR NICHE LINKS FROM Sites That Were Penalasd THE SAME CLASS CIP Getting an unnatural amount at linkn from siten an the same server IP may be a sign et blog network link building. "POISON" ANCHOR TEXT Having "poisen" anchor text lespecialy pharmacy keywerdsl pointed to your site may be asign of spam or a hocked site. Ether was, it can hurt your site's ranking MANUAL PENALTY - SELLING LINKS GOOGLE SANDBOX Googie has been kown to hend out manual penaes, lie in the well-pubiciued inter lora fasca, Selling links can del ntely imsact toolar PageRar end may hurt your Lots of irks from sures commaniy used by Mack het SEOS llke bleg camments and forum search wisbiny proflesl may be a sign at gaming the system GOOGLE DANCE DISAVOW TOOL The Google Dernce cen termporiy shake up rankings. Use of the Disavow Teol ay remeva a manual or awa lor e at a site is trying t algerthmic penaty for sites that were the wictins of negative SEO Accurcing la a Bougle Paert, lhes may be a deter game the algarithm RECONSIDERATION REQUEST A successtul reconsideran request can Lit a peraity V SingleGrain BACKLINKE INFOORAPHIC BROUGHT TO YOU BY

2014 Google Seo Ranking Factor- Hummingbird Update

shared by googletakeover on Nov 04
2014 Google Seo Ranking Factor- Hummingbird Update - The key to building backlinks is to take the time to do them properly. The Google Panda update began the process of putting emphasis on the qual...


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