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20 Lame Ant Jokes

20 Lame Ant Jokes What do you call an ant who likes to be alone? What do you call an ant with frog legs? An independant An antphibian! What kind of ant likes math? Where do ants go on vacation? An accountant Frantsi What do you call a 100 year old ant? Where do ants go to eat? An antique! At a restaurantt How many ants does it take to fill an apartment? What do you call an ant from overseas? Tenants! Important! Who is the most famous ant scientist? What do you call an ant that skips school? No school! Albert Antstein! A truant! Why don't anteaters get sick? What do you get when you mix ants with ticks? Because they are full of antibodies! Antics! What do you call an elegant ant? What do you call a fancy ant? Elgant Fancy Fantsy! Elegant What's the biggest ant in the world? Why do ants smell so good? An elephantt Because they wear deodorant What do you call an ant who won't obey? What do you call it when ants run away together? Married OBEY Just Defiant! Antolope! What do you call an ant that won't go away? What do you call a poor ant? Permanant A peasant We're Sorry.. DOMyOwnPestCongrol

20 Lame Ant Jokes

shared by dmopc on May 14
A collection of some of the "punniest" ant jokes you will find on the web.




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