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Working From Home

WORKING FROM HOME: PRODUCTIVITY DRIVER OR DRAINER? Telecommuters are working longer hours now than before the recession, according to a new CareerBuilder survey. But how many are coming up short of a full day's work? HOW MANY AMERICANS TELECOMMUTE REGULARLY? 2011 2007 2011 2007 4% 6% 8% 10% Do you telecommute full time (5-7 days)? Do you telecommute at least once a week? TIME SPENT WORKING IN A TYPICAL FULL-TIME DAY: 18% 43% 24% 15% 2007: Telecommuters 35% 40% 17% 2011: Telecommuters 48% 45% 5% 2% 2011: All Workers 8 hours or more 5-7 hours 2-4 hours 1 hour or less WHERE DO TELECOMMUTERS THINK THEY'RE MORE PRODUCTIVE? at the office 37% at home 29% equally productive at home and at the office 34% WHAT DO TELECOMMUTERS SAY ARE THEIR BIGGEST DISTRACTIONS WHILE WORKING AT HOME? 31% 26% 23% 19% 18% 15% Household TV Pets Errands Internet Children chores WHEN THERE'S NO ONE AROUND TO IMPRESS, MANY TELECOMMUTERS CHOOSE COMFORT OVER STYLE. 30% R OF TELECOMMUTERS TEND TO WORK IN PAJAMAS 41% 22% of female telecommuters of male telecommuters tend to work in pajamas tend to work in pajamas TIPS FOR STAYING PRODUCTIVE WHILE WORKING AT HOME KEEP A NORMAL MORNING ROUTINE. If there's one good thing about a commute, it's that you get a mental transition between home and work life. Get out of bed, dress up, grab breakfast – do anything that will get your mind in the right place. FIND THE BEST SPOT TO WORK. Even if you don't have a dedicated home office, it's important that you find the least distracting place in your home. Don't be tempted by the entertainment system or the recliner. STAY CONNECTED TO COLLEAGUES. It's easier to slack off when you know your colleagues or managers aren't watching. If you're struggling to stay motivated at home, schedule an update meeting or call and talk shop with an office peer to get your mind back on work. PLAN YOUR BREAKS. Schedule time to take care of chores, play with pets, exercise or run a brief errand. You'll be less likely to succumb to quitting work early if you structure the perks of being at home appropriately into your schedule. TAKE YOUR WORK TO A COFFEE SHOP. Working at home can be lonely. If your job allows it, try spending an afternoon in a coffee shop or library. At many spots, you'll likely find contract workers or other telecommuters toiling away as well. careerbuilder Source: CareerBuilder Q3 2011 Employer Survey; 2,654 hiring managers; May 19 - June 8, 2011

Working From Home

shared by rmmojado on Jan 31
Telecommuters are working longer hours now than in pre-recession times, says a new CareerBuilder survey. But are they working hard — or hardly working?



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