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What Does Your Bedroom Say About You?

WHAT DOES YOUR BEDROOM SAY ABOUT YOU? THE COLOUR RED YELLOW BLUE GREEN ENERGY JOY CAL REST Red is a lively and energetic colour that brings excitement to a room. It helps stimulate conversation and Yellow is a joyous and uplifting colour that communicates happiness. But be careful it sometimes stimulates anger in people. Blue has a calming effect, bringing down your blood pressure and respiratory rate. But too much and it will get a bit chilly. Green is the most restful colour of all and brings about a sense of togetherness and comfort. Some people even believe it promotes fertility. makes a great first impression. PURPLE ORANGE NEUTRAL CRIMSON LUXURY ENTHUSIASM FLEXIBILITY RAGE Like red, orange represents enthusiasm and excitement. In ancient times it was believed to heal the lungs and increase energy levels. Neutral means blacks, whites and greys which are very flexible in their use. Some argue every room needs black to ground the colour scheme. Crimson should never be used as the main colour in Purple is rich and luxurious, epitomising sophistication. It can also be dramatic, add depth and encourage creativity in some. a room as it evokes feelings of rage and hostility. It can affect the overall harmony of your home. THE FABRIC QUIRKY Quirky fabrics show a playful and individual style. You might like vintage prints or even a touch of gingham. ANIMAL PRINT Animal prints represent a confident nature. They make a bold statement and show off an individual's wild side. SILK Silk gives an air of class and sophistication. Though not necessarily practical, silks are very sensual. PLAIN Plain fabrics are traditional, functional and perfect for a minimalist look. They might just be there for practical reasons. Get your dream bedroom at... Elite Kitchens & Bedrooms Ltd. Source:,

What Does Your Bedroom Say About You?

shared by jt14972 on Aug 26
The colour scheme of a room represents a mood; while the fabrics say something about an individual's style.


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